Michigan WHD 9911 Paid Medical Leave Act Poster
The WHD 9911 Paid Medical Leave Act is a Michigan sick leave law poster provided for businesses by the Michigan Department Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. This notification is required for some employers, such as covered employers with 50+ employees.
This poster, mandatory as of 2019, describes Michigan's rules regarding paid medical leave for covered employees within the state.
GRETC HEN W H ITMER GOVERNOR Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity Wage and Hour Division PO Box 30476 Lansing, MI 48909-7976 REQUIRED POSTER GENERAL REQUIREMENTS – PAID MEDICAL LEAVE ACT* SUSAN CORBIN DIRECTOR LEO is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliar y aids, service s and othe r reasonab le accommodation s are available , upon request , to individua ls with disabilities. www.michigan.gov/wagehour • Toll Free 1-855-4MI-WAGE (1-855-464-924 3) WHD 9911 (Revised • 8/2021) Coverage The Paid Medical Leave Act , 2018 Pu blic Act 33 8 , as amended by 2018 Public Act 369 , effective March 29, 201 9, covers employers who employ 50 or more in dividuals . The act covers indiv id uals engaged in service to an employer in the business of the empl oyer and from whom a n employer is required to withhold for federal income tax purposes . An el i gible employee does not inc lude executive, admi nistrative, and professional overtime exempt employees, employees covered by a pr i vate colle ctive bargaining ag reem ent that is in effe c t , employees of the Unit ed States government, another state, or a political subdivision of another state , in dividual s who se prima ry work location is not in this state, individual s 16 - 19 years of age being paid the youth training wag e in accordance with th e Improved Workfo r ce Opport unity Wage Act, te mp orary employees as described in the Michigan Employment Security Act, variable hour employees as defined by 26 C FR 54.4980H - 1, employees covere d by the Railway Labor Act and Railroad Une mplo yment Insur ance Act , i ndividual s employed by an employer for 25 weeks or fewer in a calendar year for a job scheduled for 25 weeks or fewer , individual s who worked, on average, fewer than 25 h ours pe r week during the immediately preceding calendar year . ( Se e section 2 of The Paid Medical Leave Act , 2018 Pu blic Act 33 8 .) Paid Medical Leave A c crual Paid medical leave a ccrual begins on March 29, 2019 , or upon commencement of the employee’s employment, whichever is later . Paid medical leave is accrued at a rate of 1 hour for every 35 actual hour s wo rked ; however, an employer is not required to a l low accrual of over 1 hour in a calendar week or more than 40 hours in a benefit year. A benefit year is any consecutive 12 - month period used by an employer to calcu late an eligible employe e’s benefits. E mplo yees can carry over up to 40 hours of unused ac c rued paid medical leave from one benefit year to the next; however, employers are not required to allow employees to use more than 40 hours in a single benefit year. An emp loyer may provide the total amou nt o f pai d medical leave all at once by providing a t least 40 hours at the beginning of the ben efit year or on the date that the individual becomes eligible during the benefit year on a prorated basis. If an employer adopts this practice , it does not have to p ermit employees to carry over unused leave to t h e next benefit year. ( See section 3 of t he Paid Medical Leave Act , 2018 Pu blic Act 33 8 ) . Paid Medical Leave Usage An employee may use paid medical leave as it is accrued except an employer may require an employee to wait until the 90 th cal enda r day after commencing employment before using accrued paid medical leave. Paid medical leave must be used in 1 - hour increments unless the employer has a different increment p olicy set forth in writing in an employee handbook or other employee benefit docu ment . Employees must follow the employer’s usual and customary notice, procedur a l, and documentation requireme nt s for requesting leave. The employee must be allowed at least 3 days to provide documentation. Employees may take paid medical leave for any of the f ollowing: • Physical or mental illness, injury, or health condition of the e m ployee or his or her family member • Medical diagnosis, care, or treatment of the employee or em p loyee’s family member • Preventative care of the employee or his or her family memb er • C l osure of the employee’s primary work place by order of a public official du e to a public health emergency • T he care of his or her child whose school or place of care has b e en closed by order of a public official due to a public health emergency • T he empl oyee ’ s or his or her family member’s exposure to a communicable disease that wo u ld jeopardize the health of others as determined by health authorities or a heal th care provid e r For domestic violence and sexual assault situations, employees may use paid med ical leave for any of the following : • M edical care or psychological or other cou n seling • R eceiv ing services from a victim services organization • Relocation and o btain ing legal s e rvices • P articipat ion in civil or criminal proceedings related to or resulting fro m the d omestic violence or sexual assault Employee Rights An employee may file a complaint with the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) within 6 months of the alleged violation. LEO shall investigate a complaint and attempt mediation, where appropriate. Penalties If informal resolutio n is unsuccessful and a violation found, paymen t of paid medical leav e improperly withhel d will be requeste d and penalties may b e imposed. An employer who fails to provid e paid medical leave is subject to an administrative fine of not more than $1,000.00 . An employer who willingly violates the posting requiremen t is subject to an administrative fine of not more than $100.00 for each separate violation. *For precise language of the statute, see Public Act 338 of 2018, as amended
Get a Michigan all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Michigan and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Michigan and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for January 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster NowMore Michigan Labor Law Posters 18 PDFS
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional seventeen required and optional Michigan labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Michigan Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Michigan Safety & Health Protection on the Job | Workers Compensation Law |
Required The Michigan Whistleblowers' Protection Act Poster | Whistleblower Law |
Required Information about Unemployment Benefits (Spanish) | Unemployment Law |
Required Information about Unemployment Benefits | Unemployment Law |
Required Workforce Opportunity Wage Act Minimum Wage & Overtime Poster | Minimum Wage Law |
List of all 18 Michigan labor law posters
Michigan Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/-/media/Project/Websites/leo/Documents/WAGE-HOUR/WHD-99xx-Information-Sheets/WHD-9911-PMLA-Poster/Paid_Medical_Leave_Act_Poster_9911_English.pdf?rev=764ee47c1ed442bd9ac1d904eb042ea7&hash=31AC205C4341736BEF941A0FCF09DF51 , last updated May 2020
- Michigan Labor Law Poster Page at http://michigan.gov/uia/0,1607,7-118-26899-78362--,00.html
- Michigan Department Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs at http://michigan.gov/uia/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Michigan labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.