Public Employees Have a Right to a Safe & Healthful Workplace Poster
The Public Employees Have a Right to a Safe & Healthful Workplace is an Oklahoma general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Oklahoma Oklahoma Employment Security Commission. This notification is required for some employers, such as public employers.
Public Employees Have a Right to a Safe & Healthful Workplace The Oklahoma Occupational Health & Safety Standards Act of 1970 provides job safety and health protection for public workers. Rules have been adopted which include both employer and employee responsibilities. These include state, county, city and public school agencies and certain public trusts. Responsibility of Employers Public employers are responsible for workplace safety and health of employees. This includes written programs, processes and training. Responsibility of Employees Employees are responsible for following safety and health rules. This includes using equipment and personal protective devices properly. Unsafe Equipment and/or Procedures You have the right to bring unsafe equipment and/or procedures to the attention of a supervisor or the designated safety officer. Adverse Action Remedy You have the right to file a complaint with the Oklahoma Department of Labor for any adverse action taken against you for reporting hazards. Employees’ Right to File Complaint You have the right to file a complaint with the Oklahoma Department of Labor concerning investigations of unsafe working conditions. Employees’ Right to View Certain Records You have the right to view certain records regarding workplace injuries, illnesses, or fatalities for your agency. A summary for this information must be posted at your work site each year from February through April. Employees’ Right to View Their Files You have the right to view or make copies of your medical records or records of your exposure to toxic and harmful substances or conditions. Required Posting of this Notice This notice must be posted in your workplace. Contact Information You may contact the Oklahoma Department of Labor at the website and toll-free number below or contact the Department direct: 3017 North Stiles, Suite 100, Oklahoma City, OK 73105 , 405-521- 6100 , www.labor.ok.gov IT’S THE LAW! 1-888 -269 -5353 www.labor.ok.gov Oklahoma Department of Labor Public Employee Occupational Safety & Health Unit The Oklahoma Occupational Health & Safety Standards Act of 1970 provides job safety and health protection for public workers by promoting safe and healthful working conditions. As authorized by the Act, rules have been adopted to prevent accidents in all public work places, including public schools and all political subdivisions of city, county and state government. These rules include standards contained in the Federal Occupational Safety & Health Act of 1970 (OSHA) and other safety and health standards derived from national consensus standards. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE JOB SAFETY & HEALTH PROTECTION Each public employer shall establish and maintain safe and healthful workplace conditions. Appropriate safety devices shall be used where necessary to protect the life, health and safety of all public employees. No employer shall interfere with the use of any method or proces s adopted for the protection of an employee or any other person lawfully within such place of employment. No employer shall fail to obey orders necessary to protect the life, safety and health of public employees. Public employers must allow their employee s to participate in mandatory training and education programs. No public employee shall willfully remove, displace, damage, destroy, carry off or in any way interfere with the use of any safety device or safeguard furnished or provided for use in any place of public employment. No employee or agent of employees shall interfere with any method or process adopted for the protection of any employee or of any other person lawfully within such place of employment. No employee shall fail to obey orders neces sary to protect the life, safety and health of public employees. Public employees must participate in mandatory training and education programs. Without prior notification, autho rized inspectors from the Okla homa Department of Labor may, at any reasonabl e time, enter and inspect public places of employment in order to investigate matters deemed appropriate, and to determine if any person is violating any provision of the Act or any standards promulgated pursuant to it. Public employees have the right to file a complaint requesting an investigation of unsafe or unhealth ful conditions. No adverse per sonnel action may be taken against any employee who files a work - place safety or health complaint. Employees who believe they have been discriminated against on this basis may file a complaint with the Oklahoma Department of Labor. If upon inspection the Oklahoma Department of Labor believes a public employer has violated the Act, a notice alleging such violation(s) will be issued to the employer. The notice will specify the time frame in which each violation must be corrected or a response provided. The Commissioner of Labor may require the violation(s) be corrected immediately and/or the alleged violator appear before the Commissioner or a designated represe ntative at a specified time and place to answer the charges. The Attorney General, upon request of the Commissioner of Labor, shall bring an action against any person who violates any of the provisions of the Act or violates any order or determination of the Commissioner promulgated pursuant to the Act. Any public employer or political subdivision failing to comply with any standards or interfering with, impeding or in any manner obstructing the administration of standards pursuan t to the provisions of the Act may be charged with a misdemeanor. Additionally, such employers or political subdivisions may be prevented, by cease and desist orders, from continuing such violation(s). Each day in which each violation occurs shall constitu te a separate violation. Safety and health education and training is the best way to help prevent and c ontrol occupational accidents. The Department of Labor provides public employers w ith free consultation services. The Department recognizes the outstandi ng efforts of participating em ployers . Public employers must maintain ac curate work - related injury, ex posure and illness incident records. Employers are to use the OK - 300 recordkeeping system or its substantial equivalent. Calendar year totals ( excluding names of employees) must be posted no later than February 1st of the year following the calendar year to which the report applies. This information must remain posted through the month of April. Public employers are required to maintain written s afety and health programs. This poster must be displayed in one or more conspicuous places where notices to employees are customarily posted. For assistance or additional information, contact: Oklahoma Department of Labor Public Employee Occupational Sa fety & Health 3017 North Stiles, Suite 100 Oklahoma City, OK 73105 405 - 521 - 6100 888 - 269 - 5353 EMPLOYERS EMPLOYEES INSPECTIONS COMPLAINTS VIOLATIONS PROPOSED PENALTIES VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS POSTING INSTRUCTIONS Leslie Osborn Commissioner of Labor Oklahoma Department of Labor www.labor.ok.gov
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More Oklahoma Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional seven required and optional Oklahoma labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Oklahoma Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required State Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Your Rights Under the Oklahoma Minimum Wage Act | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Unemployment Insurance | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Notice and Instruction to Employers and Employees | General Labor Law Poster |
Required Workers' Compensation Notice (Spanish) | General Labor Law Poster |
List of all 8 Oklahoma labor law posters
Oklahoma Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://www.ok.gov/odol/documents/PEOSHPoster..pdf
, last updated May 2020
- Oklahoma Labor Law Poster Page at http://www.ok.gov/oesc_web/Services/Employment_&_Training/Labor_Law_Posters.html
- Oklahoma Oklahoma Employment Security Commission at http://www.ok.gov/oesc_web/index.html
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Oklahoma labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.