
Montana Child Farm Labor Laws Montana Child Labor in Agriculture & Farming

Montana law does not regulate the employment of minors in the agricultural industry.

Montana does not have any regulations limiting agricultural child labor within the state that apply to minors working in the agricultural industry, such as minors working as farm hands, harvesting fruit or vegetables, etc. The Federal Department of Labor's agricultural child labor laws apply, and Montana's general child labor regulations may also apply in some scenarios.

In most cases, agricultural child labor laws do not apply to children working on their family's farm. Many traditionally agricultural states have less restrictive child labor laws in this area.

Montana exempts agricultural labor from child labor laws except for a minimum age when school is in session.

Montana Agricultural Child Labor Age Restrictions

According to Montana state law, the minimum age at which a minor may work in agriculture during school hours is 14. There are no age restrictions for minors working in agriculture outside of school hours.

Minor Employment Certificate Requirements in Montana

No employment certificate is required for minors working in agriculture under Montana laws. No age certification is required for minors working in agriculture under Montana laws.

Montana Agricultural Child Labor Restrictions on Working Hours

Maximum Working Hours for Minors Under 16

Montana law does not specify any limitations on maximum working hours for minors under 16 who are engaged in agricultural work.

Montana does not specify any limitations on the number of days per week that can be worked by minors under 16 who are engaged in agricultural work.

Nightwork Regulations for Minors Under 16

Nightwork is prohibited for minors under age 16 during the following time windows: 7PM (9PM during periods outside school year (June 1st - Labor Day- depending on local standards)) to 7AM

Prohibited Hazardous Agricultural Occupations for Minors

In Montana, the following agricultural occupations, unless otherwise exempt or working as a student-learner pursuant to 41-2-109 are prohibited:

  1. felling, bucking, skidding, loading, or unloading timber with a butt diameter of more than 9 inches
  2. repairing a building from a ladder or scaffold at a height of more than 20 feet
  3. working inside a fruit, forage, or grain storage structure designed to retain an oxygen-deficient or toxic atmosphere
  4. working inside an upright silo within 2 weeks after silage has been added or when a top unloading device is in operating position
  5. handling or using agricultural chemicals classified as poisonous
  6. handling or using a blasting agent, including but not limited to dynamite, black powder, sensitized ammonium nitrate, blasting caps, or primer cord
  7. transporting, transferring, or applying anhydrous ammonia

    Other Montana Child Labor Laws

    In addition to laws specifically regulating minors employed in the agricultural industry, Montana law has a variety of regulations that cover child labor in general. To learn more, see Montana child labor laws.

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