
Arizona Printable Free Job Safety Law Posters Arizona Work Exposure to MRSA, Spinal Meningitis, or Tuberculosis (TB) Poster Mandatory

The Work Exposure to MRSA, Spinal Meningitis, or Tuberculosis (TB) is an Arizona job safety law poster provided for businesses by the Arizona Industrial Commission. This is a required poster for all Arizona employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This mandatory poster is a informational piece detailing the claims and reporting process for suspected infections arising from employment. It details the timeline and requirements for such claims and who to contact for more information. Certain employees may be able to receive a claim more easily if they meet specific requirements.

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Notice to Employees	 	
Employees  are  notified  that  a  claim  may  be  made  for  a  condition,  infection,  disease  or 
disability  involving  or  related  to  MR	SA,  spinal  meningitis,  or  TB  within  the  provisions  of 	
the  Arizona  Workers’  Compensation  Law.  (A.R.S.  §  23	-1043.04)  Such  a  claim  shall 	
include  the  occurrence  of  a  significant  exposure  at  work,  which  is  defined  to  mean  an 
exposure  in  the  course  of  employment	 to  aerosolized  MRSA,  spinal  meningitis  or  TB 	
bacteria.  Significant  exposure  also  includes  exposure  in  the  course  of  employment  to 
MRSA through bodily fluids or skin.	 	
Certain  classes  of  employees  (as  defined  below)  may  more  easily  establish  a  claim 
relate	d to MRSA, spinal meningitis or TB by meeting the following requirements:	 	
1. The employee’s regular course of employment involves handling or exposure to 
MRSA, spinal meningitis or TB. For purposes of establishing a claim under this 
section,  “employee”  is  li	mited  to  firefighters,  law  enforcement  officers, 	
correction  officers,  probation  officers,  emergency  medical  technicians  and 
paramedics who are not employed by a health care institution; 	 	
2. No later than 	thirty (	30	) calendar 	days after a possible significan	t exposure, the 	
employee reports in writing to the employer the details of the exposure;	 	
3. A diagnosis is made within the following time	-frames:	 	
a. 	For  a  claim  involving  MRSA,  the  employee 	must  be	 diagnosed  with 	
MRSA  within 	fifteen  (	15	) days  after  the  empl	oyee  reports  pursuant  to 	
Item No. 2 above	; 	
b. For a claim involving sp	inal meningitis, the employee must be	 diagnosed 	
with spinal meningitis within two	 (2)	 to eighteen	 (18)	 days of the possible 	
significant exposure; and	 	
c.  For  a  claim  involving  TB,  the  employ	ee  is  diagnosed  with  TB  within 	
twelve	 (12)	 weeks of the possible significant exposure.	 	
Expenses  for  post	-exposure  evaluation  and  follow	-up,  including  reasonably  required 	
prophylactic  treatment  for  MRSA,  spinal  meningitis,  and  TB  is  considered  a  medical 
be	nefit  under  the  Arizona Workers’  Compensation  Act  for  any  significant  exposure  that 	
arises  out  of  and  in  the  course  of  employment  if  the  employee  files  a  claim  for  the 
significant  exposure  or  the  employee  reports  in  writing  the  details  of  the  exposure. 
Pro	viding  post	-exposure  evaluation  and  follow	-up,  including  prophylactic  treatment, 	
does not, however, constitute acceptance of a claim for a condition, infection, disease or 
disability involving or related to a significant exposure.	 	
Employers must post thi	s notice in a conspicuous place next to the Workers’ Compensation Notice to Employees.	 	
 	REV 7/11

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Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Arizona Labor Law Posters 10 PDFS provides an additional nine required and optional Arizona labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Arizona Poster Name Poster Type
Required Notice to Employees (Workers' Compensation) Poster (Bilingual) Workers Compensation Law
Required Notice to Employees: Unemployment Insurance Unemployment Law
Required Earned Paid Sick Time Poster Sick Leave Law
Required Arizona Minimum Wage Act Minimum Wage Law
Required Arizona Minimum Wage Act Spanish Minimum Wage Law

List of all 10 Arizona labor law posters

Arizona Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Arizona labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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