
Nevada Printable Free Workers Compensation Law Posters Nevada Brief Description of Your Rights and Benefits If You Are Injured on the Job or have an Occupational Disease Poster Mandatory

The Brief Description of Your Rights and Benefits If You Are Injured on the Job or have an Occupational Disease is a Nevada workers compensation law poster provided for businesses by the Nevada Department Of Business and Industry. This is a required poster for all Nevada employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This workers’ compensation poster is a state labor law enforced by the department of business and industry, division of industrial relations under the workers’ compensation section. It is an informational posting essential for both workers and employers alike within the state. The poster classifies types of injuries ranging from temporary partial disability to permanent total disability. It also provides information what workers and employers should do in the event of an injury on the job or when one develops an occupational disease out of and in the course of the job. The poster also describes how to file a claim as a result of an injury and benefits for the injured worker based on the type of injury among other relevant concerns under workers compensation laws.

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(Pursuant to NRS 616C.050	) 	
Notice of Injury or Occupational Disease (Incident Report Form C	-1): 	If an injury or occupational disease (OD) arises out of and in the 	
course of employment, you must provide 	written notice to your employer as soon as practicable, but no later than 7 days after the accident or 	
OD. Your employer shall maintain a sufficient supply of the required forms.	 	
Claim for Compensation (Form C	-4): 	If medical treatment is sought, the form 	C-4 is available at the place of initial treatment. A completed 	
"Claim for Compensation" (Form C	-4) must be filed within 90 days after an accident or OD. The treating physician or chiropractor must, 	
within 3 working days after treatment, complete and mail 	to the employer, the employer's insurer and third	-party administrator, the Claim for 	
Medical Treatment: 	If you require medical treatment for your on	-the	-job injury or OD, you may be required to select a physician or 	
chiropractor from a list 	provided by your workers’ compensation insurer, if it has contracted with an Organization for Managed Care (MCO) or 	
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) or providers of health care. If your employer has not entered into a contract with an M	CO or PPO, you 	
may select a physician or chiropractor from the Panel of Physicians and Chiropractors. Any 	medical costs 	related to your industrial injury or 	
OD will be paid by your insurer.	 	
Temporary Total Disability (TTD): 	If your doctor has certified that you are unab	le to work for a period of at least 5 consecutive days, or 5 	
cumulative days in a 20	-day period, or places restrictions on you that your employer does not accommodate, you may be entitled to TTD 	
Temporary Partial Disability (TPD): 	If the wag	e you receive upon reemployment is less than the compensation for TTD to which you are 	
entitled, the insurer may be required to pay you TPD compensation to make up the difference. TPD can only be paid for a maxim	um of 24 	
Permanent Partial Disabili	ty (PPD): 	When your medical condition is stable and there is an indication of a PPD as a result of your injury or 	
OD, within 30 days, your insurer must arrange for an evaluation by a rating physician or chiropractor to determine the degree	 of your PPD. The	 	
amount of your PPD award depends on the date of injury, the results of the PPD evaluation	, your age and wage.	 	
Permanent Total Disability (PTD): 	If you are medically certified by a treating physician or chiropractor as permanently and totally disabled 	
and	 have been granted a PTD status by your insurer, you are entitled to receive monthly benefits not to exceed 66 2/3% of your av	erage 	
monthly wage. The amount of your PTD payments is subject to reduction if you previously received a 	lump	-sum 	PPD award.	 	
Voca	tional Rehabilitation Services: 	You may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services if you are unable to return to the job due to a 	
permanent physical impairment or permanent restrictions as a result of your injury or occupational disease.	 	
Transportation and Per Diem Reimbursement: 	You may be eligible for travel expenses and per diem associated with medical treatment.	 	
Reopening: 	You may be able to reopen your claim if your condition worsens after claim closure.	 	
Appeal Process: 	If you disag	ree with a written determination issued by the insurer or the insurer does not respond to your request, you may 	
appeal to the 	Department of Administration, Hearing Officer, 	by following the instructions contained in your determination letter. You must 	
appe	al the determination within 70 days from the date of the determination letter at 1050 E. William Street, Suite 400, Carson Ci	ty, Nevada 	
89701, or 2200 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 210, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. If you disagree with the Hearing Officer decision, y	ou may appeal to	 the 	
Department of Administration, Appeals Officer	. You must file your appeal within 30 days from the date of the Hearing Officer decision 	
letter at 1050 E. William Street, Suite 450, Carson City, Nevada 89701, or 2200 S. Rancho Drive, Suit	e 220, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102. If you 	
disagree with a decision of an Appeals Officer, you may file a 	petition for judicial review with the District Court	. You must do so within 30 	
days of the Appeal Officer’s decision. You may be represented by an attorne	y at your own expense or you may contact the NAIW for possible 	
Nevada Attorney for Injured Workers (NAIW): 	If you disagree with a hearing officer decision, you may request that NAIW represent you 	
without charge at an Appeals Officer Hearin	g. For information regarding denial of benefits, you may contact the NAIW at: 1000 E. William 	
Street	, Suite 208, Carson City, NV 89701, (775) 684	-7555, or 2200 S. Rancho Drive, Suite 230, Las Vegas, NV 	89102, (702) 486	-2830	 	
To File a Complaint with the Di	vision: 	If you wish to file a complaint with the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations (DIR), 	
please contact the Workers’ Compensation Section, 400 West King Street, Suite 400, Carson City, Nevada 89703, telephone (775)	 684	-7270, or 	
3360	 We	st Sahara Avenue	, Suite 250, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102, telephone (702) 486	-9080. 	
For	 Assistance	 with	 Workers’	 Compensation	 Issues:	 You	 may	 contact the State of Nevada Office for Consumer Health Assistance, 	3320 West 	
Sahara Avenue, Suite 100, 	Las	 Vegas,	 Nevada	 8910	2, Toll	 Free	 1-888	-333	-1597, Web site:	 E-mail	: 	
[email protected]	   	
D-2 (rev. 	10/20	)

Get a Nevada all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Nevada and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Nevada and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Nevada Labor Law Posters 25 PDFS provides an additional 24 required and optional Nevada labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Nevada Poster Name Poster Type
Required Nevada Senate Bill 209 General Labor Law Poster
Required Nevada Assembly Bill 307 General Labor Law Poster
Required Pregnant Worker's Fairness Act Workers Rights Law
Required Brief Description of Your Rights and Benefits If You Are Injured on the Job or have an Occupational Disease Workers Compensation Law
Required Information for the Unemployed Worker Unemployment Law

List of all 25 Nevada labor law posters

Nevada Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Nevada labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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