
California Printable Free General Labor Law Poster Posters California Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Order #16 Certain On-Site Occupations in the Construction, Drilling, Logging and Mining Poster

The Industrial Welfare Commission (IWC) Wage Order #16 Certain On-Site Occupations in the Construction, Drilling, Logging and Mining is a California general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the California Department Of Industrial Relations. This notification is required for some employers, such as employers in certain on-site occupations in the construction, drilling, logging and mining industries.

This mandatory notice contains ten pages of information dedicated to the laws of wages, hours, and working conditions in the certain on-site occupations in the construction, drilling, logging and mining industry. All ten pages are required to be posted. The notice includes information relative to applicability and exemption of the order, legal definitions, hours and days of work definitions, minimum wages, reporting procedures, disability clauses, records procedures, rest and recover periods, and overall satisfactory working conditions required by the state of California.

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ORDER  NO. 16- 2001  
Effective January 1, 2002 as  amended 	
Sections 4(A) and 10(C) amended and republished by the Department of Industrial  Relations, 
effective January 1, 2024 , pursuant to SB 3, Chapter 4, Statutes of 2016 and section  1182.13 
of the Labor  Code  	
This Order Must Be Posted Where Employees Can Read It  Easily 	
IWC FORM 1114 (Rev.  11/2023 ) 
OSP 06  98774

—	1 	 
TAKE  NOTICE:  To  employers  and  representatives  of  persons  working  in industries  and  occupations  in  the  State  of California:	 The  
Department  of  Industrial  Relations  amends  and  republishes  the  minimum  wage  and meals  and  lodging  credits in  the	
Welfare  Commission ’s  Orders  as  a  result  of  legislation  enacted  ( SB  3 ,  Ch.  4,  Stats  of  2016 ,  amending section 1182.12  of 
the  California  Labor  Code),  and pursuant  of  section  1182.13  of the  California  Labor  Code.  The  amendments  and	
make no other changes to the IWC ’s Orders.  	
This  order  shall  apply  to  all persons  employed  in the  on-site  occupations  of  construction,  including  but  not  limited  to work	 	
involving  alteration,  demolition,  building,  excavating,  renovation,  remodeling,  maintenance,  improvement,  and  repair  work,  and	 work  
for  which  a contractor ’s license  is  required  by the  California Business  and Professions  Code,  Division  3,  Chapter  9, Sections	
 7025  et 
seq.; drilling, including but not limited to all work required to drill, establish, repair, and rework wells for the exploration  or	
 extraction of 
oil,  gas,  or water  resources;  logging work for  which  a timber  operator ’s license  is  required  pursuant  to  California  Public	
 Resources  Code 
Sections  4571  through  4586; and  mining  (not covered  by Labor  Code  Section  750  et seq. ), including  all  work	
 required  to mine and/or  
establish  pits, quarries,  and surface  or underground  mines  for  the  purposes  of  exploration  or extraction	
 of nonmetallic minerals and 
ores, coal, and building materials such as stone and  gravel, whether paid on a time, piece rate,  com -	
 mission, or other basis, except  
(A) 	 The provisions of Sections 3 through 11 shall not apply to persons employed in administrative, executive,  or professional	 	
capacities.  No  person  shall be  considered  to be  employed  in an  administrative,  executive,  or  professional  capacity  unless  the	 	
person is primarily engaged in the duties which meet the test of the exemption, and earns a monthly salary equivalent to not  less	 than  
(2)  two  times  the  state minimum  wage for  full -time  employment.  The duties  that  meet  the test  of  the  exemption  are one  of  the	
set of conditions:  	
(1) 	 The employee is engaged in work which is primarily intellectual, managerial, or creative, and which requires  exercise	 of 
discretion and independent judgment;  or  	
(2)  	 The employee is licensed or certified by  the State of California, and is engaged in the practice of one of the  following	 	
recognized professions: law, medicine, dentistry, optometry, architecture, engineering, teaching, or accounting, or the  employee	 is 
engaged in an occupation that is commonly recognized as a learned or artistic profession; provided,  however, that pharmacists
employed to engage in the practice of  pharmacy, and registered nurses employed to engage in the practice of nursing, shall  not	 be 
considered  exempt professional  employees,  nor shall  they  be  considered  exempt from coverage  for the  purposes  of  this  section	
they individually meet the criteria established for exemption as executive or administrative  employees. 	
(3) 	 To  the  extent  that  there  is no  conflict  with  California  law (Labor  Code  Section  515(e) requires  than  an employee  be 
“p rimarily”  engaged  in exempt  work,  which  means  more  than  one-half of  the  employee’s  work  time.  Thus  the ” primary  duty ” test	
 set forth 
in federal regulations does not  apply.), the duties that meet the test of the administrative and executive exemptions  are	
 defined as set 
forth in the following sections of the Code of Federal Regulations as they existed as of the date of this wage  order:	
 29 C.F.R.  Sections  
541.1 (a) -(c),  541.102,  541.104, 541.105,  541.106,  541.108, 541.109,  541.111, 541.115,  and 541.116  (defining executive  duties); 29 
C.F.R.  Sections  541.2  (a)-(c), 541.201,  541.205,  541.208,  and  541.210  (defining  administrative  duties). 	
(4)  For	 the	 pur poses	 of th is	 se ction,  “fu ll-ti me	 employm	ent ”	 means	 employm ent	 in which	 an	 employee	 is employ ed	 for	 40 hours	 	
per	 w ee k.	 	
(B)  	 Except  as  provided  in Sections  1,  Applicability;  2,  Definitions;  4,  Minimum  Wages;  9,  Meals  and  Lodging;  and  18, Penalties,	 the 
provisions  of this  order  shall  not  apply  to  any  employees  directly  employed  by the  State  or any  political  subdivision  thereof,	
any city,  county, or special  district. 	
(C) 	 The provisions of this order shall not apply to outside  salespersons. 	
(D) 	 The provisions of this order shall not apply to any individual who is the parent, spouse, child, or legally adopted child  of	 the 
(E) 	 The  provisions  of  this  order  shall  not  apply  to  any  individual  participating  in  a  national  service  program,  such  as  Ameri -	 	
Corps,  carried  out  using  assistance  provided  under Section  12571 of Title  42  of the  United  States Code.  (See  Stats.  2000,  ch.  365,	 	
amending Labor Code Section  1171.) 	
(F) 	 This order supersedes any industry or occupational order for those employees employed in occupations covered  by this	 order.  	
O RDER  N O. 16- 2001  

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(A) “A	lternativ e	 work week	 sche du l	e” m eans	 any	 regul arly	 scheduled	 w ork week	 proposed	 by an	 e m plo ye r	 who	 has	 control	 over the	 	
w ages ,	 hours,	 and	 w orking	 condi tions	 of the	 e m plo ye e s,	 and	 rat if ied	 b y an	 e m plo ye e	 w ork	 un it	 in a neut ral	 se cret	 ba llot	 e le ction, that	 	
requ ir es	 an	 e m plo yee	 to w ork	 m ore	 than	 e ight	 (8)	 ho urs	 in a 2 4 -hour	 per iod.	 
(B) “C	
o mmissi	on”	 m eans	 the	 In dustr ial	 Welf are	 Com mission	 of the	 State	 of Ca li fo rn ia.	 
(C) “C	
on str u ction	 o ccupations ”	 mean	 all job	 cla ss if icat io ns	 a sso ciated	 with	 con str u ction,	 in clud ing	 b ut	 not	 lim ited	 to wo rk	 in vo lv ing	 	
a lte rat ion,	 dem olitio n,	 bu ild ing,	 e xc avat ion,	 r eno vat ion,	 r e m ode ling,	 m aintenan ce ,	 im pro ve m ent,	 and	 repa ir	 w ork ,	 by the Cal if o rn ia	 	
B usines s	 and	 Pro fe ssio ns	 Co de,	 Di vision	 3, Chapter	 9, Se ctions	 7025	 et s eq. ,	 and	 any	 oth er	 sim ilar	 or re lated	 o ccu pations	 or tr ade s.	 	
(D) “D	iv isi	on”	 m eans	 the	 Di vision	 of Labor	 Standards	 E nforc em ent	 of the	 State	 of Ca li f o rn ia.	 
(E)  “Drilling  occupations ” mean  all job  classifications  associated with the  exploration  or  extraction  of oil,  gas,  or  water  resources	
including but not limited to the installation, establishment, reworking, maintenance or repair of wells and pumps  by boring,	
excavating,  casting,  cementing  and cleaning  for  the  extraction  or conveyance  of fluids  such  as  water,  steam,  gases,  or	
(F) “E	
m ergen cy”	 m eans	 an	 unp red ict able	 or un avo ida ble	 o ccur ren ce	 at un scheduled	 int erv a ls	 r equ ir ing	 immedi ate	 action.	 	
(G) “Em plo	y ” m eans	 to enga ge,	 su ffe r,	 or per mit	 to work.	 	
(H)  	“Emplo ye e ”	 m eans	 any	 p erson	 e m plo yed	 b y an	 e m plo ye r.	 	
(I)  	 “E	mplo ye r”	 m ea ns	 any	 person	 as d efined	 in Se ction	 18	 o f the	 Labor	 Cod e,	 who	 d ir e ctly	 or indi re ctly ,	 or through	 an	 agent	 or a ny	 	
other	 person,	 e m plo ys	 or e xercises	 c ontrol	 o ver	 the	 w age s,	 hou rs,	 or working	 c on ditions	 of a ny	 person.	 	
(J)  	“Hours	 work e d”	 m eans	 the	 tim e	 dur ing	 which	 an	 em plo ye e	 is subj ect	 to the	 control	 of a n	 e m plo ye r,	 and	 in cludes	 a ll t he	 time the	 	
e m plo yee	 is s uf fered	 or per mitted	 to work,	 wheth er	 or not	 requi red	 to do	 s o.	 	
(K)  	“Logging	 occupations ”	 mean	 any	 w ork	 for	 which	 a ti m be r	 ope rato r’s	 licen se	 is r equi re d	 pursuant	 to Cal if o rn ia	 Pu blic	 Re - sources	 	
Code	 Se ctio ns	 457 1-4586,	 in clud ing	 the	 cut ting	 or r e m oval	 or both	 of ti m ber	 or other	 so lid	 w ood	 forest	 product s,	 in clud in g  Christ mas	 	
tr ee s,	 fr om	 ti m ber lands	 for	 co mmercial	 pur pose s,	 together	 with	 a ll the	 w ork	 that	 is inc idental	 theret o,	 inc lud ing	 b ut	 n ot li mited	 to 	
con str u ction	 and	 m aintenan ce	 o f road s,	 fuel	 br ea ks,	 fire	 brea ks,	 st ream	 c ro ssin gs,	 landi ngs ,	 skid	 tr a il s ,	 bed s	 for	 the	 fa lli n g of	 tree s,	 and	 	
fire	 ha zard	 abat em ent.	 	
(L)  	“M	ining	 o ccupations ”	 mean	 m iners	 and	 other	 a sso ciated	 a nd	 re lated	 o ccupatio ns	 (not	 c o vered	 b y Labor	 Code	 Se ctions	 750  et	 	
seq.)	 requ ir ed	 to engage	 in e xc avat ion	 o r op erat ions	 ab ove	 or be lo w	 g round	 inc lud ing	 w ork	 in m ines ,	 quarri e s,	 or o p en	 pit s ,	 u sed  for	 the	 	
pu rpo ses	 o f exp lo rat ion	 or e xtr a ction	 of non meta ll ic	 m ine ra ls	 and	 or es,	 coa l,	 a nd	 bu ildi ng	 mat er ial s	 su ch	 a s ston e,	 gra ve l, and	 r o ck,	 or 	
other	 m ate ria ls	 intended	 f or	 m anu fa cture	 or s a le ,	 whether	 pai d	 on	 a tim e,	 pie ce	 rat e,	 co mmission,	 or other	 bas is .	 	
(M)  	“M	inor”	 m ean s,	 for	 the	 pu rp o se	 of th is	 ord er,	 a ny	 person	 under	 the	 age	 of 18	 years	 as d efined	 b y Labor	 Code	 Se ctio ns 1285-
 and	 1390 -1399.	 	
(N)  	“O	utside	 sa le spers	on”	 m ea ns	 any	 person,	 18	 years	 of age	 or o ve r,	 who	 cu sto maril y	 and	 regu la rly	 w ork s	 more	 th an	 ha lf the	 	
w orking	 ti m e	 aw ay	 fr o m	 the	 e m plo ye r’s	 p la ce	 o f bu sin ess	 se lling	 tan gib le	 or intang ib le	 ite ms	 or obtain ing	 orde rs	 or cont ra cts  for	 product s,	 	
se rv ices	 or u se	 of fa cili tie s.	 An	 ”out side	 sa le spers	on”	 does	 not	 inc lude	 an	 em plo yee	 who	 m akes	 de liv e ries	 or s e rv ic e cal ls	 f or	 the	 pu rpo se	 	
of in sta lling,	 rep la cing,	 repa ir ing,	 rem oving,	 or se rv icing	 a produc t.	 	
(O) 	 “Primarily”  means more than one- half the employee’s  work time.  	
(P) 	 “R	egu la rly	 scheduled	 w ork wee k”	 m eans	 a schedule	 where	 the	 length	 of the	 sh if t	 and	 the	 n u m be r	 of days	 of w ork	 a re	 pr e- 
de signated	
 pursuant	 to an	 a lt e rnat iv e	 w ork week	 schedul e.	 	
(Q)  	“Split	 s h if	t ” m eans	 a work	 sc hedu le ,	 which	 is inter rupted	 b y non -pa id	 non- working	 pe riods	 e st ablished	 by the	 e m plo ye r, other	 	
than	 bona	 f ide	 rest	 or m eal	 pe riod s.	 	
(R)  	“W	ages”	 are	 as def ined	 b y Ca liforn ia	 Labor	 Code	 Se ction	 200.	 	
(S)  	“W	ork d a	y” and	 “day	” m ean	 any	 cons ecut iv e	 24 -hour	 pe riod	 beg inn ing	 at the	 s a m e	 tim e	 ea ch	 c a lendar	 d ay.	 	
(T)  	“W	ork w ee k”	 and	 “w	ee k”	 m ean	 any	 se ven	 (7)	 con se cut iv e	 d ays ,	 sta rting	 with	 the	 sa me	 ca lendar	 d ay	 ea ch	 w ee k.	 “W ork w ee k”	 is a 	
fix ed	 and	 regula rly	 re cu rring	 pe riod	 of 168	 hou rs,	 se ven	 (7)	 c on se cut iv e	 24 -hour	 p e riod s.	 	
(U)  	“W	ork	 un i	t” m eans	 all none xe m pt	 em plo yees	 of a sing le	 e m plo yer	 with in	 a g iv en	 c ra ft	 who	 share	 a com mon	 wo rk	 si te .	 A  work	 	
un it	 m ay	 con sist	 o f an	 ind iv idual	 e m plo yee	 as long	 as the	 c rite ria	 for	 an	 ident if ia ble	 w ork	 un it	 in th is	 sub se ction	 are	 m et.	 	
(A) Daily Overtime  - General  Provisions  	
(1) 	 The  following  overtime provisions  are  applicable  to employees  18  years  of  age  or over  and  to employees  16  or 17  years	 of 
age  who are  not  required  by law  to  attend  school and  are not  otherwise  prohibited  by law  from  engaging  in the  subject  work.	
employees shall not be employed more than eight (8) hours in any workday or more than 40 hours in any workweek  unless
employee  receives one  and one- half ( 1	1/2)  times  such  employee’s  regular  rate  of  pay  for  all  hours worked  over 40  hours  in  the	 workweek.  
Employment  beyond  eight (8)  hours  in  any  workday  or  more  than  six (6) days  in any  workweek  is  permissible  provided	
 the employee is 
compensated for such overtime at not less  than:  	
(a) 	 One and one- half (1	1/2) times the employee’s regular rate of pay  for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours	 up 
to  and  including  12 hours  in  any  workday,  and  for  the  first eight  (8)  hours worked  on the seventh  (7	th)  consecutive  day  of work	 in a 
workweek;  and 	
(b)  	 Double the employee’s regular rate of pay  for all hours worked in excess of 12 hours in any workday and for  all	 hours 
worked in excess of  eight (8) hours on the seventh (7	th) consecutive day of work in a  workweek. 	
(c) 	 The overtime rate of compensation to be paid to a nonexempt  full-time salaried employee shall be computed  by  using 
one- fortieth (1/40) of the  employee’s weekly salary as the  employee’s regular hourly rate of  pay.  
(B) Alternative Workweek  Schedules  
(1)  No  employer,  who has control  over the wages, hours, and working conditions of employees, shall be deemed to  have	
violated the provisions of Section 3, Hours and Days of Work,  by instituting, pursuant to the election procedures set forth in  this	 order,

—	3 	 
a regularly scheduled alternative workweek pursuant to the following conditions: 
(a)  The  alternative  workweek schedule  shall provide  for work  by  the  affected  employees  of  no  longer  than  ten (10)  hours	
day within a 40 hour workweek without the payment to the affected employees of an overtime rate of compensation pursuant	
 to this  
(b) An affected  employee  working longer than  eight (8)  hours  but  no  more  than  ten (10)  hours  in  a  day  pursuant  to  an	
alternative  workweek schedule  adopted pursuant  to  this  section  shall  be  paid  an overtime  rate of compensation  of not  less  than  one	 and 
one- half (1	1/2) times  the  regular  rate  of pay  of  the  employee  for  any  work  in  excess  of  the  regularly  scheduled  hours established	 by  the 
alternative workweek agreement and for any work in excess of 40 hours per  week.  
(c)  An overtime  rate of compensation  of not  less  than  double  the employee’s  regular  rate  of pay  shall  be  paid  for
work in excess of 12 hours per day and for any work in excess of eight (8) hours on those days worked beyond the regularly	
workdays established  by the alternative workweek  agreement. 	
(d) 	 An  employer  shall  not  reduce  an employee’s  regular  rate  of hourly  pay  as  a  result  of  the  adoption,  repeal  or	 	
nullification of an alternative workweek  schedule.  	
(e) 	 An  employer  shall  make  a  reasonable  effort to  find  a work  schedule  not to  exceed  eight (8)  hours  in  a  workday  to	 	
accommodate any  affected employee who  was  eligible  to vote in  an election authorized  by this  section  and who  is  unable to  work	 the 
alternative schedule established as the result of that election. Employees affected  by a change in work hours resulting  from
adoption  of an  alternative  workweek schedule  shall not  be  required  to work  those  new work  hours  for  at  least  30  days  after  the	
announcement of the final results of the  election. 	
(f) 	 An  employer  shall  be  permitted,  but  not  required,  to  provide  a work  schedule  not  to  exceed  eight (8)  hours  in  a	 	
workday  to  accommodate  any employee  who  was  hired  after  the  date  of the  election  and who is  unable  to work  the  alternative	 	
schedule established as the result of that  election.  	
(g) 	 An employer shall explore any available reasonable alternative means of accommodating the religious belief  or	 	
observance  of an  affected  employee  that conflicts  with  an  adopted  alternative  workweek schedule,  in  the  manner  provided  by	 	
Government Code Section  12940(j). 	
(h) 	 Notwithstanding paragraph (B)(1), subparagraphs (a) -(c), for employees working in offshore oil and gas  production, 
drilling, and servicing occupations, as well as for employees working in onshore oil and gas separation occupations  directly	
offshore operations,  an alternative  workweek schedule  may authorize  work  by  the  affected  employees  of  no  longer  than	
 12 hours  per  
day  within  a 40  hour  workweek  without  the  payment  to  the  affected  employees  of  an  overtime  rate of compensation.	
 Employees  working  
pursuant  to  an  alternative  workweek schedule  adopted pursuant to this  section  shall be  paid  an overtime  rate	
 of compensation of no 
less than two (2) times their regular rate of pay  in excess of the regularly scheduled hours established  by	
 the alternative  workweek 
agreement,  and  for one  and one- half (1	1/2)  times  their  regular  rate  of pay  for  any  work  in  excess  of 40	 hours  per  week.  The  other  
provisions of this  section,  including  those governing  elections,  shall  apply  to  these  occupations.  	
(i)  In  no case  shall  an  alternative  workweek requiring  more than  eight  (8)  hours  of  work  in  a  day  be  utilized  on a public	 works 
contract in violation of Labor Code Sections  1810- 1815. 	
(C) Election  Procedures 
Election  procedures  for  the  adoption  and repeal  of  alternative  workweek schedules  require  the  following:  
(1)  Each proposal for an alternative workweek schedule shall be in the form of a written agreement proposed by  the employer  
who  has  control  over  wages,  hours,  and  working  conditions  of  the  affected  employees,  and  adopted  in a  secret  ballot  election,	
 held before 
the performance of work,  by at least a two- thirds (2/3) vote of the affected employees in the work unit. The  proposed	
 agreement must  
designate  a regularly  scheduled  alternative  workweek in  which  the  specified  number of  work  days  and  work  hours	
 are  regularly  recurring.  
The  employer may  propose  a  single  work  schedule  that would  become  the  standard  schedule  for workers	
 in  the  unit,  or  a  menu  of work  
schedule  options, from  which  each  employee  in the  unit  would  be  entitled  to choose.  If  the  employer	
 proposes a menu of work schedule 
options, the employee  may, with the approval of the  employer, move from one menu option  to	
(2) 	 The  election  shall be  held  during  regular working  hours  at the  employees’  work  site.  Ballots  shall  be mailed  to  the  last	 	
known  address  of  all  employees  in  the  work  unit  who  are  not  present  at  the  work  site  on  the  day of  the  election  but have  been	 	
employed by the employer within the last 30 calendar days immediately preceding the day of the  election. 	
(3) 	 Prior to the secret ballot vote, any employer who proposes to institute an alternative workweek schedule shall  make	 a 
disclosure  in  writing  to  the  affected  employees,  including  the  effects  of  the  proposed  arrangement  on  the  employees’  wages,	
and benefits. Such a disclosure shall include meeting(s), duly noticed, held at least 14 days prior to voting, for the  specific	
 purpose of 
discussing  the  effects  of  the  alternative  workweek schedule.  An  employer  shall  provide  the  disclosure  in  a  non- English	
 language, as 
well as in English, if at least five (5) percent of the affected employees primarily speak that non- English language.	
 Notices shall  be  
mailed  to the last  known address  of  all  employees  in  the  work  unit  in accordance  with provision  (2) above.  Failure	
 to comply with this 
paragraph shall make the election null and  void. 	
(4) 	 Any  election  to establish  or  repeal  an  alternative  workweek  schedule  shall be  held  during  regular  working  hours at  the	 work 
site of the affected employees. The employer shall bear the costs of conducting any election held pursuant to this  section.	
 Upon  a 
complaint  by  an  affected  employee,  and  after an  investigation  by the  labor  commissioner,  the  labor  commissioner  may	
 require the 
employer to select a neutral third party to conduct the  election. 	
(5) 	 Any  type  of alternative  workweek schedule  that is  authorized  by the  Labor  Code  may  be  repealed  by the  affected	 	
employees. Upon a petition of one- third (1/3) of the affected employees, a new secret ballot election shall be held, provided  six (6) 
months  have  passed  since the  election  authorizing  the alternative  workweek. A  two -thirds  (2/3)  vote  of the  affected  employees  shall  be  
required  to reverse  the  alternative  workweek schedule.  The  election  to repeal  the  alternative  workweek schedule  shall be held not more 
than 30 days after the petition is submitted to the  employer. 	
(6)  	 If the  number  of  employees  who are  employed  for at  least  30  days  in  the  work  unit  that  adopted  an alternative  workweek	 	
schedule increases  by 50 percent above the number who voted to ratify the employer -proposed alternative workweek  schedule,	 the 
employer must conduct a new ratification election pursuant to the rules contained in  subsection (C).

—	4 	 	
(7) 	 The results of any election conducted pursuant to this order shall be a public document and shall be reported by  the	 	
employer  to  the  Office  of Policy,  Research  and Legislation  within 30 days  after  the  results  are  final.  The  report  of  the  election	 results  
shall  also  be  posted  at  the  job site  in  an  area  frequented  by employees  where  it may  easily  be read  during  the workday.	
 The report 
shall include the final tally of the vote, the size of the unit, and the nature of the business of the employer.  Employees	
 participating in 
the  election  shall be free  from  intimidation  and coercion.  However,  nothing  in this  section  shall prohibit  an  employer	
 from expressing its 
position concerning that alternative workweek to the affected employees. No employees shall be  discharged	
 or discriminated  against 
for  expressing  opinions concerning  the alternative  workweek election  or for  opposing  or supporting  its	
 adoption or repeal. The labor 
commissioner shall investigate any alleged violation of this section and shall upon finding a  serious	
 violation render the alternative 
workweek schedule null and  void. 
(D)  Combination of  Overtime Rates. Nothing in this section requires an employer to combine more than one rate of  overtime	
compensation in order to calculate the amount to be paid to an employee for any hour of overtime  work. 
(E)  Nondiscrimination. No employee shall be terminated, disciplined or otherwise discriminated against for refusing to  work	
than 72 hours in any workweek, except in an emergency as defined in Section 2 (F)  above.  
(F) Makeup Time.  If an  employer  approves  a  written  request  of  an  employee  to make  up  work  time  that is  or would  be lost
 as a  
result  of  a  personal  obligation  of the  employee,  the  hours  of  that  makeup  work  time,  if performed  in the  same  workweek  in	
 which  the 
work  time  was lost,  may  not  be  counted  toward computing  the total  number  of  hours  worked  in  a  day  for  purposes  of  the
requirements, except for hours in excess of 11 hours of work in one (1) day or 40 hours of work in one (1) workweek.  If	
 an employee 
knows in advance that he/she will be requesting makeup time for a personal obligation that will recur at a fixed  time	
 over a  succession  
of  weeks,  the  employee  may  request  to  make  up  work  time  for  up  to four  (4)  weeks  in  advance;  provided,	
 however, that the makeup  
work  must  be  performed  in the  same  week that  the  work  time  was lost.  An employee  shall  provide  a	
 signed written request for each 
occasion that the employee makes a request to make up work time pursuant to this  subsection.	
 While  an  employer  may  inform  an  
employee  of this  makeup  time option,  the employer  is prohibited  from encouraging or  otherwise	
 soliciting an employee to request the 
employer’s  approval to take personal time off and make up the work hours within the  same	
 workweek pursuant to this subsection. (See 
Labor Code Section  513.) 	
(G) One  Day’s  Rest in Seven. The provisions of Labor Code Sections 551 and 552 regarding one (1)  day’s rest in seven  (7)	 shall  
not  be  construed  to prevent  an  accumulation  of days  of  rest  when  the nature  of the  employment  reasonably  requires  the	
to  work  seven  (7)  or more  consecutive  days; provided,  however,  that  in  each  calendar  month,  the  employee  shall receive	
 the equivalent 
of one (1)  day’s rest in  seven (7).  
(H) Collective Bargaining  Agreements 
(1) Subsections  (A),  (B),  (C),  (D),  and  (E) of Section  3, Hours  and  Days  of  Work,  shall  not apply  to  any  employee  covered	
 by a 
valid collective bargaining agreement if the agreement expressly provides for the wages, hours of work, and working  conditions of  the 
employees,  and  if the  agreement  provides  premium  wage  rates  for  all  overtime  hours worked  and a regular  hourly  rate	
 of pay  for  those  
employees  of not less  than  30 percent  more  than  the state  minimum  wage.  (See  Labor  Code  Section  514). 
(2)  Subsection  (F) of Section  3, Hours  and  Days  of  Work,  shall  apply  to  any  employee  covered by a  valid  collective	
bargaining agreement unless the collective bargaining agreement expressly provides  otherwise.  
(A) 	 Every employer shall pay to each employee wages not less than the following:  	
(1) 	 All employers, regardless of the number of employees, shall pay to each employee:  
(a)      Sixteen dollars ($16) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2024, and 
(b)      Fifteen dollars and fifty cents ($15.50) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2023 	
(2) 	 Prior to January 1, 2023, any employer who employs 26 or more employees shall pay to each employee wages not 
less than the following:  
(a)      Fifteen dollars ($15.00) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2022, and 
(b)   Fourteen dollars ($14.00) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2021. 	
(3) 	 Prior to January 1, 2023, any employer who employs 25 or fewer employees shall pay to each employee wages not less 
than the following:  
(a)      Fourteen dollars ($14.00) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2022, and 
(b)    Thirteen dollars ($13.00) per hour for all hours worked, effective January 1, 2021. 
Employees  treated as employed by a single  qualified taxpayer  pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 23626 are	
 treated as 
employees of that single  taxpayer.  	
(A) 	 All  employer -mandated  travel that  occurs  after  the  first  location  where the employee’s  presence  is required  by the  employer	 shall  
be  compensated  at  the  employee’s  regular  rate  of pay  or,  if  applicable,  the  premium  rate  that may  be  required  by  the  provisions	
 of Labor 
Code Section 510 and Section 3, Hours and Days of Work,  above.  	
(B) 	 Each  workday  that  an  employee  is required  to  report  to  the  work  site  and  does  report,  but  is  not  put  to  work  or  is  furnished	 less  
than  half of his/her  usual  or  scheduled  day’s work,  the  employer  shall  pay  him/her  for half  the  usual  or  scheduled  day’s work,	
 but  in  no 
event  for less  than  two (2)  hours  nor  more  than  four (4)  hours  at  the  employee’s  regular  rate  of pay,  which  shall  not  be	
 less than the 
minimum  wage.  	
(C) 	 The foregoing reporting time pay provisions are not applicable  when: 
(1) 	 Operations  cannot  commence  or continue  due to  threats  to  employees  or  property;  or  when  recommended  by civil	 	
authorities;  or  	
(2)  	 Public  utilities  fail  to  supply  electricity,  water,  or gas,  or  there  is a failure  in the  public  utilities,  or  sewer  system;  or  	
(3)  	 The interruption of work is caused  by an Act of God or other cause not within the employer’s  control.  	
(D) 	 Collective  Bargaining  Agreements.  This  section  shall apply  to  any  employees  covered  by a  valid  collective  bargaining

—	5 	 
agreement unless the collective bargaining agreement expressly provides otherwise.  
(A) 	 Every  employer  who  has  control  over  wages,  hours,  or  working  conditions  shall  keep  accurate  information  with respect  to	 each 
employee, including the  following: 
(1)  The  employee’s  full  name,  home  address,  occupation,  and  social  security  number.  The employee’s  date  of  birth,  if  under
years of age, and designation as a minor.  Time records showing when the employee begins and ends each work period.  Meal	
split shift intervals, and total daily hours worked shall also be recorded. Meal periods during which operations cease  and	
rest periods need not be  recorded. 
(2)  Total  wages  paid  each payroll  period,  including  value of  board,  lodging,  or  other  compensation  actually furnished  to the	
(3)  Total  hours worked during the payroll period and applicable rates of  pay. This information shall be made readily  avail-	
to the employee upon reasonable request. When a piece rate or incentive plan is in operation, piece rates or an  explanation
 of  the  
incentive  plan formula  shall be  provided  to employees.  An  accurate  production  record shall  be  maintained  by the  employer.  	
(B) 	 Every  employer  who  has  control  over  wages,  hours,  or  working  conditions  shall  semimonthly  or  at  the  time  of each  payment	 of 
wages furnish each employee an itemized statement in writing showing: (1) all deductions; (2) the inclusive dates of the  period
which the employee is paid; (3) the name of the employee or the  employee’s social security number; and (4) the name of  the	
provided  all deductions  made  on  written  orders of  the  employee  may be  aggregated  and shown  as one  item.  (See  Labor	
 Code  Section 
226.)  This  information  shall be  furnished  either separately  or  as  a  detachable  part  of  the  check,  draft,  or  voucher
 paying the 
employee’s  wages.  	
(C) 	 All  required  records shall  be  in  the  English  language  and in  ink  or  other  indelible  form, dated  properly,  showing month,	 day 
and  year.  The employer who has control over wages, hours, or working conditions shall also keep said records on file at  the	
 place  of 
employment  or  at  a  central  location  for at  least  three  years.  An  employee’s  records  shall  be available  for inspection  by  the	
upon reasonable request.  	
(D) 	 Employers  performing  work on  public  works  projects  should  refer to  Labor  Code  Section  1776 for additional  payroll	 	
reporting requirements.  
No employer  shall  collect  or  deduct  from  any  employee  any  part  of  the  wages  that  are  paid  unless  such  deductions  are	 allowed 
by  law.  (See  Labor Code  Sections 220- 226.)  No  fee  shall  be  charged  by  the  employer  or  agent  of the  employer  for  cashing
 a  payroll  
(A) W hen	 the	 e m plo ye r	 requi res	 un if o rm s	 to be	 worn	 b y the	 e m plo yee	 as a cond ition	 o f e m plo ym ent,	 su ch	 un if o rm s	 sha ll	 be 
p ro vided	
 and	 m ainta ined	 b y the	 e m plo ye r.	 T he	 te rm	 ”uni fo r	m ” includes	 w ear ing	 appar el	 and	 acce ss or ies	 of d istinc tiv e	 de sign	 or co lo r.	 	
(B)  	When the employer requires the use of tools or equipment or they are necessary for the performance of a  job, such  tools	 and  
equipment  shall  be  provided  and  maintained  by the  employer,  except that  an  employee  whose wages are  at  least  two  (2)  times
minimum  wage may  provide and maintain hand tools  and equipment  customarily  required by  the particular  trade or craft  in	
with Labor Code Section  2802. 	
(A) 	“M	eal”	 m eans	 an	 adequat e,	 w ell-ba lan ced	 se rv ing	 of a va riety	 of who le so m e,	 nut ritio us	 foods .	 	
(B) 	“Lodgi	ng”	 means	 liv ing	 accom modations	 ava ila ble	 to the	 e m plo yee	 for	 f u ll-ti m e	 occupancy	 which	 are	 adequat e,	 de cent,	 and 
san ita ry	
 a ccording	 to u sual	 a nd	 cu sto mary	 s tandards .	 Emp lo yees	 s hal l	 not	 be	 requ ir ed	 to s hare	 a bed.	 	
(C)  	 Meals or lodging  may not be credited against the minimum wage without a voluntary written agreement between the  employer 
and the employee. When credit for meals or lodging is used to meet part of the employer’s minimum wage  obligation, the	
 amounts so 
credited may not be more than the  following: 	
EFFECTIVE:	  	JANUARY 1, 2021	 	JANUARY 1, 2022	 	JANUARY 1, 	2023	 	JANUARY 1, 	2024	 	For an employer who employs:	 	26 or	 	More Employees  	25 or Fewer  Employees 	26 or	 	More Employees	 	25 or 	 	Fewer  
Employees  	All Employers regardless of 
number of 
All Employers regardless of number of 
Room occupied alone	 	$65.83	 	/week  	$61.13	 	/week 	$70.53	 	/week 	$65.83	 	/week 	$72.88	 	/week 	$75.23	 	/week 	
Room shared	 	$54.34	 	/week 	$50.46	 	/week 	$58.22	 	/week 	$54.34	 	/week 	$60.16	 	/week 	$62.10	 	/week 	
Apartment 	? two thirds (2/3) of the ordinary 	rental value, and in no  event more than: 	$790.67	 	/month 	$734.21	 	/month 	$847.12	 	/month 	$790.67	 	/month 	$875.33	 	/month 	$903.60	 	/month 	
Where a 	couple are both employed by the 	employer, two thirds (2/3) of the ordinary rental value, and in no event more than:	 	
$1,169.59	 	/month 	$1,086.07	 	/month 	$1,253.10	 	/month 	$1,169.59	 	/month 	$1,294.83	 	/month 	$1,336.65	 	/month 	
Breakfast	  	$5.06	 	$4.70	 	$5.42	 	$5.06	 	$5.60	 	$5.78

—	6 	 	
Lunch	 	$6.97	 	$6.47	 	$7.47	 	$6.97	 	$7.72	 	$7.97	 	
Dinner	 	$9.35	 	$8.68	 	$10.02	 	$9.35	 	$10.35	 	$10.68	 	
(D) 	 Meals  evaluated  as part  of  the  minimum  wage  must be  bona  fide meals  consistent  with  the  employee’s  work  shift.	 Deductions 
shall not  be made for meals not received or lodging not  used.  	
(E) 	 If, as a condition of employment, the employee must live at the place of employment or  occupy	 quarters owned or under the 
control of the  employer, then the employer  may not charge rent in  excess	
 of the values listed  herein. 	
(A) 	 No employer shall employ any person for a work period of more than five (5) hours without a meal period of not less  than	 30 
minutes,  except  that  when  a work  period  of not  more  than  six (6)  hours  will  complete  the day’s  work  the  meal  period  may be	
by  mutual consent of employer and employee. (See Labor Code Section  512.) 	
(B) 	 An  employer  may  not  employ  an  employee  for a  work  period  of more  than  ten (10)  hours  per  day  without  providing  the	 	
employee with a second meal period of not less than 30 minutes, except that if the total hours worked is no more than 12  hours,	 the 
second  meal period  may  be  waived  by mutual  consent  of  employer  and  employee  only  if  the  first meal  period  was not  waived.
Labor Code Section  512.) 	
(C) 	 In all places  of  employment  the  employer  shall  provide  an adequate  supply of  potable  water, soap,  or  other  suitable  cleansing 
agent and single use towels for hand  washing. 	
(D)  Unles s	 the	 em plo yee	 is r e lie ved	 of a ll duty	 du ring	 a 30	 m in ute	 m eal	 pe riod,	 the	 m eal	 per iod	 sha ll	 be	 con sidered	 an	 “on  	dut y”	 m eal	 	
pe riod	 and	 counted	 as ti m e	 work ed.	 An	 “o	n dut y”	 meal	 per iod	 shal l	 be	 perm itted	 on ly	 when	 the	 natur e	 of the	 work	 p re vents e mplo yee	 	
fr om	 be ing	 r e lie ve d	 of all duty	 and	 when	 by w ritten	 a gree ment	 between	 the	 pa rties	 an	 on -the -job	 pai d	 meal	 pe riod	 is a greed	 to and	 	
c o m plies	 with	 Labor	 Code	 Se ction	 512.	 	
(E)  	 Collective  Bargaining  Agreements.  Subsections  (A),  (B),  and  (D) of Section  10, Meal  Periods,  shall  not  apply  to  any  employee	 	
covered  by a  valid  collective  bargaining  agreement if  the  agreement  expressly  provides for  the  wages,  hours  of  work,  and  working	 	
conditions  of  the  employees,  and  if the  agreement  provides  premium  wage  rates for  all  overtime  hours worked  and a  regular  hourly	 rate 
of pay for those employees of not less than 30 percent more than the state minimum  wage.  	
(F) 	 If an employer fails to provide an employee a meal period in accordance with the applicable provisions of this  order, the	 	
employer  shall  pay  the  employee  one (1)  hour  of  pay  at  the  employee’s  regular  rate  of compensation  for each  workday  that  the  meal	 period  
is  not  provided.  In  cases  where  a  valid  collective  bargaining  agreement provides  final  and  binding  mechanism  for  resolving	
regarding enforcement of the meal period provisions, the collective bargaining agreement will  prevail.  	
11.   REST  PERIODS  	
(A) 	 Every employer shall authorize and permit all employees to take rest periods, which insofar as practicable shall be in  the	 	
middle of each  work  period.  Nothing  in this  provision  shall prevent  an  employer  from  staggering  rest periods  to  avoid  interruption  in	 the 
flow  of  work  and  to maintain  continuous  operations,  or  from  scheduling  rest periods  to  coincide  with  breaks  in  the  flow  of  work	
 that  occur  
in  the  course  of  the  workday.  The  authorized  rest period  time shall  be based  on the  total  hours  worked  daily at  the  rate  of	
 ten (10)  minutes  
net  rest  time  for every  four  (4)  hours  worked,  or  major  fraction  thereof. Rest  periods  shall  take  place  at employer	
 designated areas, 
which may  include or be limited to the employees’ immediate work  area.  	
(B) 	 Rest  periods  need  not be  authorized  in limited circumstances  when the  disruption of  continuous  operations  would  jeopardize 
the product or process of the work. However,  the employer shall make up the missed rest period within the same workday  or	
compensate  the employee  for the  missed  ten (10)  minutes  of rest  time  at his/her  regular  rate of pay  within  the same  pay period.  	
(C) 	 A rest  period  need  not be  authorized  for employees  whose  total  daily  work  time  is less  than  three  and one- half (3 1/2)  h ours.  
Authorized  rest period  time shall be  counted  as hours worked  for which  there  shall be  no deduction  from wages.  	
(D) 	 If an  employer  fails  to  provide  an employee  a rest  period  in accordance  with the  applicable  provisions of  this  order,  the	 	
employer  shall  pay  the  employee  one (1) hour  of  pay  at  the  employee’s  regular  rate  of compensation  for each  workday  that  the  rest	 period 
is  not  provided.  In  cases  where  a valid  collective  bargaining  agreement provides  final  and  binding  mechanism  for  resolving	
regarding enforcement of the rest period provisions, the collective bargaining agreement will  prevail.  	
(E) 	 This  section  shall not apply  to  any  employee  covered by a  valid  collective  bargaining  agreement  if  the  collective  bargaining	 	
agreement provides equivalent  protection.  
12.  SEATS  	
Where practicable  and consistent  with  applicable  industry-wide  standards,  all  working  employees  shall  be  provided  with suitable	 seats 
when the nature of the process and the work performed reasonably permits the use of seats. This section shall not  exceed	
promulgated by the Occupational Safety and Health Standards  Board.  	
The temperature  maintained in each  interior  work  area  shall  provide  reasonable  comfort consistent  with  industry -wide  standards	 for  
the  nature  of the  process  and  the work  performed.  This  section  shall not  exceed  regulations  promulgated  by the  Occupational	
and Health Standards  Board.  	
Where practicable and consistent with applicable industry -wide standards, adequate elevators, escalators, or similar  service	 	
consistent  with  industry -wide  standards  for  the nature of  the process  and  the  work  performed,  shall be  provided  when employees are  
employed  60 feet  or  more  above  or below  ground  level.  This  section  shall not exceed  regulations  promulgated  by  the  Occupational 
Safety and Health Standards  Board.

—	7 	 
If, in  the  opinion  of the  Division  after  due  investigation,  it  is  found  that the  enforcement  of  any  provision  contained  in Section  6,	 	
Records;  Section 11, Rest  Periods;  Section  12, Seats;  Section  13, Temperature;  or Section  14, Elevators,  would  not  materially  affect	 the  
welfare  or comfort  of employees  and  would  work an  undue  hardship  on the  employer,  exemption may  be made  at the  discretion	
 of the 
Division. Such exemptions shall be in writing to be effective and may  be revoked after reasonable notice is given in writing.	
for  exemption  shall be  made  by  the  employer  or  by  the  employee  and/or the  employee’s  representative  to the  Division  in	
 writing.  A copy  
of the  application  shall be  posted  at the  place  of employment  at  the  time the  application  is filed  with the  Division.  	
(See California Labor Code, Section  1174(a)) 	
(See California Labor Code, Section  1174) 	
(A) Penalties  for  Violations  of  the  Provisions  of this  Order.  Any  employer  or  any  other  person  acting on behalf  of  the  employer	 who 
violates, or causes to be violated, the provisions of this  order, shall be subject to civil and criminal penalties as provided  by	
 law. In 
addition, violation of any provision of this order shall be subject to a civil penalty as  follows:  
(1)  Initial Violation -  $50.00 for each underpaid employee for each pay  period during which the employee was underpaid	
addition to the amount which is sufficient to recover unpaid  wages. 
(2)  Subsequent Violations  - $100.00 for each underpaid employee for each  pay period during which the employee  was
underpaid in addition to an amount which is sufficient to recover unpaid  wages. 
(3)  The  affected  employee  shall receive  payment  of  all  wages  recovered.  The  labor  commissioner  may  also  issue  citations	
pursuant to California Labor Code Section 1197.1 for non- payment of wages for overtime work in violation of this order. 
(B)  Penalties for Violations of Child Labor Laws. Any employer or other person acting on behalf of the employer is subject  to	
penalties of from $500 to $10,000 as well as to criminal penalties for violation of child labor laws. (See Labor Code  Sections	
 1285 to 
1312 and 1390 to 1399 for additional restrictions on the employment of minors and for descriptions of criminal and  civil	
 penalties for 
violation of the child labor laws.) Employers should inquire at local school districts about any required work  permits	
 required for minors 
attending school.  
(In addition, see California Labor Code, Section  1199) 	
If the  application  of any  provision  of  this  order,  or  any  section,  subsection,  subdivision,  sentence,  clause,  phase,  word, or  portion	 of 
this order should be held invalid or unconstitutional or unauthorized or prohibited by statute, the remaining provisions  thereof	
 shall not  
be  affected  thereby, but  shall  continue  to be  given  full  force  and  effect  as if  the  part  is held  to be  invalid  or  unconstitutional	
 had not been 
included  herein. 	
Every employer  shall  keep a  copy of  this  order  posted  in  an  area  frequented  by employees  where  it may  be easily  read  during	 the 
workday.  Where  the location of  work or  other  conditions  make  this impractical, every  employer shall  keep a  copy of  this  order,	
 and make 
it  available  to every  employee  upon request.  	
Welfare Commission  orders  and  reports  of  violations  should  be	 	
directed  to the  Labor  Commissioner's  Office. A  listing of  offices  is  on	 	
the  back  of  this  wage  order.  For the  address  and  telephone  number	 	
of the office nearest you, information can be found on the internet  at  or under a search for	 	
"California Labor Commissioner's Office" on the internet or  any	 	
other  directory.  The Labor  Commissioner  has  offices  in  the  following	 	
cities: Bakersfield, El Centro, Fresno, Long Beach, Los  Angeles,	 	
Oakland, Redding, Sacramento, Salinas, San Bernardino,  San	 	
Diego,  San Francisco,  San  Jose,  Santa  Ana, Santa  Barbara,  Santa	 	
Rosa, Stockton, Van  Nuys. 	

—	8 	 
For further information or to file your complaints, visit or  contact the State of California  at the following department offices:   California Labor  Commissioner's  Office , also  known  as,  Division  of  Labor  Standards  Enforcement  (DLSE)   
BAKERSFIELD  Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	REDDING Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	SAN JOSE  Labor Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	7718 Meany	 Ave.	 	Bakersfield, CA   93308 
661 -587 -3060  	250 Hemsted Drive, 2nd 	Floor, Suite	 A 	Redding, CA   96002 530-225 -2655  	
224 Airport Parkway, Suite 300	 	San Jose, CA   95110 
408 -277 -1266  	
Labor  Commissioner's  Office/DLSE  
1550 W. Main  St. 
El Centro, CA  92243  
760 -353 -0607  	 	SACRAMENTO  
Labor  Commissioner's  Office/DLSE  
2031 Howe Ave, Suite  100 
Sacramento, CA  95825  
916 -263 -1811  	 	SANTA  ANA 
Labor Commissioner's  Office/DLSE  
 2 MacArthur Place Suite 800	 
Santa Ana, CA   9270 7 
714 -558 -4910  	
Labor  Commissioner's  Office/DLSE  
770 E. Shaw Ave., Suite 222	 	
Labor  Commissioner's  Office/DLSE	  	950	 E. Blanco	 Rd.,	 Suite	 204	 	
Labor Commissioner's  Office/DLSE  
411 E. Canon 	Perdido, 	Room	 3 	Fresno, CA 	 93710	 	Salinas, CA	 93901	 	Santa Barbara, CA 	 93101	 	559	-244	-5340	 	831	-443	-3041	 	805	-568	-1222	 	
Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	1500 Hughes Way, Suite C	-202	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	464 West 4	th  Street, Room	 348	 	SANTA	 ROSA	 	Labor Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	Long Beach, CA 	 908	10 	San Bernardino, CA 	 92401	 	50 ?D? Street, Suite	 360	 	562	-590	-5048	 	909	-383	-4334	 	Santa Rosa, CA 	 95404	 	
 	 	707	-576	-2362	 	
LOS	 ANGELES	 	SAN	 DIEGO	 	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	STOCKTON	 	320	 W. Fourth	 St.,	 Suite	 450	 	7575 	Metropolitan	 Dr., Room	 210	 	Labor Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	Los Angeles,  CA	 90013	 	San Diego, CA 	 92108	 	3021 Reynolds Ranch Parkway, Suite 160	 	213	-620	-6330	 	619	-220	-5451	 	Lodi, California 95240	 	
 	 	209	-948	-7771	 	
OAKLAND	 	SAN	 FRANCISCO	 	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	1515	 Clay	 Street,	 Room	 801	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	455 Golden Gate Ave. 10	th  Floor	 	VAN	 NUYS	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/DLSE	 	Oakland,  CA	 94612	 	San Francisco, CA 	 94102	 	6150 Van 	Nuys 	Boulevard, Room	 206	 	510	-622	-3273	 	415	-703	-5300	 	Van Nuys, CA 	 91401	 	
 	 	818	-901	-5315	 	
OAKLAND	 – HEADQUARTERS	 	 	 	Labor	 Commissioner's	 Office/	DLSE	 	 	 	1515	 Clay	 Street,	 Room	 1302	 	 	 	 Oakland, CA	 94612	 	 	 	510	-285	-2118	 	 	 	[email protected]	 	 	 	
EMPLOYERS: Do not send copies of your  alternative workweek	 	election ballots or election  procedures.  
Only the results of the alternative workweek  election	
 	shall be mailed  to: 
 	Department of Industrial  Relations  
Office of Policy, Research and  Legislation 
P.O.  Box 420603  
San Francisco, CA  94142 -0603	
 	(415)  703 -4780 	
Prevailing Wage Hotline (415)  703 -4774

Get a California all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory California and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all California and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for February 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More California Labor Law Posters 34 PDFS provides an additional 33 required and optional California labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

California Poster Name Poster Type
Required Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Poster Workplace Violence Law
Required Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet Workers Rights Law
Required Sexual Harassment Facts Poster Workers Rights Law
Required Notice to Employees - Injuries caused by Work Workers Compensation Law
Required Whistleblower Notice Whistleblower Law

List of all 34 California labor law posters

California Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of California labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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