
Nevada Printable Free Coronavirus Notice Posters Nevada Employer & Employee Information on COVID-19 Poster

The Employer & Employee Information on COVID-19 is a Nevada coronavirus notice poster provided for businesses by the Nevada Department Of Business and Industry. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Business and Industry.

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Nevada Department of Business and 	Industry  EMPLOYER 
Can an employer cut my hours o	r 	
terminate my employment	? 	
•Yes.  	Nevada labor laws do n	ot	
req	uire employers to 	guaran	tee	
hours worked.  In addition, b	ecaus	e	
Nevada is an 	“at will	” employmen	t	
state, 	the employer 	or employee ca	n	
terminate the employmen	t	
relationship at any time with	 or	
without notice. 	It is recommende	d	
that employers explore oth	er	
options before taking 	any 	of the	se	
action	s.	
Can an employer 	decrease 	or 	
change my rate of pay? 
•Yes. 	Ho	wever, Nevada	 law	
requires a 	7-day written n	otice	
before 	a d	ecrease in wages can	 take	
effect. 	(NRS 608.1	00)	
Can an employer pay less than 
minimum wage or not pay 
overtime	? 	
•No.  	An employer must pay th	e	
current minimum w	age of $7.25 	if	
health benefits are 	offered and $8.	25	
if health benefits are not offered	.	
Ove	rtime is required to be paid f	or	
time worked over 8	-hours in a 24	-	
hour period if the 	employ	ee m	akes	
less than $10	.875 (offered healt	h	
benefi	ts) 	an	d $12.375 (not offe	red	
hea	lth benefits	.  Overtime 	pay 	is	
required for 	over 40 hours of wor	k.	
How 	often 	must 	an	employee 	be 	
• Employees	must	be	paid	ateas	t	
semi	-monthly. 	(NRS	608.	060)	
When must a discharged 
employee 	be paid? 	
• Adischarged 	employee’s	wages	
shall be due and payable 
immediately. 	If not paid within 	
3-days penalties may apply	.	
(NRS 	608.020 	& 608	.040)	
W	hen 	must 	a quitting 	employee 	
be 	paid? 
•Final	wages must be pai	d	
within 	7-days after th	e	
employee 	resigns 	or	by	the	
next 	regularly schedule	d	
payday, 	whichever	 is	
earlier. (NRS 608.0	30)	
How	often	must	breaks	be	given? 	
•An employee must begiven 	a	
paid, 	10	-minute	break	for	each	4-	
hour 	period 	of 	work. 	In 	addition	,	
employees are entitled to	 an	
unpaid, 	30	-minute 	meal 	period 	for	
each 	8-hour 	period 	of 	work. 	(NR	S	
608.019 	& 	NAC 	608.145)	
Does 	a sick 	employee 	havet	o	
report 	to 	work?	
•No	. A	n employee 	is not 	required 	to	
be physically 	present 	atwork 	to	notif	y	
his or 	her 	employer 	that 	he 	or 	she 	is	
sick 	or has	sustained	anon	-work	-	
related	injury 	and 	cannot 	wor	k.	
(Assembly Bill 	(AB)	181	-80	th 	
Leg	islati	ve Session 20	19)	
•Does	an	employer 	have to	
provide	paid	leave?	
•Yes. 	Effective 	January 	1, 2020,	
yes, 	a private 	employer wh	o	
employs 	50 or more 	employee	s	
in 	the 	state 	of 	Nevada 	mus	t	
provide 	0.01923 	hour 	of 	pai	d	
leave 	per 	hour	of	wor	k	
performed. 	(Senate	Bill (S	B)	
312	-80th Legislative Sessi	on	
2019	)	
Can an 	employer 	require me to s	tay 	
away from work 	if I have re	cently 	
trav	eled? 	
•Po	ssibl	y. 	The 	Centers for Disea	se	
Control and Prevention (CDC) hav	e	
imposed 	travel advisories 	and 	identifie	d	
highly impacted areas.  Travel to thes	e	
areas or potential e	xposure to COVID	-19	
could req	uire the 	employee to 	stay awa	y	
from the office for a designated perio	d.	
If I am required to stay away from 
the 	office because of recent travel 	
will I get paid? 
•Possibl	y. 	Employers m	ay	
implement policies providing p	aid	
leave cons	istent with SB 312 or off	er	
more generous paid leave 	policie	s.	
Employees may be required	 to	
utilize paid leave or Family Medi	cal	
Leave Act (	FMLA) leave dependin	g	
upon the dura	tion of th	e	
emp	loyee	’s ab	sence 	and condition	.	
Mandatory Quar	antines may	 also	
require t	he em	ployer to not coun	t	
this leave 	against an employee an	d	
pay 	them 	for this leave or allow th	e	
employee to use paid lea	ve.	
Do I have to travel for work? 
•Po	ssibl	y. 	Emp	loyers can restric	t	
and/or cancel 	tra	vel 	to highly impac	ted	
areas i	dentified by the CDC or c	ance	l	
travel to other areas	.	
I have a vacation scheduled and 
my empl	oyer is no	w telling me I 	
cannot 	take it? 	
•An 	emplo	yer 	can encour	age	
employees not to travel to ar	eas	
that have been identified by th	e	
CDC as highly 	impacted areas o	r	
where travel advisories have b	een	
imposed.  Travel to other 	areas 	or	
vacations that have been p	reviou	sly	
approved should be allo	wed to	
continue.  The employee an	d	
employer should monitor th	e	
website of the CD	C 	for addition	al	
areas th	at 	could 	be identif	ied as	
highly impacted and adj	ust trave	l	
accordin	gly.	
Can an employer deduct cleaning 
costs or other charges relating to 
COVID	-19 from my payche	ck? 	
•No. 	Written authorization 	includin	g	
the specific amount being deducted, t	he	
purpose for the deduction, and the pa	y	
period/date in w	hich the deduction wil	l	
be made is required. (NRS 608.110 	&	
NAC 	608.160	)

Get a Nevada all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Nevada and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Nevada and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for February 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Nevada Labor Law Posters 25 PDFS provides an additional 24 required and optional Nevada labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Nevada Poster Name Poster Type
Required Nevada Senate Bill 209 General Labor Law Poster
Required Nevada Assembly Bill 307 General Labor Law Poster
Required Pregnant Worker's Fairness Act Workers Rights Law
Required Brief Description of Your Rights and Benefits If You Are Injured on the Job or have an Occupational Disease Workers Compensation Law
Required Information for the Unemployed Worker Unemployment Law

List of all 25 Nevada labor law posters

Nevada Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of Nevada labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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