Non-Franklin County Workplace Domestic Violence Poster
The Non-Franklin County Workplace Domestic Violence Poster is an Ohio domestic violence law poster provided for businesses by the Ohio Department Of Commerce. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Commerce.
This is a state labor poster enforced by the Ohio department of commerce. It is an informational posting required of all employers operating within the state. In it is a general guideline what to do in the event of sexual violence. The poster also contains emergency lines one can use to seek help if victimized. It also contains relevant online resources to be applied in the event of sexual violence. The poster should be displayed at a conspicuous place where all employees can access.
Help for Victims of Family Violence Statewide Resources HERE’S HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF • If you are in an emergency situation, call 911. • Talk to a friend, neighbor, clergy person, family member, or doctor – they can be a good source of support and help. • Make a plan in case you decide to leave. Set aside some cash, important documents, (birth certificates, social security cards, immigration papers, passports, medical insurance cards, any documentation of abuse, etc.), a spare set of keys, and a change of clothes that you can access easily in a crisis situation. • Contact community resources to find out how they can help. They can assist you if you need a place to stay or need help taking legal action against the person who is abusing you. • If you are thinking about leaving, do not inform the abuser/batterer. • Be aware that the abuser/batterer can use technology to monitor your activities (cell phone, text messages, computer, Internet Web sites, GPS, etc.) www.nnedv.org/resources/safetynetdocs.html • Trust your instincts. HERE’S HOW TO HELP OTHERS To help someone who is being abused: • Plan what you want to say, determine a good time and private place to talk alone. • Ask questions like “How can I help you? What do you want to do about the situation?” Be supportive and listen without judgment. Give the victim plenty of time to answer. • Don’t say “Just get out” – it is not a safe piece of advice. • Let the victim know that you believe that verbal, emotional or physical abuse in a relationship is never acceptable and not the victim’s fault. • Provide the victim with information about local resources that can help. To help a child who is being abused: • Report your suspicions of child abuse to a local children services agency. • Link the child to a safe adult and contact ChildHelp USA. To help someone who is a batterer: • Contact the Ohio Domestic Violence Network for program referral. Rev. 9/2015 No one deserves to be abused. If this is happening to you, it is not your fault. Help is available by calling any of the phone numbers listed on this sheet. Remember that you are not alone. PHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCY ................................................................... 911 Ohio Employee Assistance Program ....800-221-6327 Optum Behavioral Solutions 24hr ...... 800-852-1091 Services for Children & Teens: Child Help USA ........................................ 800-4-A-CHILD National Runaway Hotline .................... 800-621-4000 National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline ........................... ........................................................................\ 866-331-9474 Ohio Youth Advocate Program ............ 877-692-7226 Public Children Services Assoc. of Ohio ..................... ........................................................................\ 614-224-5802 The Center for Family Safety and Healing ................... ........................................................................\ 614-722-8200 Services for Adult Victims: Action Ohio Coalition for Battered Women ........................................................................\ 888-622-9315 BRAVO (LGBTQI Services) ...................... 866-862-7286 National Domestic Violence Hotline ...800-799-7233 Office of Criminal Justice Services, Family Violence Prevention Center .................................... 888-448-4842 Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence . .888-886-8388 Ohio Domestic Violence Network ...... 800-934-9840 Rape, Abuse & Incest Natl Network (RAINN) ....................................................................... 800-656-HOPE Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) .............................................. 614-267-7020 Legal Resources: Ohio State Legal Services Assoc. ...... 866-LAW-OHIO Other Programs & Services: ASHA Ray of Hope (South Asian Community) ........................................................................\ 614-326-2121 Crisis Line ............................................... 614-565-2918 Asian American Community Services .......................... ........................................................................\ 614-220-4023 Ohio Dept. of Aging ................................ 800-266-4346 Long Term Care Ombudsman Prog. .....800-282-1206 Ohio AG Crime Victim Services ............ 800-582-2877 Ohio Hispanic Coalition ........................ 614-840-9934 Shalom Task Force .................................. 888-883-2323 Somali Community Assoc. of Ohio ....614-262-4068 ONLINE RESOURCES Ohio Organizations and Resources: ASHA Ray of Hope www.asharayofhope.org Asian American Community Services www.aacsohio.org Office of Criminal Justice Services, Family Violence Prevention Center www.fvpc.ohio.gov Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence www.oaesv.org Ohio Department of Aging www.aging.ohio.gov Ohio Domestic Violence Network www.ODVN.org Ohio Legal Services www.ohiolegalservices.org Public Children Services Association of Ohio www.pcsao.org The Center for Family Safety and Healing www.familysafetyandhealing.org National Resources: ChildHelp USA www.childhelp.org Futures Without Violence www.futureswithoutviolence.org National Coalition Against Domestic Violence www.ncadv.org National Domestic Violence Hotline www.thehotline.org Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network www.rainn.org 614-722-8200 www.FamilySafetyandHealing.org 11390
Get an Ohio all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Ohio and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Ohio and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster Now
More Ohio Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional six required and optional Ohio labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Ohio Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Ohio Minimum Wage Poster 2023 | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Smoke Free Workplace Law No Smoking Sign | Anti-Smoking Law |
Required Unemployment Compensation | Unemployment Law |
Required Ohio First Aid for Food Choking Poster | First Aid |
List of all 7 Ohio labor law posters
Ohio Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: http://das.ohio.gov/Portals/0/DASDivisions/HumanResources/Policy/pdf/11390_MKTG_TCFSH_Ohio%20Resource%20Sheet_OneSideREV_HR.pdf
, last updated December 2023
- Ohio Labor Law Poster Page at https://das.ohio.gov/employee-relations/policies/labor-employment-law-posting-requirements
- Ohio Department Of Commerce at http://com.ohio.gov/default.aspx
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Ohio labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.