California Minimum Wage Poster Mandatory
The Minimum Wage Poster is a California minimum wage law poster provided for businesses by the California Department Of Industrial Relations. This is a required poster for all California employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This mandatory poster is a brief summary of California's Minimum Wage per hour in 2008, 2014, and 2016. It also includes applicability, meals and lodging rates, and separability codes.
Am end s General PL EASE POST N EXT TO YOU R IW C I NDUSTRY OR OC CUPATION ORDER O FF I CIA L N O TICE California Minimum Wage MW-2 024 Every employer, regardless of the number of employees, shall pay to each employee wages not less than the following: Effective January 1, 202 4 Minimum Wage : $1 6.00 per hour *See Sec. 2 below Effective January 1, 2023 Minimum Wage: $15.50 per hour PREVIOUS YEARS EFFE CTIV E D ATE E mploy ers with 25 or Fewer Emp loyees* Emp loyers with 26 or More Employ ees * January 1, 202 2 $14.00 $15.00 January 1, 2021 $13.00 $14.00 *Employees treated as employed by a single qualified taxpayer pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 23626 are treated as employees of that single taxpayer. To employers and representatives of persons working in industries and occupations in the State of California: SUMMARY OF ACTIONS T A KE NOTIC E that on April 4, 2016, the Governor of California signed legis lat ion passed by the Cal iforn ia L egisl ature , ra is ing t he minimum wag e for a ll ind ustries . (S B 3 , S ta ts o f 2016, amend ing section 118 2.1 2. of the Cal iforn ia Labor Cod e.) and, in 2023, raised the minimum wage payable by certain Fast Food Restaurant employers (AB 1228, Stats. 2023) and Healthcare Facility employers (SB 525, Stats. 2023). P ursuant to its autho rity und er L abo r Code sec tion 118 2.13, the D ep artm ent of Ind ustria l R ela tions a m ends and repu blishes Sect io n s 2, 3, a nd 5 of the Gen era l Mi nimum Wag e Orde r, MW -2024 . Sec ti o n 1 , Applica bil ity, a n d Section 4 , Se para bility, have not been c h an ged . C onsiste nt with th ese enactmen ts , amendm ents a re mad e to the minimu m w age, and the m eals an d lodgi ng cred its sect ions of a ll of the IWC's ind ustry a nd occup ati on or ders . Thi s summary must be ma de available to employees in acco rdance with the IWC's wag e orders . Copies of the fu ll text of the amended wage orders may be o btai ned by downloading onl in e at or by contacting you r local Division of Labor Standards Enforcement office . 1. APPLICABI LITY The provisions of this O rde r shall not app ly to outs ide salespers ons and individuals who are the parent, spouse, or child ren of the e mployer previous ly conta ined in th is Order and the I WC's in dust ry and occu pation orders. E xceptions and m odifications provided by statute or in Sect ion 1, Applicabil ity , and in other sect ions of the IWC's i ndustry and occupation orders may be used where such provisions are enforceable and applicable to the employer. 2. MINIMUM WAGES Every employer shall pay to each employee wages not less than those stated above, on each effective date, per hour for all hours worked, except the following who shall pay no less than the specified minimum wage to each employee: Fast Food Restaurant employers under Part 4.5.5, of Division 2 of the Labor Code (commencing with Labor Code section 1474), effective April 1, 2024; and Healthcare Facility employers under Labor Code section 1182.14, effective June 1, 2024. Note: A supplement to thi s order is forthcoming. 3. MEALS AND LODGING CREDITS - TAB LE When credit for meals or lodging is used to meet part of the employer's minimum wage obligation, the amounts so credited pursuant to a voluntary written agreement may not be more than the following: EFFECTIVE: JANUARY 1, 2021 JANUARY 1, 2022 JANUARY 1, 2023 January 1, 2024 For an employer who employs: 26 or More Employees 25 or Fewer Employees 26 or More Employees 25 or Fewer Employees All Employers regardless of number of Employees All Employers regardless of number of Employees LODGING Room occupied alone $65.83 /week $61.13 /week $70.53 /week $65.83 /week $72.88 /week $75.23 /week Room shared $54.34 /week $50.46 /week $58.22 /week $54.34 /week $60.16 /week $62.10 /week Apartment ? two thirds (2/3) of the ordinary rental value, and in no event more than: $790.67 /month $734.21 /month $847.12 /month $790.67 /month $875.33 /month $903.60 /month Where a couple are both employed by the employer, two thirds (2/3) of the ordinary rental value, and in no event more than: $1,169.59 /month $1,086.07 /month $1,253 .10 /month $1,169.59 /month $1,294.83 /month $1,336.65 /month Breakfast $5.06 $4.70 $5.42 $5.06 $5. 60 $5.78 Lunch $6.97 $6.47 $7.47 $6.97 $7.72 $7.97 Dinner $9.35 $8.68 $10.02 $9.35 $10.35 $10.68 Meals or lodg ing may not be c redited aga inst t h e mi nimum wage w ithou t a voluntary wr itten agreement between the emp loyer and t he e m ployee . When credit fo r meals or l odging is used to meet part of the emp loyer's min imum wage ob ligation, the amounts so cred ited may not be more than the amoun ts stated i n the table above . 4. SE PARAB ILITY If the app lication of an y p rovision of t his Order , or any section, subsection, subdiv is ion, sente nce, clause, phrase, word or port ion of th is O rde r should be he ld inval id, unconst itut iona l, unauthor ized, or prohib ited by statute, the re m aini ng p rovisions thereof shall no t be affected thereby, but s hall co ntinue to be given fu ll fo rce and effe ct as if t h e par t so held invalid or unconstit utio nal had not been in cluded herein. 5. AMENDED PROVISIONS Th is Order amends the m inimu m wage and m eal s and lo dging cred its in MW -20 23 , as wel l as in the IWC’s industry and occupation orders . (See O rders 1 -15, Secs . 4 and 10; and Orde r 16, Secs . 4 and 9 .) This Orde r ma kes no other changes to the IWC’s industry and occupation orders . These Am en dments to the Wage Orders shall be in effect as of Ja nuary 1 , 202 4. Q ue stion s abou t e nforcemen t sho uld be d ir ected to th e L abor Commiss ione r's Office . For the address and tel eph one n umbe r of the office nea res t you , in fo rmat ion can be fo und on th e i n tern et a t o r under a sea rch for “ Ca liforni a La bor Comm iss ion er's Offi ce” on th e inte rnet or any ot her d irectory. T he La bor Commissioner has offices i n t h e f o ll ow ing cities : Ba kers field, E l Ce ntro, Fresno, Long Beach, Los An geles, O ak la n d , R edding, Sacram ento, Sa lin as, Sa n Be rna rd in o, San Die go, Sa n Francisco, S an Jose, Santa A na, Santa Barbar a, Santa Rosa, Stoc kton, and Va n Nuys.
Get a California all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory California and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all California and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for December 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster NowMore California Labor Law Posters 34 PDFS provides an additional 33 required and optional California labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
California Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Workplace Discrimination and Harassment Poster | Workplace Violence Law |
Required Sexual Harassment Fact Sheet | Workers Rights Law |
Required Sexual Harassment Facts Poster | Workers Rights Law |
Required Notice to Employees - Injuries caused by Work | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Whistleblower Notice | Whistleblower Law |
List of all 34 California labor law posters
California Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: , last updated May 2020
- California Labor Law Poster Page at
- California Department Of Industrial Relations at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of California labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.