Massachusetts Temporary Worker's Rights Poster
The Temporary Worker's Rights Poster is a Massachusetts general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Massachusetts Department Of Labor and Workforce Development. This notification is required for some employers, such as all employers of temporary workers.
YOUR RIGHTS UNDER THE MASSACHUSETTS TEMPORARY WORKERS RIGHT TO KNOW LAW STAFFING AGENCIES MUST PROVIDE YOU WITH BAS IC INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR JOB The l a w requi res s ta ffi ng a genci es to gi ve you a wri tten noti ce wi th ba s i c i nforma ti on a bout a ny j ob t o whi ch they a re s endi ng you. Thi s is ca l l ed a job order . You ha ve a ri ght to tel l the s ta ffi ng a gency how you wa nt them to gi ve you the j ob order, s uch a s by e -ma i l , ma i l , or i f you wa nt to pi ck i t up i n pers on. Sta ffi ng a genci es MUST gi ve you a t l ea s t th i s i nforma ti on: the na me, a ddres s a nd tel ephone number of the: (i ) s ta ffi ng a gency; (i i ) the workers compens a ti on ca rri er; (i i i) the work s i t e empl oyer; a nd (i v) the depa rtment (DLS). a j ob des cri pti on a nd whether the pos i ti on wi l l requi re a ny s peci a l cl othing, equi pment, tra i ni ng, or l i cens es ; the pa y da y, hourl y ra te of pa y, a nd whether overti me pa y ma y occur; the s ta rt da te, da i l y s ta rti ng ti me a nd a nti ci pa ted end ti me, a nd i f known, expected dura ti on of empl oyment; whether a ny tra ns porta ti on or mea l s s ha l l be provi ded by the s ta ffi ng a gency or work s i te empl oyer; a ny cha rges to the empl oyee or worker; whether the work s i te l oca ti on i s on s tri ke or l ockout; a nd a mul ti l i ngua l s ta tement tha t the j ob order conta i ns i mporta nt i nforma ti on concerni ng t he work, empl oyment, enga gement, work a s s i gnment, or j ob. The s ta ffi ng a gency ca n gi ve you j ob i nforma ti on over the tel ephone, but i t MUST s end you the i nforma ti on i n wri ti ng BEFORE the end of the fi rs t pa y peri od. I f your j ob a s s i gnment cha nges , the s ta ffi ng a gency MUST tel l you a bout thes e cha nges a s s oon a s i t knows a bout them. I f the s ta ffi ng a gency does not provi de you wi th a j ob order a nd you’d l i ke to ma ke a compl a i nt a ga i ns t the s ta ffi ng a gency, pl ea s e ca l l the Depa rtment of La bor Sta nda rds a t (617) 626 -6970. The s ta ffi ng a gency ca nnot fi re you or gi ve you a wors e j ob beca us e you compl a i ned. I f you a re bei ng pl a ced i n a profes s i ona l pos iti on or a s a s ecreta ry or a dmi ni s tra tive a s s ista nt, the s ta ffi ng a gency does NO T ha ve to provi de you wi t h a j ob order. STAFFING AGENCIES AND WORK SITE EMPLOYERS CANNOT CHARGE YOU FEES FOR: regi s teri ng wi th the s ta ffi ng a gency; gi vi ng you a j ob a s s i gnment; drug tes ts , ba nk ca rds , debi t ca rds , vouchers , or money orders ; performi ng a Ma s s a chus etts cri mi nal offender record i nforma ti on (CORI ) check; tra ns porta ti on s ervi ces , i f us e of the s ervi ce i s requi red; i f us e of the tra ns porta ti on s ervi ce i s vol unta ry, the fee ma y no t exceed 3% of da i l y wa ges or a ctua l cos ts , whi chever i s l es s ; a ny i tem or s ervi ce, i n cl udi ng tra ns porta tion, tha t woul d ca us e you to ea rn l es s tha n the Ma s s a chusetts mi ni mum wa ge; a s ta ffi ng a gency or works i te empl oyer ca nnot ma ke you buy s omethi ng from them unl es s you wa nt to purcha s e i t; Di s ti nct from the Tempora ry Worker Ri ght to Know La w, the Ma s s a chus etts Wa ge Act genera l l y prohi bi ts a ny a greement i n whi ch a n empl oyee becomes res pons i bl e for the empl oyer’s ordi na ry bus i nes s cos ts a nd expens es . As a res ul t, no wa ge deducti on i s permi tted unl es s i ts purpos e i s pri ma rily for the empl oye e’s benefi t (s uch tha t the expens e ha s s ubs ta nti a l va lue to the empl oyee a nd coul d be freel y us ed by hi m i ndependent of the j ob performed). STAFFING AGENCIES MUST REFUND YOUR REASONABLE TRANSPORTATION COSTS IF THEY SEND YOU TO A JOB THAT DOES NOT EXIST. Thi s does not i ncl ude the tra ns porta ti on cos ts of bei ng s ent to a works i te for a j ob i ntervi ew. STAFFING AGENCIES CANNOT : knowi ngl y gi ve you fa l s e, fra udul ent, or mi s l ea di ng i nforma ti on; force you to go to a n a s s i gnment tha t you do not wa nt to go to; keep your property a nd refus e to return i t to you; keep i l l ega l fees tha t they cha rged to you; fi re you or gi v e you a wors e j ob beca us e you exerci s ed your ri ghts under thi s l a w; s end you to a j ob a s s i gnment to perform work tha t i s i l lega l ; s end a mi nor to a j ob a s s i gnment when tha t mi nor s houl d be i n s chool ; s end you to a j ob a s s i gnment where a s peci a l l i cens e i s requi red i f you do not ha ve tha t l i cens e. For further informatio n about the Temporary Workers Right to Know Law or to make a complaint, call the Department of Labor Standards at (617) 626 -6970, or visit . Thi s l a w i s a dmi ni stered by the Depa rtment of La bor Sta nda rds (DLS) a nd enforced by the Offi ce of the Attorney Genera l ’s Fa i r La bor Di vi s i on. The l a w a ppl i es to “s ta ffi ng a genci es ” (i .e. tempor a ry a genci es ) a s defi ned by the l a w. WORK PLACE NOTI CE: Thi s workpl a ce noti ce compl i es wi th the provi s i ons of Ma s s a chusetts Genera l La w Cha pter 149, Secti on 159C, whi ch requi res tha t s ta ffi ng a genci es pos t i t i n a pl a ce where j ob a ppl i ca nts a nd workers ma y ea s i l y vi ew i t. TWRTK – 85x 11 rev 3 -16
Get a Massachusetts all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Massachusetts and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Massachusetts and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for December 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster NowMore Massachusetts Labor Law Posters 13 PDFS provides an additional twelve required and optional Massachusetts labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Massachusetts Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Workers' Compensation Poster | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Workers' Compensation Poster (Spanish) | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Information on Employees' Unemployment Insurance Coverage | Unemployment Law |
Required Earned Sick Time | Sick Leave Law |
Required Right to Know Workplace Notice | Job Safety Law |
List of all 13 Massachusetts labor law posters
Massachusetts Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: , last updated May 2020
- Massachusetts Labor Law Poster Page at
- Massachusetts Department Of Labor and Workforce Development at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Massachusetts labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.