3-In-One Labor Poster (OUTDATED)
The 3-In-One Labor Poster (OUTDATED) is a Nebraska general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Nebraska Department Of Labor. This is a required poster for all Nebraska employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
This poster packet contains copies of all of Nebraska's mandatory labor law posters. This file contains everything you need to print out and prominently display to be in compliance with Nebraska labor law.
UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE: ADVISEMENT OF BENEFIT RIGHTS 001. This chapter is adopted pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §§48-626, 48-627, 48-629, and 48-607. 002. A. For benefi t years beginning prior to October 1, 2015, an individual who wants to make a claim for unemployment benefi ts shall fi le his or her application for benefi ts through the Nebraska Department of Labor Claims Center’s online web application available at The individual shall provide such information as required on the application. Each application shall be signed by electronic signature or handwritten on a form prescribed by the Commissioner. For benefi t years beginning on or after October 1, 2015, all claims for unemployment benefi ts, except claims involving either wages paid by the military or federal government or combined with wages from state(s) other than Nebraska, shall be fi led online through the Nebraska Department of Labor Claims Center’s online web application available at unless a special accommodation is required or no reasonable access to an offi ce maintained by the Department of Labor is available. Conditions requiring a special accommodation shall include, but not be limited to, language barriers and physical and mental handicaps. If a special accommodation is required, claimants may fi le an application for benefi ts through the Nebraska Department of Labor Claims Center. The individual shall provide such information as required on the application. Each application shall be signed or attested to. An application may be signed by electronic signature or handwritten on a form prescribed by the Commissioner. B. When fi ling a new initial claim, re-opening an existing claim, or fi ling a subsequent claim for unemployment benefi ts a claimant shall be required to register for work and create an active, online and searchable resume in the Nebraska Department of Labor’s web application for Reemployment and Benefi t services in accordance with 219 NAC 4. C. The initial application for benefi ts shall be effective Sunday of the week in which the applicant fi les an application with the Department. The Commissioner, for good cause, may establish a different effective date. D. A week shall be deemed to be in, within, or during that benefi t year which includes the greater part of such week. 003. A. A separate claim for benefi ts shall be made for each week of unemployment by a method of claiming prescribed by the Commissioner. B. An individual shall be ineligible for benefi ts for any week for which the individual fails to demonstrate that the individual engaged in an active and earnest search for work as required under 219 NAC 4. C. If prescribed by the Commissioner, a claim form will be mailed by the Department and shall be completed by the claimant and returned to and received by the Department within ten days of the later of the date mailed or the week ending date which will be stated on the form. A claimant who fails to timely return the claim form shall be ineligible for that week’s benefi ts unless good cause for the late return can be shown. If found ineligible, such applicant shall also be ineligible for benefi ts for any intervening weeks until the week in which the claim form is returned, regardless of cause. D. An electronic media claim transaction shall be completed by the claimant and received by the Department by the Friday following the most recent week ending date. The failure of a claimant to timely complete an electronic media transaction shall be the basis for a denial of that week’s benefi ts unless good cause for the late transaction can be shown. Any intervening weeks until the week in which the transaction was completed and received by the Department shall also be denied, regardless of cause. E. A claim for benefi ts shall be fi led for waiting week credit even though benefi ts are not payable for that week. F. A claim for benefi ts shall be fi led for each week of eligibility during the time an applicant is awaiting the results of an appeal hearing if the applicant intends to claim benefi ts during that time period. 004. The Department may direct a claimant to contact one of its offi ces to meet eligibility or other reporting requirements, or to provide other information as needed in the administration of Nebraska Employment Security Law. Unless good cause is shown, failure to contact the offi ce as directed may result in the denial of benefi ts beginning with the week the claimant was scheduled to report and ending the Saturday prior to the week in which he/she reports to the Department. 005. In the event that wage information cannot be obtained from an employer, the Department may request that such information be provided by the claimant. The claimant may be required to provide payroll check stubs, W-2s, or other reliable information corroborating the amount of wages stated by the claimant. A failure by the claimant to comply with such a request by the due date on the form shall cause the claim to be processed without the requested wages and may result in a denial of benefi ts until the week in which the information regarding requested wages is received by the Department. 006. In the event of a major disaster declared by both the Governor of the State of Nebraska and the President, the Commissioner may permit backdating of the effective date of unemployment insurance claims to agree with the effective date of the federal disaster period. 007. Each worker engaged in employment covered by the Nebraska Employment Security Law, including service covered by election of an employer, shall procure a federal social security account number and furnish that number to every employer for whom that worker performs covered employment. 008. Weeks of disqualifi cation assessed pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §48-628 and reductions in benefi ts determined pursuant to Neb. Rev. Stat. §48-626 shall be determined in accordance with the number of weeks of disqualifi cation in effect on the applicable date of the most recently fi led initial, transitional or additional claim. TITLE 219 - DEPARTMENT OF LABOR: CHAPTER 2 - CLAIMS FOR BENEFITS Updated: 9/21/2016 To le an a claim for unemployment bene ts, go to Notice to Employees Except as provided below, every employer of four or more persons at any one time shall pay its employees a minimum wage of nine dollars per hour. • If the employee is compensated by way of gratuities, the employer shall pay wages at the minimum rate of two dollars and thirteen cents per hour, plus all gratuities given to them for services rendered. The sum of wages and gratuities received by each person compensated by way of gratuities shall equal or exceed nine per hour. • Any employer employing student-learners as part of a bona fi de vocational training program shall pay such student-learners’ wages at a rate of at least seventy-fi ve percent of the minimum wage rate. • An employer may pay a new employee younger than 20 who is not a seasonal or migrant worker, a training wage of at least seventy-fi ve percent of the federal minimum wage for ninety days from the date the new employee was hired, subject to the terms and conditions described in Neb. Rev. Stat. §48-1203.01. 48-1202. For purposes of the Wage and Hour Act, unless the context otherwise requires: 1. Employ shall include to permit to work; 2. Employer shall include any individual, partnership, limited liability company, association, corporation, business trust, legal representative, or organized group of persons employing four or more employees at any one time except for seasonal em- ployment of not more than twenty weeks in any calendar year, acting directly or indirectly in the interest of an employer in relation to an employee, but shall not include the United States, the state, or any political subdivision thereof; 3. Employee shall include any individual employed by any employer but shall not include: a. Any individual employed in agriculture; b. Any individual employed as a baby-sitter in or about a private home; c. Any individual employed in a bona fi de executive, administrative, or professional capacity or as a superintendent or supervisor; d. Any individual employed by the United States or by the state or any political subdivision thereof; e. Any individual engaged in the activities of an educational, charitable, r eligious, or nonprofi t organization when the em- ployer-employee relationship does not in fact exist or when the services rendered to such organization are on a voluntary basis; f. Apprentices and learners otherwise provided by law; g. Veterans in training under supervision of the United States Department of Veterans Affairs; h. A child in the employment of his or her parent or a parent in the employment of his or her child; or i. Any person who, directly or indirectly, is receiving any form of federal, state, county, or local aid or welfare and who is physically or mentally disabled and employed in a program of rehabilitation, who shall receive a wage at a level consis- tent with his or her health, effi ciency, and general well-being; 4. Occupational classifi cation shall mean a classifi cation established by the Dictionary of Occupational Titles prepared by the United States Department of Labor; and 5. Wages shall mean all remuneration for personal services, including commissions and bonuses and the cash value of all remunerations in any medium other than cash. Effective January 1, 2016 $9.00 per Hour For further information regarding the Nebraska Wage and Hour Act, contact the Nebraska Department of Labor Updated: 10/5/2016 Minimum Wage in Nebraska PHONE 402-471-2239 This poster is designed to fulfill three state workplace posting requirements. It does not necessarily fulfill ALL workplace posting requirements. Check periodically for poster updates. Updated: 9/21/16
Get a Nebraska all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Nebraska and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Nebraska and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster Now
More Nebraska Labor Law Posters
9 PDFS provides an additional eight required and optional Nebraska labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Nebraska Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Unemployment Insurance Advisement of Benefit Rights | Unemployment Law |
Required Nebraska Minimum Wage (2023) | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Nebraska's Federal All-In-One Poster | Job Safety Law |
Required 3-In-One Labor Poster (OUTDATED) | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Discrimination in Employment, Housing, and Public Accommodations is Prohibited by State Law | Equal Opportunity Law |
List of all 9 Nebraska labor law posters
Nebraska Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated May 2020
- Nebraska Labor Law Poster Page at
- Nebraska Department Of Labor at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Nebraska labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.