Employment of Minors Poster
The Employment of Minors is a Maryland child labor law poster provided for businesses by the Maryland Department Of Labor, Licensing and Regulation. This notification is required for some employers, such as employers of minors.
This mandatory poster is a summary of Maryland's child labor laws. It details how teenagers of certain age groups are eligible and when they are legally allowed to work. It includes information on how school schedules can affect whether they are allowed to work or not. Lastly, it provides a list of occupations that are prohibited to minors under 18.
Minor Fact Sheet (Labor and Employment Article, Section 3 - 206, Annotated Code of Maryland) APPLYING FOR A WORK PERMIT Applications for work permits are accepted online at: Steps: • Minor or Parent/Guardian completes required information online and prints work permit • TO BE VALID: The Minor, the Minor’s Parent/ Guardian, and the Employer must sign the permit NOTE TO EMPLOYERS • A minor under the age of 14 is not permitted to work and may not be employed. • Minors 14 through 17 years of age may only work with a work permit. • The work permit must be in the employer’s possession before the minor is permitted to work. • Employers must keep the work permit on file for three years. Permissible Hours of Employment All Minors: May not be employed or permitted to work more than five hours continuously without a non -working period of at least ½ hour. Minors 14—15: • *Non- school hours; • *3 hours on any day when school is in session; • 8 hours on any day when school is not in session • *18 hours in a school week; • 40 hours in any week when school is not in session; • *May only work between the hours of 7:00 am and 7:00 pm . • *May work until 9:00 pm from June 1 until Labor Day. • The hours worked by a minor enrolled in a bona fide work- study or student -learner program when school is normally in session may not be counted towards the permissible hours of work prescribed above. *This is based upon a more restrictive Federal law. Minors 16—17: May spend no more than 12 hours in a combination of school hours and work hours each day. Must be allowed at least eight consecutive hours of non-work, non-school time in each 24 -hour period. Non-Employment Activities Activities not considered employment if performed outside of the prescribed school day and the activity does not involve mining, manufacturing, or hazardous occupations. The activities include: • Farm work performed on a farm. • Domestic work performed in or about a home. • Work performed in a business owned or operated by a parent or one standing in the place of a parent. • Work performed by non-paid volunteers, in a charitable or non- profit organization, employed with the written consent of a parent or one standing in the place of a parent. • Caddying on a golf course. • Employment as an instructor on an instructional sailboat. • Manufacturing of evergreen wreaths in or about a home. • Delivery of newspapers to the consumer. • Work performed as a counselor, assistant counselor, or instructor in a youth camp certified under the Maryland Youth Camp Act. • Hazardous work performed by non-paid volunteers of a volunteer fire department or company or volunteer rescue squad who have completed or are taking a course of study relating to firefighting or rescue and who are 16 years of age or older. Special Permits Special permits may be issued to minors of any age to be employed as a model, performer, or entertainer. The applications and permits are available only from the Baltimore office of the Division of Labor and Industry (address below) or online at: Federal Restrictions Employers are generally subject to both state child labor laws and the federal child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 U.S.C. 212(c), and the FLSA regulations at 29 CFR Part 570. Certain provisions of Maryland state law may be less restrictive than federal law, and employers covered by the FLSA that only follow a less restrictive provision of Maryland state law will be in violation of federal law. See 29 U.S.C. 218(a). For more information on federal child labor law, please visit the U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division Website at www.d FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT : Maryland Department of Labor Division of Industry - Employment Standards Service 10946 Golden West Drive, Suite 160 • Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Telephone Number: (410) 767-2357 • Fax Number: (410) 333-7303 • E- mail: dldliemploymentstandards [email protected] Minor Fact Sheet (Labor and Employment Article, Section 3 - 206, Annotated Code of Maryland) OCCUPATIONS FORBIDDEN TO ALL MINORS: Certain occupations are declared to be hazardous by the U.S. Secretary of Labor and have been adopted by reference by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry for the State of Maryland. All minors are forbidden to be employed at these occupations with certain exceptions including but not limited to Youth Apprenticeship. In addition to the hazardous occupations as declared by the U.S. Secretary of Labor and adopted by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, the following occupations are forbidden to all minors: A minor may not be employed to transfer monetary funds in any amount between 8 p.m. and 8 a.m. or in any amount over $100.00 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. unless that minor is the child of the owner or operator, or the funds have been received in payment of goods or services delivered by the minor. AREAS OF EMPLOYMENT RESTRICTED FOR MINORS 14 AND 15 YEARS OF AGE (1) Manufacturing, mechanical , or processing occupations including occupations in workrooms, workplaces, or storage areas where goods are manufactured or processed. (2) Operation, cleaning , or adjusting of any power -driven machinery other than office machines. (3) Occupations in, about, or in connection with (except office or sales work not performed on site): • scaffolding • acids • construction • dyes • railroads • hoisting apparatus • brickyard • gases • lumberyard • lye • airports • public messaging service • occupations causing dust or gases in injurious quantities • boats engaged in navigation or com - merce • certain poultry activities • certain baking and cooking • any occupation deemed injurious by the Commis - sioner after investigation. • transportation of persons or property Rev. 8/23 The manufacturing of dangerous or toxic chemicals or compounds. Cleaning, oiling, or wiping of machinery. Any occupation forbidden by any local, state, or federal law. Any occupation which after investigation by the Commissioner is deemed injurious to the health and welfare of the minor. Blast furnaces. Docks or wharves, other than marinas where pleasure boats are sold or served. Pilots, firemen, or engineers on any vessel or boat engaged in commerce. Railroads. Erection and repair of electrical wires. Any distillery where alcoholic beverages are manufactured, bottled, wrapped, or packed. Occupations in connection with mining, other than coal. Occupations involving slaughtering, meat -packing or processing, or rendering. Occupations involved in the operation of certain power - driven bakery machines. Occupations involved in the operation of certain power -driven paper products machines. Occupations involved in the manufacture of brick, tile, and kindred products. Occupations involved in the operatio n of circular saws, band saws, and guillotine shears. Occupations involved in wrecking, demolition, and shipbreaking operations. Occupations involved in roofing operations. Occupations involved in excavation operations. Occupations in or about plants or establishments manufacturing or storing explosives or articles containing explosive components. Occupations of motor -vehicle driver and outside helper. Coal-mine occupations. Logging occupations and occupations in the operation of any sawmill, lathe mill, shingle mill, or cooperage -stock mill. Occupations involved in the operation of power -driven woodworking machines. Occupations involving exposure to radioactive substances and to ionizing radiations. Occupations involved in the operation of elevators and other power -driven hoisting apparatus. Occupations involved in the operation of power -driven metal forming, punching, and shearing machines.
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More Maryland Labor Law Posters
25 PDFS provides an additional 24 required and optional Maryland labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Maryland Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Thawing Method Guidelines | Food Service |
Required DLLR/OUI 328 to Employees | Unemployment Law |
Required Maryland Earned Sick and Paid Leave Notice | Sick Leave Law |
Required Maryland Minimum Wage and Overtime Law | Minimum Wage Law |
Required DLLR PUB/OUI 6116 | Health Insurance Law |
List of all 25 Maryland labor law posters
Maryland Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated May 2020
- Maryland Labor Law Poster Page at
- Maryland Department Of Labor, Licensing and Regulation at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Maryland labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.