Illinois Required Workday Break & Meal Periods 2025
Workday Meal Periods:
By Statute
Workday Rest Periods:
By Statute
Illinois has extensive regulations providing for mandatory break periods during the workday, including both mandatory meal / lunch periods and one or more shorter rest periods. This page provides details about Illinois' meal and rest period requirements.
Mandatory Workday Lunch / Meal Breaks in Illinois
Illinois requires that employees receive a lunch break of at least 20 minutes, no later than 5 hours after the start of the work period, if they work a shift of 7 ½ hours or more.
Hotel room attendants - defined as "those persons who clean or put guest rooms in order in a hotel or other establishment licensed for transient occupancy" - must receive one 30-minute meal period during each workday in which they work at least seven hours.
Which employees are covered by Illinois' meal period regulations?
Illinois' lunch break laws apply to establishments located in a county with a population greater than three million.
The law excludes employees whose meal periods are established by collective bargaining agreements. Different requirements apply to employees who monitor individuals with developmental disabilities and/or mental illness.
Additional Meal Period Information
The employee's break area must be provided with adequate seating and tables in a clean and comfortable environment. Clean drinking water must be provided without charge. The employer must keep complete and accurate records of the break periods. Hotel room attendants may not be required to work during a break period.
Note: Illinois Has Special Regulations for Minor Employees
In addition to a general regulation requiring meal periods for employees, Illinois has special regulations that require meal periods for minors under age 18. These regulations, which require more frequent and / or longer meal / break periods, take precedence over the general regulations for minor employees. Learn more about Illinois' child labor regulations here.
Mandatory Workday Rest Periods in Illinois
Illinois only requires paid rest periods for hotel room attendants, defined as "those persons who clean or put guest rooms in order in a hotel or other establishment licensed for transient occupancy". Hotel attendants must receive a minimum of two 15-minute paid rest breaks period in each workday in which they work at least seven hours.
Which employees are covered by Illinois' rest period regulations?
Mandatory rest periods apply to establishments located in a county with a population greater than three million.
Additional Rest Period Information
Employees may not be required to work during a break period. A break area must be provided with adequate seating and tables in a clean and comfortable environment. Clean drinking water must be provided without charge. Employers must keep complete and accurate records of the break periods.
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