Fair Employment Poster
The Fair Employment is a Pennsylvania equal opportunity law poster provided for businesses by the Pennsylvania Department Of Labor & Industry. This is a required poster for all Pennsylvania employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This is a state labor poster under the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act. It is a mandatory post required of all employers, employment agencies, and or labor organizations within the state. It is a summary of the state Human Relations Act that prohibits discrimination by the above against prospective applicants and or employees on the basis of color, race, gender, age, religion, and or disability. It is a summary of common discrimination in employment practices that are outlawed by the state law. In the poster are exemptions for which provisions of the law do not apply. It also details how and when to file complaints depending on the kind of discrimination supposedly committed. It must be posted at conspicuous places where the relevant persons can easily access.
EMPLOYMENT PROVISIONS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HUMAN RELATIONS ACT (Act of October 27, 1955, P .L. 744, as Amended) PURPOSE OF PROVISIONS The purpose of the employment provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act is to prevent and eliminate unlawful discriminatory practices in employment because of race, color, religion, ancestry, age (40 and above), sex, national origin, non-job related disability, known association with a disabled individual, possession of a diploma based on passing a general education development test, or willingness or refusal to participate in abortion or sterilization. UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICES It is unlawful — on the basis of the facts listed above — for an employer, labor union or employment agency to: 1. Deny any person an equal opportunity to obtain employment, to be promoted and to be accorded all other rights to compensation, tenure and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. 2. Deny membership rights and privileges in any labor organization. 3. Deny any person equal opportunity to be referred for employment. 4. Refuse to contract or otherwise discriminate in contracting with any independent contractor who is licensed by the Bureau of Professional and Occupational Affairs. It is also unlawful for any person, employe r, labor union or employment agency to retaliate against an individual because the individual has filed a complaint with the Commission, or has otherwise participated in any Commission proceeding, or for any person to aid or abet any unlawful discriminatory practice under the Human Relations Act. PARTIES SUBJECT TO THE ACT The employment provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act apply to: (1) Employers of 4 or more persons, including units of state and local government, (2) Labor organizations, and (3) Employment agencies. WHO MAY FILE A COMPLAINT Complaints may be filed within 180 days of the alleged act of discrimination by any of the following: (1) Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against, (2) The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, (3) The Attorney General of Pennsylvania, or (4) An employer whose employees hinder compliance with the provisions of the Act. PARTIES EXEMPT FROM THE ACT The employment provisions of the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act do not apply to: (1) Any individual employed in agriculture or domestic service, (2) any individual who, as part of his or her employment, resides in the personal residence of the employer, (3) Any individual employed by his or her parents, spouse or child. WHO MUST POST THIS NOTICE Every employer, labor organization and employment agency subject to the employment provisions of this Act is required by law to post this notice in a conspicuous, easily accessible and well-lighted location customarily frequented by applicants, employees or members. WARNING: Removing, defacing, covering up or destroying this notice is a violation of the Pennsylvania Crimes Code and may subject you to fine or imprisonment. For further information, write, phone or visit the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission: Executive Offices: 333 Market Street, 8th Floor · Harrisburg, PA 171 26 (717) 787-4410 · (717) 787- 7279 (TTY) or visit us at www COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HUMAN RELATIONS COMMISSION To file a complaint, contact the Regional Office nearest you: Pittsburgh 301 5th Ave., Suite 390 Piatt Place Pittsburgh, PA 15222 (412) 565-5395 (717) 787-7279 (TTY) (412) 565-5711 (TTY) Harrisburg 333 Market Street,8th Floor Harrisburg, PA 17104 (717) 787-9780
Get a Pennsylvania all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Pennsylvania and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Pennsylvania and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster Now
More Pennsylvania Labor Law Posters
18 PDFS provides an additional seventeen required and optional Pennsylvania labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Pennsylvania Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Form No. LIBC-500 (Rev 5-09) Workers' Compensation Insurance Posting | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Form No. UC-700 Unemployment Compensation | Unemployment Law |
Required Form UC-700 (ESP) Compensacion Por Desempleo | Unemployment Law |
Required Form No. LLC-1 - Minimum Wage Law Poster and Fact Sheet | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Fair Employment | Equal Opportunity Law |
List of all 18 Pennsylvania labor law posters
Pennsylvania Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated May 2020
- Pennsylvania Labor Law Poster Page at
- Pennsylvania Department Of Labor & Industry at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Pennsylvania labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.