Notice to Employer and Employee
The Notice to Employer and Employee is an Arkansas general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Arkansas Department Of Labor. This notification is required for some employers, such as employers with 4+ employees.
This mandatory poster is a compilation of many of the mandatory Arkansas state labor posters. The section on minimum wage details the wage paid to employees as well as how they are covered. Special attention is noted for student workers, handicapped workers, and overtime pay. The poster contains a section for equal pay as well in accordance with Arkansas law. The child labor section includes guidelines for when and where children are allowed to work. All penalties for violation of such labor laws are listed as well.
ARKANSAS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND LICENSING NOTICE to employer & employee MINIMUM WAGE All employees covered by Arkansas Code 11-4-202 to 11 -4-220 must be paid a minimum wage of at least: $11.00 an hour effective January 1, 2021 with an allowance for gratuities not to exceed $8.3 7 per hour. COVERAGE The Arkansas Minimum Wage applies to an employer of four (4) or more persons. Common exemptions include: *Executive, administrative or professional employees. *Outside commission-paid salesmen. *Students whose work is a part of a bona fide vocati onal training program. *Students who work in the schools they are attending. *Some farm laborers. *Independent contractors. *Employees of the United States. STUDENT RATE Any full-time student attending any accredited institution of education within the Sta te of Arkansas, and who is employed to work an amount not to exceed twenty (20) hours during weeks that school is in session or forty (40) hours during weeks when school is not in session, such rate of wage shall be equal to not less than eighty-five (85%) of the applicable minimum wage provided a Student Certificate of Eligibility is obtained from the Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing. Student workers subject to the 85% provision of the applicable minimum wage rate and a gratuity allowance shall not be paid less than the base wage guaranteed any other employee subject to a gratuity allowance. HANDICAPPED WORKERS The Director has established rules for employment of these workers. For further information contact th e Department of Labor and Licensi ng. STUDENT-LEARNERS A "Student-Learner" is a person who is receiving regular instructions in an accredited school and who is employed on a part-time basis in a bona fide training program. For further information contact the Department of Labor and Licen sing. OVERTIME PAY Overtime compensation must be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the regular hourly rate of pay for hours worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek. This overtime provision shall not be applicable with respect to employers wit h less than 4 employees, or agricultural employees. WORKWEEK A workweek is a regularly recurring period of 168 hours in the form of seven consecutive 24-h our periods. ENFORCEMENT The Director of the Division of Labor or his representatives have the authority to: (a) enter and inspect any place of employment in the State to examine books, payrolls, and records having to do with wages and hours. He may copy these records if necessary and may question any employees to find out if the law is being obeyed; (b) require written or sworn statements from an employer about his employees' earnings and hours of work; and (c) enforce all administrative rules. DEDUCTIONS FROM THE MINIMU M WAGE No deduction from the applicable minimum wage may be made except those authorized or required by law or by rule of the Director of Labor, however, deductions which are not otherwise prohibited and which are for the employee's benefit may be made if authorized in writing by the employee. KEEPING OF RECORDS All employers subject to the Minimum Wage Law must keep accurate records for a period of three (3) years. These records must include the name, address, occupation, rate of pay, hours worked and the amount paid each pay period for all employees covered by the law. In addition, every employer who claims an allowance for tips, board, lodging, apparel or other items or services as part of the applicable minimum wage rate, must maintain daily records showing for each employee the amounts claimed as allowances and must maintain records which will substantiate the amount of tips actually received by the employee or the employer's reasonable cost in supplying items or services to the employee. EQUAL PAY ACT No employer in the State of Arkansas shall discriminate in the payment of wages as between the sexes or shall pay any female in his employ, salary or wage rate less than the rates paid to male employees for comparable work. Provided, however, that nothing in this Act shall prohibit a variation in rates of pay based upon a difference in seniority, experience, training, skill, ability, or difference in duties and services performed, or difference in the shift or time of the day worked, or any other reasonable differentiation except difference in sex. Every employer shall keep and maintain records of the salaries and wage rates, job classifications and other terms and conditions of employment of the persons employed by him and such records shall be preserved for a period of three (3) years. PENALTIES Any employer who willfully hinders or delays the Director or his authorized representative in the performance of his duties in the enforcement of the Minimum Wage Law or of any rule issued under it shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation. For the purpose of this subsection, each such violation shall constitute a separate offense. Any employer who willfully discharges or in any other manner willfully discriminates against any employee because such employee has made any complaint to his employer, to the Director of Labor, or his authorized representative that he has not been paid minimum wages in accordance with the law, or because such employee has caused to be instituted or is about to cause to be instituted any proceeding under or related to the law, or because such employee has testified or is about to testify in any such proceeding shall be deemed in violation of the Minimum Wage Law and shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than fifty dollars ($50.00) and not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each violation. For the purpose of this section, each day the violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. In addition to the civil p en alty, the Director of Labor is authorized to pe tition any court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin or re strain any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or association who violates the provision of the law or any rule. EMPLOYEES REMEDIES The Director o f Labo r may enforce Arkansas minimum wage la w by instituting legal action to recove r any wages due. An employee may bring an action fo r equitable and monetary relie f agains t an employer i f the employe r pays the employee less than the minimum wages , incl uding overtime wages , to which the employee is entitled . The employee shall no t be required to exhaus t administrative remedies before bringing an action. An employee may recover the full amoun t of wages due plus costs and a reasonable attorney’s fee . The employee may also b e awarded an additional amoun t up to bu t no t greater than the amoun t of wages found to be due , to be paid as liquidated damages fo r willful violations. CHILD LABOR After August 1, 2023, permits will no longer be required. NOTE: All state and federal laws regarding work activities and hours will remain in effect and will be enforced. Enhanced civil and criminal penalties for child labor law violations were provided by Act 687 of 2023. State law regulates the employment of minors under the age of 17 . Special provisions govern the employment of children in the entertainment industry, otherwise, children who are 14 and 15 years of age may not work: *More than 8 hours a day. *More than 6 days a week. *More than 48 hours a week. Before 6:00 a.m. nor after 7:00 p.m. except on nights preceding non-school days, such children may work until 9:00 p.m. Children under 14 may not be employed except in the entertainment industry, as newspaper carriers, bat boys or bat girls of professional baseball clubs, sports referees, to hand harvest short season crops, or by their parents or guardians during school vacation. Children who are 16 years of age may not work: *More than 10 consecutive hours in any one day; no more than ten 10 hours in a twenty-four hour period. *More than 6 days a week. *More than 54 hours a week. *Before 6:00 a.m. nor after 11:00 p.m. except that the limitations of 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. shall not apply to children 16 years of age employed on nights preceding non-school days in o cc upations determined by rule of the Arkansas Department of Labor and Licensing to be sufficiently safe for their employment. Provided, however, that no boy or girl between the ages of 16 and 18 shall be subject to the provisions of this Act if: (a) such boy o r girl is a graduate of any high school , vocational school or technical school; (b) such bo y or gir l is marrie d or is a parent. Act 647 of 1987 allows for the employment of children in the entertainment industry provided the child is issued an Entertain ment Work Permit by the Director of Labor. Child labor violations result in a civil money penalty of not less than $10 0.00 and not more than $5 ,000.00 for each violation. IF YOU HAV E QUESTION S CO NCERNING THE ARKANSAS MINIMUM WAGE LAW, TELEPHONE 682-4500. WAG E COLLECTIO N ACT Th e Wag e Collectio n Ac t provide s assistanc e to any employe e in the c ollectio n of wage s du e h im or her for work performed . Wo rk performe d shal l includ e all or an y work or servic e performe d by any person employe d for an y perio d of tim e whe re the wage s or salar y or remuneration s fo r suc h wor k or service s are to be pai d at state d interval s or at th e terminatio n of suc h employmen t, or for physica l work actually performe d by an independen t contracto r, provided tha t th e amoun t in controvers y doe s no t excee d the su m of two thousan d dollar s ($2,000.00) . Employees who need hel p in collectin g wage s du e the m should contact the Arkansas Labor Department and Licensing. THIS POSTER CONTAINS ONL Y A SUMMARY Copies of the complet e laws and ad ministrative rules are available from the Department of Labor and Licensing. ARK ANSAS DEPARTMEN T OF LA BO R AND LICENSING DIVISION O F LA BOR 900 WES T CA PITO L SUIT E 400 LITTL E RO CK, ARKANSA S 72 205 PHO NE (501) 682-4500 F AX ( 501) 682-4506 TDD (80 0) 285 -1131 EMPLOYERS SUBJECT TO THE MINIMUM WAGE ACT ARE REQUIRED TO POST THIS NOTICE IN A CONSPICUO US PLACE FOR ALL EMPLOY EES. 1/21
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More Arkansas Labor Law Posters
6 PDFS provides an additional five required and optional Arkansas labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Arkansas Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Workers’ Compensation Notice and Instructions to Employers and Employees (Form P) | Workers Compensation Law |
Required No Bare-Hand Contact - Glove Use | Food Service |
Required Employee Reporting Requirements & Handwashing | Food Service |
Required Public Employees Chemical Right to Know Act | Job Safety Law |
Required Human Trafficking Poster (Bilingual) | Human Trafficking Law |
List of all 6 Arkansas labor law posters
Arkansas Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated February 2017
- Arkansas Labor Law Poster Page at
- Arkansas Department Of Labor at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Arkansas labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.