New York:

New York Printable Free Job Safety Law Posters New York Safety & Health Poster Mandatory

The Safety & Health is a New York job safety law poster provided for businesses by the New York Department Of Labor. This is a required poster for all New York employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This is a state labor post enforced by the New York department of labor, division of safety and health. It is a mandatory posting important for all employers operating within the state. It is a summary of the New York Public Employee Safety and Health Act of 1980, which provides for job safety and health protection for workers through the promotion of safe and healthful working conditions throughout the state. In the poster are responsibilities of employers as regards safety of employees and their rights as provided for by the Act. The poster also contains provisions of the Act guiding application of complaints and prohibition against any retaliatory action based on such complaints. The poster should be displayed at a conspicuous place where all employees can access.

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P208 (7/17)	The New York State Department of Labor is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals wit\
h disabilities.	
Employers must provide employees with a workplace that is:
• 	free from recognized hazards,	
• 	in compliance with the safety and health standards that 
apply to the workplace, and	
• 	in compliance with any other regulations issued under the 
PESH Act by the Commissioner of Labor.	
Employees must comply with all safety and health standards 
that apply to their actions on the job. Employees must also 
comply with any regulations issued under the PESH Act that 
apply to their job.
The New York State Department of Labor administers and 
enforces the PESH Act. The Commissioner of Labor issues 
safety and health standards. The Department’s Division of 
Safety and Health (DOSH) has Inspectors and Hygienists 
who inspect workplaces to make sure they are following	 	
the PESH Act.
When DOSH staff inspect a workplace, a representative 
of the employer and a representative approved by the 
employees must be allowed to help with the inspection.  
When there is no employee-approved representative, DOSH 
staff must speak with a fair number of employees about the 
safety and health conditions in the workplace.
Order to Comply
If the Department believes an employer has violated the 
PESH Act, we will issue an order to comply notice to the 
employer. The order will list  dates by which each violation 
must be fixed. If  violations are not fixed by those dates, the 
employer may be fined. 
The order to comply must be posted at or near the place 
of violation, where it can be easily seen. This is to warn 
employees that a danger may exist. 	
Post Conspicuously	
Any interested person may file a complaint if they believe 
there are unsafe or unhealthful conditions in a public 
workplace. This includes:
• 	An employee	
• 	A representative of an employee	
• 	Groups of employees	
• 	A representative of a group of employees	
Make this complaint in writing to the nearest DOSH office 
or by email to:	 [email protected]	. On request, 	
DOSH will not release the names of any employees who file 
a complaint. The Department of Labor will evaluate each 
complaint. The Department will notify the person who made 
the complaint of the results of the investigation.  
These complaints may also be made to the United States 
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health 
Administration online at:	. 	
Employees may not be fired or discriminated against in any 
way for filing safety and health complaints or otherwise 
exercising their rights under the Act.
If an employee believes that they have been discriminated 
against, he or she may file a complaint with the nearest 
DOSH office. File this complaint within 30 days of the 
discrimination incident.
Voluntary Activity
The Department of Labor encourages employers and 
employees to voluntarily: 
• 	reduce workplace hazards, and 	
• 	develop and improve safety and health programs in all 
The Division of Safety and Health can provide free help with 
identifying and correcting job site hazards. Employers may 
request this assistance on a voluntary basis by emailing: 
[email protected]	.	
The New York State Public Employee Safety and Health Act of 1980 provides job safety a\
nd health protection for 
workers through the promotion of safe and healthful working conditions throu\
ghout the State. Requirements of the	 	
Act include the following:	
Albany District
State Office Campus
Bldg. 12, Rm. 158
Albany, NY 12240
Tel: (518) 457-5508
Binghamton District
44 Hawley St., Rm. 901
Binghamton, NY 13901
Tel: (607) 721-8211
Buffalo District
65 Court Street
Buffalo, NY 14202
Tel: (716) 847-7133
Additional information may be obtained from the nearest DOSH District Offi\
ce below:	
Syracuse District
450 South Salina Street
Syracuse, NY 13202
Tel: (315) 479-3212
Utica District
207 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13501
Tel: (315) 793-2258
White Plains District
120 Bloomingdale Road
White Plains, NY 10605
Tel: (914) 997-9514	
Garden City District
400 Oak Street
Garden City, NY 11550
Tel: (516) 228-3970
New York City District
75 Varick St., 7th Floor
New York, NY 10013
Tel: (212) 775-3554
Rochester District
109 S. Union St., Rm. 402
Rochester, NY 14607
Tel: (585) 258-8806	
Labor Law Information Relating to	
Public Employees 
Job Safety & Health Protection

Get a New York all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory New York and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all New York and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More New York Labor Law Posters 18 PDFS provides an additional seventeen required and optional New York labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

New York Poster Name Poster Type
Required Fringe Benefits Notice Miscellaneous Law
Required Minimum Wage Poster Minimum Wage Law
Required Safety & Health Job Safety Law
Required Veteran Benefits and Services General Labor Law Poster
Required Equal Pay General Labor Law Poster

List of all 18 New York labor law posters

New York Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While does our best to keep our list of New York labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

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