
Wyoming Printable Free General Labor Law Poster Posters All-In-One Wyoming Labor Law Poster Mandatory

The All-In-One Wyoming Labor Law Poster is a Wyoming general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Wyoming Department Of Workforce Services. This is a required poster for all Wyoming employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This printable packet contains all mandatory Wyoming labor law and safety posters in a single convenient file.

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Wyoming Department of Workforce Services Notice to Employees
Health and Safety Protection on the Job	
The Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act 
provides job health and safety protection for workers 
employed by general business and industry through-
out the state as well as for all employees of the state 
and its political sub-divisions, occupations which are 
not an issue within the state and are not covered by the 
occupational health and safety act include ship repair-
ing, ship building, ship breaking and longshoring.
Wyoming Workers’ Compensation in consultation 
with the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety 
Commission, created by the Act, has primary respon-
sibility for administering the Act. Wyoming Workers’ 
Compensation issues rules and regulations for job 
health and safety promulgated under the Act.
By law: Safety on the job is everybody’s responsibility!
Each employer shall furnish to his employees, a place 
of employment and employment which are free from 
recognized hazards that are causing or that are likely 
to cause death or serious physical harm. Each employ-
er shall comply with occupations safety and health 
standards, rules, regulations and orders issued pursu-
ant to the Act.
Each employee shall comply with occupational safety 
and health standards and all rules, regulations and 
orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applica-
ble to his own action and conduct.
The Act requires that a representative or representa-
tives of the employers and a representative or repre-
sentatives authorized by the employees shall be 
given an opportunity to accompany a duly autho-
rized representative of the Commission before or 
during the physical inspection of any workplace for 
the purpose of aiding such inspection.
Where there is no authorized employee representa-
tive, the authorized representative of the Commission (Compliance Ofcer) shall consult with a reasonable 
number of employees concerning matters of safety 
and health.
If upon inspection Wyoming Workers’ Compensation 
determines that an employer has violated the Act, a 
notice of violation will be issued to the employer 
within 180 days following the occurrence of the viola-
tion. Each notice of violation will specify a time period 
within which the violation must be corrected.
The notice of violation must be prominently posted in 
a conspicuous place at or near the site of the violation 
until the violation is corrected, or for three working 
days, whichever period is longer.
Voluntary Action
Technical Assistance Consultative Services is responsi-
ble for providing technical assistant to all industries, 
businesses, employees, employee groups, associa-
tions, state and local governments, establishments, 
agencies and departments. These services are avail-
able upon a written request from employers or 
employees. These services include but are not limited 
to courtesy inspections (without assessment of penal-
ties), health and safety training and consultive 
Employees or their representatives have the right to 
fle a complaint with Wyoming Workers’ Compensa-
tion requesting an inspection if they believe unsafe or 
unhealthful conditions exist in their workplace. WSC 
will withhold names of employees complaining on 
The Act provides that employees may not be 
discharged or discriminated again in any way for fling 
safety and health complaints or otherwise exercising 
their rights under the Act.
An employee who believes he has been discriminated 
against may fle a complaint with Workers’ Safety and 	
Page 1 of 2	
Compensation, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 and/or 
the Regional Ofce of OSHA, U.S. Department of 
Labor, at the Address listed below this notice within 
30 days of the alleged discrimination.
The Act provides for mandatory penalties of up to 
$12,471 for each serious violation and for optional 
penalties of up to $12,471 for each non-serious viola-
tion. Penalties of up to $12,471 are required for each 
day during which an employer fails to correct a viola-
tion beyond the period set for correction in the notice 
of violation. Also, any employer who willfully and know-
ingly violates the Act, upon conviction, is to be assessed 
penalties of not more than $124,709 for each violation.
Additional penalties are also provided for in the Act: 
any willful violation resulting in death of an employ-
ee, upon conviction of an employer, is punishable by 
a fne of not more a $10,000 or by imprisonment for 
not more than six months, or by both. Conviction of 
an employer after a frst conviction doubles these 
maximum penalties.
All Workers have the right to...
 A safe workplace.
 Raise a safety or health concern with your employ-er or OSHA, or report a work-related injury or 
illness, without being retaliated against .
 Receive information and training on job hazards,  including all hazardous substances in your work-
 Request an OSHA inspection of your workplace if  you believe there are unsafe or unhealthy condi-
tions. OSHA will keep your name confdential. You 
have the right to have a representative contact 
OSHA on your behalf.
 Participate (or have your representative partici- pate) in an OSHA inpection and speak in private to 
the inspector.
 File a complaint with OSHA within 30 days (by  phone, online or by mail) if you have been retaliat-
ed against for using your rights.
 See any OSHA citations issued to your employer.  Request copies of your medical records, tests that 
measure hazards in the workplace, and the work-
place injury and illness log.
Employers must...  Provide employees a workplace free from recognized hazards. It is illegal to retaliate against an employee 
for using any of their rights under the law, including 
raising a health and safety concern with you or with 
OSHA, or reporting a work-related injury or illness.
 Comply with all applicable OSHA standards.
 Report to OSHA all work-related fatalities within 8  hours, and all inpatient hospitalizations, amputa-
tions and losses of an eye within 24 hours.
 Provide require training to all workers in a  language and vocabulary they can understand.
 Prominently display this poster in the workplace.
 Post OSHA citations at or near the place of the  alleged violations for a minimum of 3 days or until 
all the citations are abated.
Note: Additional information may be obtained from...
  Wyoming OSHA
  Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
  (307) 777-7786
Under a place approved by the U.S. Department of 
Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
(OSHA), the State of Wyoming is providing job safety 
and health protection for workers throughout the state. 
OSHA will monitor the operation of this plan to assure 
that continued approval is merited. Any person may 
make a complaint regarding the state administration of 
this place directly to the Regional Ofce of OSHA, U.S. 
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health 
Administration, 1999 Broadway #1690, Denver, Colora-
do 80202-5716, Telephone: (303) 844-1600.

The Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety Act 
provides job health and safety protection for workers 
employed by general business and industry through-
out the state as well as for all employees of the state 
and its political sub-divisions, occupations which are 
not an issue within the state and are not covered by the 
occupational health and safety act include ship repair-
ing, ship building, ship breaking and longshoring.
Wyoming Workers’ Compensation in consultation 
with the Wyoming Occupational Health and Safety 
Commission, created by the Act, has primary respon-
sibility for administering the Act. Wyoming Workers’ 
Compensation issues rules and regulations for job 
health and safety promulgated under the Act.
By law: Safety on the job is everybody’s responsibility!
Each employer shall furnish to his employees, a place 
of employment and employment which are free from 
recognized hazards that are causing or that are likely 
to cause death or serious physical harm. Each employ-
er shall comply with occupations safety and health 
standards, rules, regulations and orders issued pursu-
ant to the Act.
Each employee shall comply with occupational safety 
and health standards and all rules, regulations and 
orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applica-
ble to his own action and conduct.
The Act requires that a representative or representa-
tives of the employers and a representative or repre-
sentatives authorized by the employees shall be 
given an opportunity to accompany a duly autho-
rized representative of the Commission before or 
during the physical inspection of any workplace for 
the purpose of aiding such inspection.
Where there is no authorized employee representa-
tive, the authorized representative of the Commission (Compliance Ofcer) shall consult with a reasonable 
number of employees concerning matters of safety 
and health.
If upon inspection Wyoming Workers’ Compensation 
determines that an employer has violated the Act, a 
notice of violation will be issued to the employer 
within 180 days following the occurrence of the viola-
tion. Each notice of violation will specify a time period 
within which the violation must be corrected.
The notice of violation must be prominently posted in 
a conspicuous place at or near the site of the violation 
until the violation is corrected, or for three working 
days, whichever period is longer.
Voluntary Action
Technical Assistance Consultative Services is responsi-
ble for providing technical assistant to all industries, 
businesses, employees, employee groups, associa-
tions, state and local governments, establishments, 
agencies and departments. These services are avail-
able upon a written request from employers or 
employees. These services include but are not limited 
to courtesy inspections (without assessment of penal-
ties), health and safety training and consultive 
Employees or their representatives have the right to 
fle a complaint with Wyoming Workers’ Compensa-
tion requesting an inspection if they believe unsafe or 
unhealthful conditions exist in their workplace. WSC 
will withhold names of employees complaining on 
The Act provides that employees may not be 
discharged or discriminated again in any way for fling 
safety and health complaints or otherwise exercising 
their rights under the Act.
An employee who believes he has been discriminated 
against may fle a complaint with Workers’ Safety and 	
Page 2 of 2	
Compensation, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 and/or 
the Regional Ofce of OSHA, U.S. Department of 
Labor, at the Address listed below this notice within 
30 days of the alleged discrimination.
The Act provides for mandatory penalties of up to 
$12,471 for each serious violation and for optional 
penalties of up to $12,471 for each non-serious viola-
tion. Penalties of up to $12,471 are required for each 
day during which an employer fails to correct a viola-
tion beyond the period set for correction in the notice 
of violation. Also, any employer who willfully and know-
ingly violates the Act, upon conviction, is to be assessed 
penalties of not more than $124,709 for each violation.
Additional penalties are also provided for in the Act: 
any willful violation resulting in death of an employ-
ee, upon conviction of an employer, is punishable by 
a fne of not more a $10,000 or by imprisonment for 
not more than six months, or by both. Conviction of 
an employer after a frst conviction doubles these 
maximum penalties.
All Workers have the right to...
 A safe workplace.
 Raise a safety or health concern with your employ-er or OSHA, or report a work-related injury or 
illness, without being retaliated against .
 Receive information and training on job hazards,  including all hazardous substances in your work-
 Request an OSHA inspection of your workplace if  you believe there are unsafe or unhealthy condi-
tions. OSHA will keep your name confdential. You 
have the right to have a representative contact 
OSHA on your behalf.
 Participate (or have your representative partici- pate) in an OSHA inpection and speak in private to 
the inspector.
 File a complaint with OSHA within 30 days (by  phone, online or by mail) if you have been retaliat-
ed against for using your rights.
 See any OSHA citations issued to your employer.  Request copies of your medical records, tests that 
measure hazards in the workplace, and the work-
place injury and illness log.
Employers must...  Provide employees a workplace free from recognized hazards. It is illegal to retaliate against an employee 
for using any of their rights under the law, including 
raising a health and safety concern with you or with 
OSHA, or reporting a work-related injury or illness.
 Comply with all applicable OSHA standards.
 Report to OSHA all work-related fatalities within 8  hours, and all inpatient hospitalizations, amputa-
tions and losses of an eye within 24 hours.
 Provide require training to all workers in a  language and vocabulary they can understand.
 Prominently display this poster in the workplace.
 Post OSHA citations at or near the place of the  alleged violations for a minimum of 3 days or until 
all the citations are abated.
Note: Additional information may be obtained from...
  Wyoming OSHA
  Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
  (307) 777-7786
Under a place approved by the U.S. Department of 
Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration 
(OSHA), the State of Wyoming is providing job safety 
and health protection for workers throughout the state. 
OSHA will monitor the operation of this plan to assure 
that continued approval is merited. Any person may 
make a complaint regarding the state administration of 
this place directly to the Regional Ofce of OSHA, U.S. 
Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health 
Administration, 1999 Broadway #1690, Denver, Colora-
do 80202-5716, Telephone: (303) 844-1600.	
Revised December 2016

Per Hour	
A training wage of $4.25 per 
hour is allowed for employees 
under age 20 during the frst 90 
days of employment.

Claims may be fled by unemployed workers by telephone or by the 
Internet. Unemployment insurance taxes are paid by employers.	
You are insured under the law	
Department of Workforce ServicesUnemployment Insurance Division
PO Box 2760
Casper, WY 82602
Wyoming Claims Center In-State (307) 473-3789;
Out-of-State (866) 729-7799
Internet Claims
Unemployment Insurance Information wyomingworkforce.org
(fnd a job in Wyoming) wyomingatwork.com

Attention Employees
The State of Wyoming requires labor law to be displayed in a 
conspicuous location accessible  to all employees.

This information must be posted at 
all times and available for your 
review. If you have any questions 
about these posting, please call the 
Wyoming Department of Work-
force Services at (307) 777-8650 or 

Your employer may have qualifed with the Workers’ Compensation 
Division for the coverage of injuries arising out of and in the course of 
employment. While at work in or about the premises occupied, used 
or controlled by the employer. This coverage is for extra hazardous 
industries and occupations only if the employer has elected to cover 
non-extra hazardous. 
In the event of a work-related injury
1. Notify your employer how and when you were injured within
    72 hours of the incident.
2. Submit a written report of your injury to Wyoming Workers’ 
    Compensation within 10 days of the incident.  You must
    complete and sign the “Wyoming Report of Injury” form. If
    your employer does not have any forms, call (307) 777-7441, or
    contact your nearest Workforce Center , for information on how 
    or where to obtain an injury report form.
3. Submit the form to a local Workers’ Compensation ofce or 
    representative, or mail it to:
Wyoming Workers’ Compensation
PO Box 20207 Cheyenne, WY 82002
The fling of an injury report is not a claim for lost wages or any other 
Workers’ Compensation beneft. You must apply for benefts. To obtain 
the appropriate application form, contact Workers’ Compensation. For 
more detailed information or assistance concerning benefts and 
procedures, call the Wyoming Workers’ Compensation Division at (307) 
777-7441 or visit wyomingworkforce.org .

Get a Wyoming all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Wyoming and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Wyoming and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Wyoming Labor Law Posters 7 PDFS

Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional six required and optional Wyoming labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Wyoming Poster Name Poster Type
Required All-In-One Wyoming Labor Law Poster General Labor Law Poster
Required Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures General Labor Law Poster
Required Proper Procedures for Manual Dishwashing Food Service
Required Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures (Las temperatura internamínim adecocción) (Spanish) Food Service
Required Proper Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Service

List of all 7 Wyoming labor law posters

Wyoming Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Wyoming labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By Minimum-Wage.org **
Source: http://www.minimum-wage.org/wyoming/labor-law-posters/384-all-in-one-wyoming-labor-law-poster