Louisiana Earned Income Credit (EIC) Poster Mandatory
The Earned Income Credit (EIC) is a Louisiana miscellaneous law poster provided for businesses by the Louisiana Office Of Human Resources. This is a required poster for all Louisiana employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This mandatory poster is a summary of Louisiana's earned income credit laws. It shows the brackets of income employees can fall into and how it affects their state income tax filings.
Earn ed In co m e Cre dit EI C202 3 Notice to Employees of F ede ral Earned Inco me Tax Cre dit ( E IC) If you make $5 7,000* or less, your employer should notify you at the time of hiring of the potential availability of Earned Income Tax Credits. Earned Income Tax Credits are reductions in federal income tax liability for which you may be eligible if you meet certain requirements. Additional information and forms for these programs can be obtained from your employer o r the Internal Revenue Service. *Ea rne d Inc ome and ad justed gro ss in co me (AGI) mus t ea ch b e le ss tha n: • $ 56,838 ($ 63 ,698 m arr ied fili ng j o intl y) wi th t hree or m ore q ual if y ing ch ildren • $ 52 ,918 ( $59 ,478 marr ied fili ng j o intl y) wi th t w o q uali fy in g c hild re n • $ 46 ,560 ( $ 53 ,120 marr ied fili ng j o intl y) wit h one q ualif yin g ch ild • $1 7,640 ($24 ,2 10 m arri ed fili ng j o intl y) wi th n o q uali fy in g c hild re n You may claim the Earned Income Credit on Form 1040 and add Schedule EIC if you have children. If y ou need m ore in fo rm ation re gard in g t he EITC or to check on updates, you should contact the IRS at 1 -800 -829 -1040 or visit the IRS Website at w ww.irs.g ov. A ddi tio nal EI TC r e so u rces are a lso a va ila ble at t he IR S EI TC H ome pag e: https://www.irs.gov/credits -deductions/individuals/earned- income- tax-credit -eitc V isit the IRS on the Web at w w w.irs .gov or call toll -fr ee at 1 -800- 829-1040. Every emp loyer s h all keep co nsp ic uo us ly p o ste d in or a bo ut th e prem ises w here in a ny work er is emp loyed, a pr in ted co py or abst ract of th os e labor l aws w hich t h e Secretary may designate, in a form to be f urn ish ed by the Secretary . R .S . 23: 15, 23 :1 0 18. 2 Revised May 2023 An Eq ual Oppor tu nity Empl oyer Program. Auxili ary a ids a nd servi ces are avail able upon req uest to ind ivi du als wi th d isab iliti e s. 1-800 -259-51 54 (TDD) w ww .la w o r k s . net
Get a Louisiana all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Louisiana and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Louisiana and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for December 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster NowMore Louisiana Labor Law Posters 19 PDFS
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional eighteen required and optional Louisiana labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Louisiana Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Workers' Compensation Fraud Poster | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Creditos por Ingresos Ganados (EIC) | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Notice of Compliance to Employees | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Notice to Workers (U.I. benefits) | Unemployment Law |
Required Earned Income Credit (EIC) | Miscellaneous Law |
List of all 19 Louisiana labor law posters
Louisiana Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://www.laworks.net/Downloads/Posters/2023_Earned_Income_Credit.pdf , last updated May 2020
- Louisiana Labor Law Poster Page at http://www.laworks.net/downloads/downloads_posters.asp
- Louisiana Office Of Human Resources at http://www.laworks.net/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Louisiana labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.