District of Columbia
DCFMLA Public Health Emergency (COVID-19): Temporary Amendment Poster
The DCFMLA Public Health Emergency (COVID-19): Temporary Amendment is a District of Columbia coronavirus notice poster provided for businesses by the District of Columbia Office Of Human Rights. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Office Of Human Rights.
COVID-19 Leave during Public Health Emergency - Temporary “COVID-19” Leave under DC Family and Medical Leave Act (DCFMLA) Workplace Poster- Updated June 8, 2021 THIS COVID-19 LEAVE NOTICE APPLIES TO EMPLOYERS OF ANY SIZE WITH ONE OR MORE EMPLOYEES IN THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Effective Dates: March 11, 2020 through approximately September 30, 2021 (or the end of the public health emergency, if sooner) KEY PROVISIONS OF TEMPORARY COVID-19 LEAVE UNDER DCFMLA 1. COVID-19 Leave (D.C. Code § 32-502.01): During a declared state of public health emergency, an employee who has worked for 30 days for an employer of any size may use up to 16 weeks of “COVID-19” Leave for one of the following reasons: a. Care for Self: A recommendation from a healthcare provider to quarantine or isolate, including because the employee or an employee’s household member is high risk for serious illness from COVID-19; b. Care for Family or Household Member: A need to care for a family member or a member of the employee’s household pursuant to a government or healthcare provider’s order to quarantine or isolate; or c. Childcare Closure: A need to care for a child whose childcare facility is closed or childcare provider is unavailable. The right to COVID-19 Leave terminates when the public health emergency ends, even if an employee has not exhausted the 16-week entitlement. 2. Certification (D.C. Code § 32-502.01(c)): For COVID-19 Leave, an employer may request certification of the need for leave, including a signed, dated letter from a healthcare provider, including a probable duration, or a statement by a childcare provider or a printed statement from the childcare provider’s website. 3. Penalties: Violation of the COVID-19 Leave provision (D.C. Code § 32-502.01) could result in a civil penalty of $1000 per offense in addition to any damages outlined in D.C. Code § 32-509. 4. “COVID-19 Public Health Emergency” means Mayor’s declarations of emergencies under MO 2020- 045 and MO 2020-046 and any extensions thereof. 5. No Effect on Traditional Family and Medical Leave: CSEA does not change the definitions of employer and employee, or eligibility for traditional family and medical leave entitlements, i.e., the employee must have worked for one year without a break in service and at least 1,000 hours in the preceding twelve months, and only employers with 20 or more employees are covered. Guidance on traditional family and medical leave can be found at: ohr.dc.gov/page/OHRGuidance. (Continued on next page) ohr.dc.gov phone: (202) 727-4559 fax: (202) 727-9589 441 4th Street NW, Suit e 570N, Washington, DC 20001 ohr.dc.gov phone: (202) 727-4559 fax: (202) 727-9589 441 4th Street NW, Suite 570N, Washington, DC 20001 Filing a Complaint of a Violation If you believe an employer has wrongfully denied you “COVID-19” leave, family leave, medical leave, or retaliated against you under this statute, you can file a complaint within one year of the incident with the Office of Human Rights (OHR). To file a complaint, visit ohr.dc.gov. Questions about the OHR process can also be answered by phone at (202) 727-4559. EMPLOYER POSTING REQUIREMENTS ALL employers, regardless of size, must post and maintain this COVID-19 Leave Notice in a conspicuous place. An employer that willfully fails to post this notice may be ordered to pay a fine of up to $100 for each day the employer fails to post the notice. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS OHR issued an interpretational guidance with answers to frequently asked questions, which may be accessed here: ohr.dc.gov/page/OHRGuidance.
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More District of Columbia Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional 22 required and optional District of Columbia labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
District of Columbia Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Workers' Compensation Notice | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Unemployment Compensation | Unemployment Law |
Required Accrued Sick and Safe Leave Act | Sick Leave Law |
Required District of Columbia Minimum Wage Poster | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Protecting Pregnant Workers Act | General Labor Law Poster |
List of all 23 District of Columbia labor law posters
District of Columbia Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://ohr.dc.gov/sites/default/files/dc/sites/ohr/publication/attachments/COVID-19%20Leave_EmployerPoster_rev060821.pdf
, last updated May 2020
- District of Columbia Labor Law Poster Page at http://ohr.dc.gov/workplaceposters
- District of Columbia Office Of Human Rights at http://ohr.dc.gov/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of District of Columbia labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.