
Alabama Printable Free Food Service Posters Alabama Steps for Manual Dishwashing Poster

The Steps for Manual Dishwashing is an Alabama food service poster provided for businesses by the Alabama Department Of Labor. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor.

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In water at least 110˚F
with a good detergent	
Thoroughly in clean
water after washing	
Immersed in at least  
171˚F water for 30 sec-
onds or in approved 
chemical sanitizer	
Scrape, or Soak Air Dry	
Iodine Quaternary Ammonium
Minimum Concentration For Immersion 50 parts per million (ppm) 12.5 - 25.0 ppm 200 ppm
For Power Spray or Cleaning  100 ppm 12.5 - 25.0 ppm200 ppm
or Cleaning in Place
Temperature of Solution 75˚F (23.9˚C)+75˚F - 120˚F (23.9˚C - 48.9˚C) 75˚F (23.9˚C)+
Iodine will leave solution at 120˚F
Time for Sanitizing For Immersion Follow Manufacturer’s Follow Manufacturer’s Follow Manufacturer’s
For Power Spray or Cleaning Instructions InstructionsInstructions
or Cleaning in Place	
Steps for Manual Dishwashing

Get an Alabama all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Alabama and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Alabama and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Alabama Labor Law Posters 12 PDFS provides an additional eleven required and optional Alabama labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Alabama Poster Name Poster Type
Required Workers' Compensation Notice Workers Compensation Law
Required Spanish - Workers’ Compensation Notice Workers Compensation Law
Required UC Partials Poster Unemployment Law
Required Your Job Insurance Unemployment Law
Required Your Rights Under USERRA Miscellaneous Law

List of all 12 Alabama labor law posters

Alabama Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Alabama labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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