
Maine Printable Free Job Safety Law Posters Maine Video Display Terminal Poster Mandatory

The Video Display Terminal Poster is a Maine job safety law poster provided for businesses by the Maine Department Of Labor. This is a required poster for all Maine employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This mandatory poster is a summary of Maine's "Visual Display Terminal" law which gives certain rights to people who use computers. It reminds people on how to use a computer safety and efficiently.

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If you have questions about working safely at the computer,speak to your supervisor or contact the  Maine Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Standards 
Tel: 1-877-SAFE-345 (1-877-723-3345)  TTY users call Maine Relay 711.  
Web site: Email: [email protected]	
Video Display Terminals  MRSA Title 26 §251.    
1. Bureau.  “Bureau” means the Department of Labor,  
  Bureau of Labor Standards.
2.  Employ.  “Employ” means to employ or permit to   
3.  Employee.  “Employee” means any person engaged  
  to work on a steady or regular basis as an operator  
  by an employer located or doing business in the    
4.  Employer.  “Employer” means any person,  
  partnership, firm, association or corporation, public  
  or private that uses 2 or more terminals at one  
5.  Operator.  “Operator” means any employee whose  
  primary task is to operate a terminal for more than  
  four consecutive hours, exclusive of breaks, on a daily  
6.  Terminal.  “Terminal” means any electronic video    
  screen data presentation machine, commonly called  
  video display terminals. 	
rev. 11/19	
The Maine Video Display Terminal (VDT ) Law gives 
certain rights to people who use computers for work.	
Bureau  of La bor St andards	
Video Display Terminals	                           
Education and training MRSA Title §252.    	
Every employer shall establish an education and training 
program for all operators as provided in this section. 
1.  Requirements.  An employer’s education and 
  training program must be provided both orally    
  and in writing, except that an employer that uses  
  fewer than 5 terminals at one location may provide  
  the education and training program in writing only. 
The program must include, at a minimum: 	
A.  Notification of the rights and duties created  
  under this subchapter by posting in a  
  prominent location in the workplace a    
  copy of this subchapter.  
B.   An explanation or description of the proper  
  use of terminals and the protective   measures  
  that the operator may take to avoid or  
  minimize symptoms or conditions that may  
  result from extended or improper use.
C.  Instruction related to the importance of    
  maintaining proper posture during terminal  
  operation and a description of methods to   
  achieve and maintain this posture, including  
  the use of any adjustable work station  
  equipment used by the operator.
2.  Literature; clearinghouse.  The bureau shall  
  recommend to employers, for use in education and  
  training programs, occupational safety literature that  
  provides appropriate, current and pertinent data on  
  terminal use. 
3.  Training schedule.  Employers shall provide    
  operators with this education and training program  
  within 30 days of employment and annually  
For full text of the statute visit 	MRSA Title 26 §251, 252	.	
Maine Law (Title 26 
M.R.S.A. § 42-B) requires 
every employer to 
place this poster in 
the workplace where 
workers can easily see it.	
This poster is available online at no charge and may be copied:	      	
The Maine Department of Labor provides equal opportunity in employment and programs. Auxiliary aids and services are available to people with disabilities upon request.

Get a Maine all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Maine and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Maine and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Maine Labor Law Posters 14 PDFS provides an additional thirteen required and optional Maine labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Maine Poster Name Poster Type
Required Paid Family and Medical Leave General Labor Law Poster
Required Paid Family and Medical Leave (Spanish) Family Leave Law
Required Sexual Harassment Poster Workplace Violence Law
Required Workers' Compensation Poster Workers Compensation Law
Required Whistleblower's Protection Act Poster Whistleblower Law

List of all 14 Maine labor law posters

Maine Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Maine labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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