Ohio Minimum Wage Poster 2023
The Ohio Minimum Wage Poster 2023 is an Ohio minimum wage law poster provided for businesses by the Ohio Department Of Commerce. This is a required poster for all Ohio employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This is a state labor poster enforced by the state Department of Commerce, Division of Industrial Compliance. It’s a mandatory posting required of all employers within the state. It provides information about the prevailing rate of minimum wage payable to covered employees within the state for every hour of service. The Ohio minimum wage poster highlights the rights of covered workers while also indicating responsibilities of employers within the state. The poster defines workers who qualify and or are exempted, including workers and employers, from the provisions of the state minimum pay law. It contains information about overtime pay and penalties for infraction. The poster also indicates where and how to file a related claim. The poster must be correctly posted by covered employers at a conspicuous place where all workers can access. Failure to comply with the posting and law can and may attract fines and or sanctions.
STATE OF OHIO 2024 MINIMUM WAGE www.com.ohio.gov Mike DeWine Governor Jon Husted Lt. Governor Sherry Maxfield Director NON -TIPPED EMPLOYEES A Minimum Wage of $10.45 per hour “Non -Tipped Employees” includes any employee who does not engage in an occupation in which he/she customarily and regularly receives more than thirty dollars ($30.00) per month in tips. “Employers” who gross less than $385,000 shall pay their employees no less than the current federal minimum wage rate. “Employees” under the age of 16 shall be paid no less than the current federal minimum wage rate. “Current Federal Minimum Wage” is $7.25 per hour. TIPPED EMPLOYEES A Minimum Wage of $5.25 per hour PLUS TIPS “Tipped Employees” includes any employee who engages in an occupation in which he/she customarily and regularly receives more than thirty dollars ($30.00) per month in tips. Employers electing to use the tip credit provision must be able to show that tipped employees receive at least the minimum wage when direct or cash wages and the tip credit amount are combined. OVERTIME 1. An employer shall pay an employee for overtime at a wage rate of one and one -half times the employee’s wage rate for hours in excess of 40 hours in one work week, except for employers grossing less than $150,000 per year. RECORDS TO BE KEPT BY THE EMPLOYER 1. Each employer shall keep records for at least three years, available for copying and inspection by the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce, showing the following information concerning each employee: A. Name B. Address C. Occupation D. Rate of Pay E. Amount paid each pay period F. Hours worked each day and each work week 2. The records may be opened for inspection or copying at any reasonable time and no employer shall hinder or delay the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce in the performance of these duties. SUB -MINIMUM WAGE RATE To prevent the curtailment of opportunities for employment and avoid undue hardship to individuals whose earning capacity is affected or impaired by physical or mental deficiencies or injuries, a sub- minimum wage may be paid, as provided in the rules and regulations set forth by the Director of the Ohio Department of Commerce. INDIVIDUALS EXEMPT FROM MINIMUM WAGE 1. Any individual employed by the United States; 2. Any individual employed as a baby -sitter in the employer’s home, or a live -in companion to a sick, convalescing, or elderly person whose principal duties do not include housekeeping; 3. Any individual employed as an outside salesman compensated by commissions or in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, or computer professionals; 4. Any individual who volunteers to perform services for a public agency which is a State, a political subdivision of a State, or an interstate government agency, if (i) the individual receives no compensation or is paid expenses, reasonable benefits, or a nominal fee to perform the services for which the individual volunteered; and (ii) such serv ices are not the same type of services which the individual is employed to perform for such public agency; 5. Any individual who works or provides personal services of a charitable nature in a hospital or health institution for which compensation is not sought or contemplated; 6. Any individual in the employ of a camp or recreational area for children under eighteen years of age and owned and operated by a non- profit organization or group of organizations. 7. Employees of a solely family owned and operated business who are family members of an owner. * For information about additional exemptions, please visit the Ohio Division of Industrial Compliance or U.S. Department of Labor websites. For further information about minimum wage issues, please contact: The Ohio Department of Commerce, Division of Industrial Compliance, 6606 Tussing Road, Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. Phone: 614- 644-2239. TTY/TDD: 1- 800-750-0750. An Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider. (REV. 9/30/ 23) POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE
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More Ohio Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional six required and optional Ohio labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Ohio Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Ohio Minimum Wage Poster 2023 | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Smoke Free Workplace Law No Smoking Sign | Anti-Smoking Law |
Required Unemployment Compensation | Unemployment Law |
Required Ohio First Aid for Food Choking Poster | First Aid |
List of all 7 Ohio labor law posters
Ohio Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://com.ohio.gov/static/documents/2024_MW_Poster.pdf
, last updated December 2023
- Ohio Labor Law Poster Page at https://das.ohio.gov/employee-relations/policies/labor-employment-law-posting-requirements
- Ohio Department Of Commerce at http://com.ohio.gov/default.aspx
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Ohio labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.