
Kentucky Printable Free Coronavirus Notice Posters Kentucky COVID-19 Home-Based Processor Guidelines Poster

The COVID-19 Home-Based Processor Guidelines is a Kentucky coronavirus notice poster provided for businesses by the Kentucky Labor Cabinet. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Labor Cabinet.

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Proce	ssing 	in the hom	e:  	
Home-Based 	Proce	sso	rs sh	ould contin	ue to abi	de by 	hygien	e stand	ard	s as	 liste	d in	 	reg	ulatio	n (902 KA	R 45:090, Section 3).	
  Please	 click 	here	 or copy the link (https://ap	ps.legi	sla	ture.k	/kar	/902/045/090.pdf) to view	 the 	regu	latio	n. 	 	
 	Do	 not produce, package, 	handle	, or sell	 any home	-processed produ	cts 	if you feel ill. 	 	
 	Utilize 	CDC guidance	 (	-ncov/prepare/get	-your	-household	-ready	-for	-COVID	-	
19.h	tml	) in your home 	and continue to practice everyday preventive actions 	– wash 	your hands often with soap and 	
water for at least 20 seconds	.  	 	
Selling from home:	 	
If selling directly from your home, find ways to maintain social distancing of six (6) fe	et between yourself and others	 	
whenever possible	: 	
 	Offer	 scheduled 	“porch pickups	” using a dedicated, protected location outside your home. Remember that product 	
must sti	ll be labeled and packaged correctly. Work with your custo	mers to arrange pickup times, minimize the time that 	
your product spends outdoors, and monitor to ensure protection from the elements.	  	
 	Offe	r “curbside	” service 	to your customer	’s vehicle 	if you do not have a safe loc	ation to arrange porch pickups.	 	 	
Selling b	y delivery:	 	
If you offer in	-person del	ivery of your home	-based goods, 	find ways to maintain social distancing of six (6) fe	et between 	
yourself and others	 whenever possible	: 	
 	Offer	 scheduled 	“porch 	drop	-offs”	 using a pre	-determined, protected location outside of the 	customer’s	 home. 	 	
 	Offer 	“curbside pickup	” from your vehicle	 if your customer does not have a 	protected location for drop	-off delivery. 	 	 	
Selling at 	Farmers	’ M	arkets:	 	
Dept. of Agriculture 	Commissioner Dr. Quarles has issued guidance for Farmer	’s Markets 	– click 	here	 or copy the link 	
(	-Quarles	-Letter	-Farmers	-Markets	-COVID	-19.pdf	) to 	
view the letter. 	 	
 	Should you choose to sell at a Farmer	’s Market that is open, follow guidance provided by y	our Market and The Dept. of 	
Ag. Do not offer samples of your product, offer pre	-packaged 	and 	pre	-labeled 	product 	rather than products by	-the	-	
piece	, and wash your hands often. 	 	
 	Keep in touch wi	th your Market and follow the Dept. of Agriculture	’s Covid19 page	 for updates 	
(	-19	-ky-agriculture	-updates.html	). 	 	
Community Events:	 	
Governor Beshear has prohibited mass gathering	s, including community events and festivals. 	Click here	 or copy the 	link 	
(	ts/20200319_Order_Mass	-Gatherings.pdf	) to read the memo from 	Governor	 Beshear. 	 	
Guidan	ce for Home	-Based Processors to	 	
Minimize the Spread of COVID	-19	 	
For more information visit

Get a Kentucky all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Kentucky and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Kentucky and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Kentucky Labor Law Posters 16 PDFS provides an additional fifteen required and optional Kentucky labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Kentucky Poster Name Poster Type
Required Workers' Compensation Posting Notice Workers Compensation Law
Required Unemployment Insurance Benefits Unemployment Law
Required Unemployment Insurance Benefits (Spanish) Unemployment Law
Required Safety and Health on the Job (Spanish) Job Safety Law
Required Safety and Health on the Job Job Safety Law

List of all 16 Kentucky labor law posters

Kentucky Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Kentucky labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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