Workers' Compensation Act Poster
The Workers' Compensation Act is a Colorado workers compensation law poster provided for businesses by the Colorado Department Of Labor and Employment. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor and Employment.
This mandatory poster is a fill-in form for employers to write their workers' compensation coverage information. It also reminds employees about their entitlements through their employer and where claims may be filed.
COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT DIVISION OF WORKERS' COMPENSATION Colorado Workers' Compensation Information Your employer has workers’ compensation coverage for employees through: Workers’ compensation is a type of insurance coverage that employers must provide to their employees. The cost of workers’ compensation insurance is paid entir ely by the employer and may not be deducted from an employee’s wages. If you are injured or sustain an occu pational disease while at work, you may be entitled to compensation benefits as provided by law. WRITTEN NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO YOUR EMPLOYER WITHIN 4 WORKING DAYS OF THE AC CIDENT. If you don’t report y our injury or occupational disease p ro mptly your benefits may b e reduced. If you are unable to work as the result of a work-related injury or occupational disease, compensation (wage replacemen t) benefits will be based on 2/3 of your average weekly wage u p to a maximum set by law. No compensation is payable fo r the first 3 days’ d isability unless the period of disability exceeds two weeks. You are entitled to r easonable and necessary medical treatment of compensable injuries or o ccupational diseases. If you n otif y your employer of an injury or occupational disease and are n ot offered medical care, you may select the services of a licensed physician or chiropractor. You may file a Worker’s Claim for Compen sation with the Division of Wo rkers’ Compensation. To obtain forms or information regarding the workers’ compensation system, y ou may call Customer Ser vice at 303-318-8700 or toll-free at 1-88 8-390-7936 or visit our web site at COLORADO DIVISION OF WORKERS’ COMPENSATION 6 33 17 th Street, Suite 400, Denver, CO 80202-3626 Any informatio n provided below comes from y our employer and is specific to this place o f employment: WC49 Rev 05/19 Page 1 of 1
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More Colorado Labor Law Posters
21 PDFS provides an additional twenty required and optional Colorado labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Colorado Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Notice to Employer of Injury | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Colorado Employment Security Act | Unemployment Law |
Required Colorado Employment Security Act (Spanish) | Unemployment Law |
Required Notice of Paydays Poster | Miscellaneous Law |
Required Minimum Wage Order Poster | Minimum Wage Law |
List of all 21 Colorado labor law posters
Colorado Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated January 2024
- Colorado Labor Law Poster Page at
- Colorado Department Of Labor and Employment at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Colorado labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.