
Oklahoma Work Smoke Break & Rest Period Laws Oklahoma Required Workday Break & Meal Periods 2025

Workday Meal Periods:

No Regulation

Workday Rest Periods:

No Regulation

Mandatory Workday Lunch / Meal Breaks in Oklahoma

While many states have labor regulations specifying the timing and duration of meal breaks that must be provided to employees, the Oklahoma government has no such laws. Therefore, in unless state law specifies otherwise, meal breaks are scheduled at the discretion of the employer.

Note: Oklahoma Has Special Regulations for Minor Employees

Although Oklahoma does not require meal periods for adult employees, separate state regulations define required meal and/or break periods for minor employees under age 18. Learn more about Oklahoma's child labor regulations here.

Mandatory Workday Rest Periods in Oklahoma

While some states have labor regulations requiring that employees be allowed one or more workday rest periods, the Oklahoma government has no such regulations. Therefore, in Oklahoma, any breaks or rest periods are provided to employees at the discretion of the employer.

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** This Document Provided By Minimum-Wage.org **
Source: http://www.minimum-wage.org/oklahoma/required-breaks-and-meal-periods