Food Employee Foodborne Illness Guidelines Poster
The Food Employee Foodborne Illness Guidelines is a Michigan food service poster provided for businesses by the Michigan Department Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs.
FOOD WORKER FOODBORNE ILLNESS GUIDELINES ILLNESS SYMPTOMS ACTION GUIDANCE (FOOD CODE SECTIONS 2-201.12, AND 2-201.13) SYMPTOMS ACTION RETURN TO WORK CRITERIA FOR FOOD EMPLOYEES LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT (REGULATORY AUTHORITY) APPROVAL Vomiting Exclude from food establishment Symptom free for at least 24 hours or provide medical documentation that states the symptom is from a noninfectious condition No, if not diagnosed as one of the Big Six Diarrhea Exclude from food establishment Symptom free for at least 24 hours or provide medical documentation that states the symptom is from a noninfectious condition No, if not diagnosed as one of the Big Six Jaundice Exclude from food establishment; call manager; Notify Health Department Medical documentation that food employee is free of Hepatitis A virus or other fecal-orally transmitted infection Ye s Sore Throat with Fever Restrict from food area of food establishment Medical documentation stating received antibiotic therapy for >24 hours; one negative throat culture; or is free from infection from Streptococcus pyogenes No *Infected Wound or Pustular Boil Restrict from food area of food establishment *After the skin, infected wound, cut, or pustule boil is properly covered No If you have been diagnosed with, or exposed to these illnesses, they are so contagious that you must be excluded from work at a food establishment, and you cannot return to work at a food establishment until approval has been received from the Local Health Department. Criteria for Exclusion from Work: Any food worker diagnosed with an illness due to the Big Six must report the diagnosis to the manager. The food worker must be excluded from working in the food establishment and the law requires the manager to notify the local health department immediately. Before a food worker is allowed to return to work, check with the Local Health Department. MICHIGANFOODSAFE TY. COM Funded by Act No. 92, of P.A. 2000, Industry Food Safety Education Fund *Note: Associates hands and wrists must be free of cuts or sores that are red or oozing, unless an impermeable cover is used over the sore and a single-use glove is worn over the impermeable cover. Cuts or sores on exposed portions of the arms and other body parts must be covered with an impermeable cover or tight-fitting bandage. THE BIG SIX ARE: 6 5 4 3 2 Typhoid Fever caused by Salmonella typhi Shigella Shiga toxin- producing Escherichia coli Hepatitis A Norovirus Nontyphoidal Salmonella 1
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More Michigan Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional seventeen required and optional Michigan labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Michigan Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Michigan Safety & Health Protection on the Job | Workers Compensation Law |
Required The Michigan Whistleblowers' Protection Act Poster | Whistleblower Law |
Required Information about Unemployment Benefits (Spanish) | Unemployment Law |
Required Information about Unemployment Benefits | Unemployment Law |
Required Workforce Opportunity Wage Act Minimum Wage & Overtime Poster | Minimum Wage Law |
List of all 18 Michigan labor law posters
Michigan Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/mda/MDA_FdEmplFBIGuidePoster_255329_7.pdf
, last updated May 2020
- Michigan Labor Law Poster Page at http://michigan.gov/uia/0,1607,7-118-26899-78362--,00.html
- Michigan Department Of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs at http://michigan.gov/uia/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Michigan labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.