Coronavirus Assisted Living Facility Poster
The Coronavirus Assisted Living Facility Poster is a Florida coronavirus notice poster provided for businesses by the Florida Department Of Economic Opportunity. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Economic Opportunity.
Florida Department of Health • FloridaHealth.gov/COVID- Assisted Living Facilities Can Prevent the Spread of C O V I D - Keep COVID- from entering and leaving your facility. DO NOT ALLOW VISITORS except for end-of-life situations. Restrict entrance to volunteers and non-essential staff and employees. Require facemasks for anyone permitted to enter, and for residents who must leave for medical procedures. Cancel field trips, group activities and communal dining. Identify infections in staff and employees early. The facility should keep a current list of contract employees so that updates on suspected or confirmed COVID- cases can be shared. Staff and employees should be screened for fever and respiratory symptoms before they start and end each shift. Staff and employees who are symptomatic or ill should wear facemasks and go directly home. Staff and employees who develop symptoms off-shift should report their status to the facility and if applicable, the employing agency, and stay home. Clean and disinfect. Housekeeping and cleaning services personnel should use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). If facility policies, procedures and products for environmental cleaning and disinfection are not in place, at a minimum use: Interim Recommendations for U.S. Households with Suspected/Confirmed Coronavirus Disease : tinyurl.com/vyc tdv EPA-registered disinfectants: tinyurl.com/tmo xgf Identify symptoms and manage infections in residents early. A resident with COVID- may not show typical symptoms of fever, cough and shortness of breath. A typical symptoms are: new or worsening malaise, new dizziness or diarrhea. IMMEDIATELY ISOLATE ANYONE WITH SYMPTOMS. TWICE A SHIFT: Take vitals and, if possible, pulse oximetry of residents who are ill—identify residents who may need transfer to a higher care level. ONCE A SHIFT SCREEN FOR: Fever, cough and shortness of breath. New or worsening malaise, new dizziness or diarrhea. Hand hygiene and social distancing must be practiced by staff and employees in ALL facility areas. Florida Health Office of Communications - - If there is a resident, staff or employee with known or suspected COVID- : PPE is recommended for all resident care. Gowns and gloves must NOT be used for more than one resident. If there are shortages, reserve for aerosol-generating procedures; care where there are splashes and sprays; and high-contact care. Facemasks can be used when caring for multiple residents. If there is a shortage, reserve for direct-care personnel. Discard facemasks when they are: damp, damaged or hard to breathe through; used during an aerosol-generating procedure; or contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Eye protection can be reused after cleaning and disinfection. It must be replaced when it is: damaged or hard to see through; used during an aerosol-generating procedure; or contaminated with blood or other body fluids. 100.4 Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Let residents and families know about the actions your facility is taking. Good communication is good care.
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More Florida Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional ten required and optional Florida labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Florida Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Reemployment Assistance Fraud Notice | Miscellaneous Law |
Required Minimum Wage Poster | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Equal Opportunity is the Law Notice | Equal Opportunity Law |
Required Florida Law Prohibits Discrimination Poster | Equal Opportunity Law |
Required Employee Health - Sick Employee Poster | Health Notice |
List of all 11 Florida labor law posters
Florida Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: http://ww11.doh.state.fl.us/comm/_partners/action/asst_living_facilities_prevent_covid_19.pdf
, last updated May 2020
- Florida Labor Law Poster Page at http://www.floridajobs.org/business-growth-and-partnerships/for-employers/display-posters-and-required-notices
- Florida Department Of Economic Opportunity at http://www.floridajobs.org/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Florida labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.