International Minimum Wage Rates 2025 provides a database of international minimum wage rates and labor law information for countries around the world. This table provides a summary comparision of international minimum wage rates with a calculated yearly minimum wage rate for each country in International Dollars, a measure of currency based on the United States dollar in 2009.
Minimum Wages Around the World
Click on each country for a factsheet with detailed minimum wage information, labor law details, and a profile of basic facts for each nation listed. tracks minimum wage rates in 195 countries around the world. Please contact us if any of our data is incorrect.
Minumum Wage Map:
Lowest minimum wage
Highest minimum wage
Lowest minimum wage
Highest minimum wage
Country Name | Minimum Wage Rate (Yearly, in USD) |
Afghanistan | N/A |
Albania | N/A |
Algeria | N/A |
Andorra | N/A |
Angola | N/A |
Antigua and Barbuda | N/A |
Argentina | N/A |
Armenia | N/A |
Australia | N/A |
Austria | N/A |
Azerbaijan | N/A |
Bahrain | N/A |
Bangladesh | N/A |
Barbados | N/A |
Belarus | N/A |
Belgium | N/A |
Belize | N/A |
Benin | N/A |
Bhutan | N/A |
Bolivia | N/A |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | N/A |
Botswana | N/A |
Brazil | N/A |
Brunei | N/A |
Bulgaria | N/A |
Burkina Faso | N/A |
Burundi | N/A |
Cambodia | N/A |
Cameroon | N/A |
Canada | N/A |
Cape Verde | N/A |
Central African Republic | N/A |
Chad | N/A |
Chile | N/A |
China | N/A |
Colombia | N/A |
Comoros | N/A |
Costa Rica | N/A |
Croatia | N/A |
Cuba | N/A |
Cyprus | N/A |
Czech Republic | N/A |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | N/A |
Denmark | $44,252.00 |
Djibouti | N/A |
Dominica | $7,909.00 |
Dominican Republic | $1,491.00 |
Ecuador | $5,680.00 |
Egypt | N/A |
El Salvador | $2,187.00 |
Equatorial Guinea | N/A |
Eritrea | $526.00 |
Estonia | $5,709.00 |
Ethiopia | $902.00 |
Federated States of Micronesia | $2,600.00 |
Fiji | $2,600.00 |
Finland | $2,600.00 |
France | $17,701.00 |
Gabon | $3,892.00 |
Georgia | $279.00 |
Germany | N/A |
Ghana | $689.00 |
Greece | $11,454.00 |
Grenada | $6,556.00 |
Guatemala | $2,734.00 |
Guinea | N/A |
Guinea Bissau | $993.00 |
Guyana | $2,540.00 |
Haiti | $817.00 |
Honduras | $7,915.00 |
Hong Kong | $7,932.00 |
Hungary | $6,274.00 |
Iceland | N/A |
India | N/A |
Indonesia | $1,027.00 |
Iran | $6,700.00 |
Iraq | $1,973.00 |
Ireland | $18,965.00 |
Israel | $12,493.00 |
Italy | N/A |
Ivory Coast | N/A |
Jamaica | $4,219.00 |
Japan | $11,254.00 |
Jordan | $2,458.00 |
Kazakhstan | $1,442.00 |
Kenya | $830.00 |
Kiribati | $11,048.00 |
Kosovo | $2,019.00 |
Kuwait | $12,341.00 |
Kyrgyzstan | $251.00 |
Laos | $1,057.00 |
Latvia | $5,333.00 |
Lebanon | $6,344.00 |
Lesotho | $664.00 |
Liberia | N/A |
Libya | $1,785.00 |
Liechtenstein | N/A |
Lithuania | $5,759.00 |
Luxembourg | $19,426.00 |
Madagascar | $981.00 |
Malawi | $494.00 |
Malaysia | $4,735.00 |
Maldives | $3,137.00 |
Mali | $1,284.00 |
Malta | $13,556.00 |
Marshall Islands | N/A |
Mauritania | $2,021.00 |
Mauritius | $1,737.00 |
Mexico | $1,753.00 |
Moldova | $810.00 |
Monaco | N/A |
Mongolia | $2,004.00 |
Montenegro | $1,460.00 |
Morocco | $2,696.00 |
Mozambique | N/A |
Myanmar | $401.00 |
Namibia | N/A |
Nauru | N/A |
Nepal | $1,889.00 |
Netherlands | $19,335.00 |
New Zealand | $16,462.00 |
Nicaragua | $2,218.00 |
Niger | $1,367.00 |
Nigeria | $1,543.00 |
North Korea | N/A |
Norway | N/A |
Oman | $7,000.00 |
Pakistan | $2,484.00 |
Palau | $5,200.00 |
Panama | $4,140.00 |
Papua New Guinea | $3,304.00 |
Paraguay | $6,518.00 |
Peru | $4,342.00 |
Philippines | $2,053.00 |
Poland | $8,088.00 |
Portugal | $9,052.00 |
Qatar | N/A |
Republic of Macedonia | N/A |
Republic of the Congo | N/A |
Romania | $3,734.00 |
Russia | $2,812.00 |
Rwanda | $496.00 |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | $7,954.00 |
Saint Lucia | $1,274.00 |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | $4,574.00 |
Samoa | $2,838.00 |
San Marino | $15,707.00 |
Sao Tome and Príncipe | $747.00 |
Saudi Arabia | $7,585.00 |
Senegal | $1,638.00 |
Serbia | $4,377.00 |
Seychelles | $5,276.00 |
Sierra Leone | $211.00 |
Singapore | N/A |
Slovakia | $6,446.00 |
Slovenia | $9,714.00 |
Solomon Islands | $1,005.00 |
Somalia | N/A |
South Africa | $2,471.00 |
South Korea | $10,955.00 |
Spain | $11,426.00 |
Sri Lanka | $1,619.00 |
Sudan | $1,100.00 |
Suriname | $3,998.00 |
Swaziland | $848.00 |
Sweden | N/A |
Switzerland | $15,457.00 |
Syria | $2,984.00 |
Taiwan | N/A |
Tajikistan | $477.00 |
Tanzania | $1,593.00 |
Thailand | $2,293.00 |
The Bahamas | N/A |
The Gambia | $1,610.00 |
Timor Leste | $5,152.00 |
Togo | $1,283.00 |
Tonga | N/A |
Trinidad and Tobago | $3,898.00 |
Tunisia | $2,959.00 |
Turkey | $7,069.00 |
Turkmenistan | $2,446.00 |
Tuvalu | $2,795.00 |
Uganda | $95.00 |
Ukraine | $2,296.00 |
United Arab Emirates | N/A |
United Kingdom | $22,597.00 |
United States | $15,080.00 |
Uruguay | $3,079.00 |
Uzbekistan | $490.00 |
Vanuatu | $5,254.00 |
Venezuela | $7,310.00 |
Vietnam | $1,002.00 |
Yemen | N/A |
Zambia | $917.00 |
Zimbabwe | N/A |