
Oklahoma Printable Free Minimum Wage Law Posters Oklahoma State Minimum Wage Poster Mandatory

The State Minimum Wage is an Oklahoma minimum wage law poster provided for businesses by the Oklahoma Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. This is a required poster for all Oklahoma employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.

This is a state labor poster enforced by the state Department of Labor. It’s a mandatory posting required of all employers within the state. It provides information about the prevailing rate of minimum wage payable to all covered employees within the state for every hour of service. The Oklahoma minimum wage poster highlights the rights of covered workers while also indicating responsibilities of employers within the state. The poster defines workers who qualify and or are exempted, including workers and employers, from the provisions of the state minimum pay law. It contains information about overtime pay and penalties for infraction. The poster also indicates where and how to file a related claim. The poster must be correctly posted by covered employers at a conspicuous place where all workers can access. Failure to comply with the posting and law can and may attract fines and or sanctions.

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ou r Rights Under the 
Oklahoma Minimum Wag e Act  Employee Health, Morals  & Wages
It’ s against  the  law  for employers to have workers in jobs  that hur t their health.  It’s against  the law  for employers to have workers 
in jobs that hurt their morals.  It’s against  the law for employers  to pay  workers less  than adequate wages.   Federal Minimum W
Unless the law says  it’s okay, employers  can’t pay  less  than the  federal minimum wage.   Employer Defined
 The law defines 
an “employer”  as  having ten  or more full-time workers  in one place  or more  than $100,000  of business a year.   Employee Defined 
The law says  an “employee”  is  a worker for  an “employe r.”  But,  an “employee”  is  not:  
(1 ) a worker  on a farm; a worker  on a ranch; a worker with animals  on a farm or ranch;  or a mechanic  on a farm or ranch;
(2 ) a maid;
(3 ) a federal government worker;
(4 ) someone  who volunteers  for a charity, church, or nonprofit club;
(5 ) a newspaper vendor or carrier;
(6 ) a railroad worker;
(7 ) any worker who  is already being paid the federal minimum wage  or more;
(8 ) executives; someone in an administrative job; professionals; or an  “outside” salesman;
(9) any person employed  as part-time employee  not on  permanent status. A part-time employee  is defined  as an employee who  is
employed less than twenty-five (25) hours a week;
(10 )anyone younger than  18 who hasn’t graduated from school, and anyone younger than  22 who is in  school;
(11 )anyone who works  in a feedstore;  or
(12 )a reserve deputy sheriff. Uniforms 
The law says  the cost of uniforms given  to workers can be added to wages  in figuring the minimum wage. 
Investigation  of Wage Claims 
The  law  says  the  Commissioner  of Labor,  Leslie Osborn, can  investigate  whether  wages  are  due workers.  She will  write  down 
he r findings.  If any  employee’ s  employment  has  terminated  and the  Commissioner  finds  that  wages are  due,  a penalty of 2% 
per  day up  to  the total amount of  the wage claim may be added to  the wages due. She will mail her findings to  the employer and 
the worker by certified mail.  If the employer pays  the wages (and the penalty) and the worker accepts  the payment, that’s the end 
of t he wage claim. 
Employer Liability 
If  a  court  finds an employer  hasn’t paid  all wages  due, the la w says  the employer  is liable  for double  the amount  of the wages 
minus  any sums  already  paid to  the worker.  The employer  is also  liable  for court  costs  and reasonable  attorney fees of at least 
$100 . Th e employer  can’t  defend a  wage claim  by arguing that there  was  an agreement with the  worker  to work for less  than the  
lawful wage. The law says an employer  who p ays or even agrees to pay less  than the lawful wage is guilty of a misdemeanor.  The 
punishment  could be a fine  of not more  than $500.  The punishment  could be as  much as six  (6) months  in the  county  jail. The 
punishment could  be both  a fine and jail time. 
www.ok.gov/odol  Oklahoma  Department 
of Labor        Employment  Standards Division

Get an Oklahoma all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Oklahoma and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Oklahoma and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Oklahoma Labor Law Posters 8 PDFS

Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional seven required and optional Oklahoma labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Oklahoma Poster Name Poster Type
Required State Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Law
Required Your Rights Under the Oklahoma Minimum Wage Act General Labor Law Poster
Required Unemployment Insurance General Labor Law Poster
Required Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Notice and Instruction to Employers and Employees General Labor Law Poster
Required Workers' Compensation Notice (Spanish) General Labor Law Poster

List of all 8 Oklahoma labor law posters

Oklahoma Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Oklahoma labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By Minimum-Wage.org **
Source: http://www.minimum-wage.org/oklahoma/labor-law-posters/275-state-minimum-wage