
Connecticut Free Printable Labor Law Posters Connecticut — Free Required & Optional Labor Law Posters

The Connecticut Department Of Labor provides a number of mandatory and optional labor law posters for all Connecticut businesses with employees to prominently post in the workplace. These posters are meant to educate employees on a variety of labor law topics topics such as the minimum wage, occupational health & safety, and other important labor laws. provides all of Connecticut's mandatory and optional labor law posters on this page, to download or print free of charge.

All seven required state labor law posters can be printed out at your convenience on the Connecticut Department of Labor website,

Required Connecticut Labor Law Posters 6 PDFS

The Connecticut Department Of Labor requires that these six mandatory labor law posters be diaplayed by all employers in an easily-viewed area in the workplace. Most businesses in Connecticut will also need to print and post the Federal Department of Labor's mandatory labor posters in addition to these state posters.

In Connecticut, the following posters must be displayed in all workplaces: Electronic Monitoring, Minimum Wage orders, Unemployment Compensation, OSHA, Sexual Harassment, Workers' Compensation, and Managed Care.

Poster Class Poster Name Poster Description
Workers Compensation Law Connecticut Workers' Compensation Commission Information concerning Connecticut's worker's compensation.
Surveillance Law Electronic Monitoring Poster Information concerning Connecticut's electronic monitoring statute.
General Labor Law Poster Connecticut OHA Managed Care Poster
General Labor Law Poster Sexual Harassment is Illegal Poster
General Labor Law Poster Pregnancy Discrimination Poster Each employer with more than 3 employees must comply with these anti-discrimination and reasonable accommodation laws related to an employee or job applicant’s pregnancy, childbirth or related conditions, including lactation.
General Labor Law Poster Connecticut Wage & Workplace Administrative Regulations Information concerning Connecticut's general wage and workplace standards regulations.
General Labor Law Poster Domestic Violence Resources in Connecticut
Poster Class Poster Name Poster Description
General Labor Law Poster
Discrimination is Illegal (Spanish)
General Labor Law Poster
Connecticut Wage & Workplace Administrative Regulations (Spanish) Spanish version of information concerning Connecticut's general wage and workplace standards regulations.
General Labor Law Poster
Violencia Doméstica Recursos En Connecticut
General Labor Law Poster
Pregnancy Discrimination Poster (Spanish)

Get a Connecticut all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Connecticut and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Connecticut and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

Optional Connecticut Labor Law Posters 9 PDFS

Connecticut provides an additional nine labor law posters that are either optional to post, or mandatory only for certain types of employer. Check this list carefully to see if any of these labor posters are relevant to your business.

Poster Class Poster Name Who Must Post Poster Description
Miscellaneous Law Labor Laws in Restaurant and Food Service Employers who are in the Restaurant or Hotel Restaurant business Poster contains information concerning employees who work in restaurants and hotel restaurants in Connecticut.
General Labor Law Poster Discrimination is Illegal Flyer Optional This poster provides information on Connecticut's Illegal Discrimination laws.
General Labor Law Poster Housing Discrimination is Illegal Poster Optional This Connecticut poster pertains to housing discrimination laws.
General Labor Law Poster Connecticut Mercantile and Retail Employers who are in Mercantile Trade or Retail Connecticut poster contains information concerning employees who have been employed in the business of Mercantile Trade.
General Labor Law Poster Paid Sick Leave All Employers
General Labor Law Poster Paid Sick Leave - Spanish All Employers
Child Labor Law Connecticut Mercantile and Retail - Minors Employers of minors who are in Mercantile Trade or Retail Information concerning Mercantile Retail Trade in Connecticut with regard to employing minors.
Child Labor Law Connecticut Restaurant and Food Service - Minors Employers of minors who are in the Restaurant or Hotel Restaurant business Information concerning restaurant and hotel restaurants in Connecticut with regard to employing minors.
Anti-Smoking Law Connecticut Smoke Free Posters Indoor Workplaces Poster made to the guidelines of the Connecticut Clean Indoor Air Act.
Poster Class Poster Name Who Must Post Poster Description
Miscellaneous Law
Labor Laws Restaurant and Food Service (Spanish) Employers who are in the Restaurant or Hotel Restaurant business Poster contains information concerning employees who work in restaurants and hotel restaurants in Connecticut.
General Labor Law Poster
Sexual Harassment is Illegal (Spanish) All Employers who employ Spanish speaking employees Poster contains information for the Connecticut workplace sexual harassment policy.

Once you have printed all needed Connecticut labor law posters, be sure to visit the free federal labor law posters page to ensure that you also acquire all mandatory Federal posters in order to comply with Department of Labor's mandatory posting laws.

Disclaimer: While does our best to keep this list of Connecticut labor law postings up to date and complete, we cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. Is a Connecticut labor poster on this page missing or out-of-date? Please let us know here so we can fix it!

Connecticut Labor Law Poster Sources:

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