Workers' Compensation Notice
The Workers' Compensation Notice is an Illinois workers compensation law poster provided for businesses by the Illinois Department Of Labor. This is a required poster for all Illinois employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This mandatory poster is a summary of workers' compensation laws in Illinois. It includes instructions for how to file a claim and seek medical attention after a work-related injury or illness. Employers must fill in the insurance agency responsible for their company on the poster.
WORKERS' COMPENSATION is a system of benefits provided by law to most workers who have job -related injuries or illnesses. Benefits are paid for injuries that are caused, in whole or in part, by an employee's work. T\ his may include the aggravation of a pre -existing condition, injuries brought on by the repetitive use of a part of the bo\ dy, heart attacks, or any other physical problem caus ed by work. Benefits are paid regardless of fault. IF YOU HAVE A WORK -RELATED INJURY OR ILLNESS, TAKE THE FOLLOWI NG STEPS: 1. GET MEDICAL ASSISTANCE. By law, your employer must pay for all necessary medical services requir\ ed to cure or relieve the effects of the injury or illness. Where necessary, the employer must also pay for physical, mental, or vocational reha bilitation, within prescribed limits. The employee may choose two physicians, surgeons, or hospitals. If the employer notifies you that it has a n approved Preferred Provider Program for workers’ compensation , the PPP counts as one of your two choices of providers. 2. NOTIFY YOUR EMPLOYER. You must notify your employer of the accidental injury or illness within \ 45 days, either oral ly or in writing. To avoid possible delays, it is recommended the notic\ e also include your name, address, telephone number, Social Security number, and a brief description of the\ injury or illness. 3. LEARN YOUR RIGHTS. Your employer is required by law to report accidents that result in more than three lost work days to the Workers’ Compensation Commission. Once the accident\ is reported, you should receive a handbook that explains the law, benefits, and procedures. If you need a handbook, ple\ ase call t he Commission or go to the Web site. If you must lose time from work to recover from the injury or illness, y\ ou may be entitled to receive weekly payments and necessary medical care until you are able to return to work that is reas\ onably available to you . It is against the law for an employer to harass, discharge, refuse to re\ hire or in any way discriminate against an employee for exercising his or her rights under the Workers' Compensation or Occu\ pational Diseases Acts. If you file a fraudulent clai m, you may be penalized under the law. 4. KEEP WITHIN THE TIME LIMITS. Generally, claims must be filed within three years of the injury or disablement from an occupational disease, or within two years of the las\ t workers' compensation payment, whichever is later. Claims for pneumoconiosis, radiological exposure, asbestosis, or\ similar diseases have special requirements. Injured workers have the right to reopen their case within 30 months aft\ er an award is made if the disability increases, but cases tha t are resolved by a lump -sum settlement contract approved by the Commission cannot be reopened. \ Only settlements approved by the Commission are binding. For more information, go to the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commis\ sion’s Web site or call any offi ce: Toll -free: 866/352 -3033 Chicago: 312/814 -6611 Peoria: 309/671 -3019 Springfield: 217/785 -7087 Web site: Collinsville: 618/346 -3450 Rockford: 815/987 -7292 TDD (Deaf): 312/814 -2959 BY LAW , EMPLOYERS MUST DISPL AY THIS NOTICE IN A PROMINENT PLACE IN EACH WORKPLACE AN D COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW . Party handling workersʼ compensation claims Business address Business phone Effective date Termination date Policy number Employer's FEIN ICPN 10/11 Printed by the authority of the State of Illinois.
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More Illinois Labor Law Posters
9 PDFS provides an additional eight required and optional Illinois labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Illinois Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Paid Leave for All Workers Act Notice | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Pregnancy In The Workplace - Illinois HRA (El EMBARAZO y sus DERECHOS en el LUGAR de TRABAJO) (Spanish) | Workers Rights Law |
Required Pregnancy In The Workplace - Illinois Human Rights Act | Workers Rights Law |
Required Workers' Compensation Notice | Workers Compensation Law |
List of all 9 Illinois labor law posters
Illinois Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated May 2020
- Illinois Labor Law Poster Page at
- Illinois Department Of Labor at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Illinois labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.