Rhode Island
RI-DLT Combination Poster
The RI-DLT Combination Poster is a Rhode Island general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Rhode Island Department Of Labor and Training. This is a required poster for all Rhode Island employers, and any business that fails to post this notification may be subject to penalties or fines.
Attention Employees - MINIMUM WAGE - Rhode Island RHODE ISLAND PARENTAL AND FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT Enforcement - DLT may bring criminal action against any employer who pays substandard wages to an employee, and may seek, upon conviction, a penalty up to $500 and/or imprisonment of up to 90 days. Each week an employer fails to pay the applicable minimum wage constitutes a separate violation. Any employer who hinders or delays the DLT Director or authorized representative in the performance of duties in the enforcement of the law; refuses to admit the Director or said representative to any place of employment; fails to make, keep, and preser ve, any records as required; falsifies any such record; refuses to make such record accessible to the Director or said representative upon demand; or refuses to furnish a sworn statement of such record or any other information needed for the proper enforcement of this law, shall be deemed in violation and subject to a fine of up to $500. Each day such violation occurs constitutes a separate offense. Visit www.dlt.ri.gov/ls or call (401) 462-WAGE (9243) for more information. DLT-L-58 (Rev. 1/2019) Overtime Pay - At least 1½ times the regular rate of pay for all hours worked over 40 in any one workweek. The law contains exemptions from minimum wage and/or overtime pay requirements for certain occupations or establishments. Mandatory Nurse Overtime - a hospital may not require cer tain nurses and cer tified nurse assistants to work over time except in an unforeseeable emergency. Minimum Shift Hours - Employees requested or permitted to repor t for duty at the beginning of a work shift must be provided with 3 hours work or 3 hours wages. Retail establishment employees must be provided with 4 hours work on Sundays and Holidays. Child Labor - Employees must be at least 16 years old to work in most nonfarm jobs and 18 to work in nonfarm jobs declared hazardous by the U.S. Secretary of Labor . Youths 14 and 15 may work, with a special permit issued by local school officials, in various jobs outside school hours under cer tain conditions. Different rules apply to agriculture employment. Employer s with 50 or more employees must grant an unpaid leave of absence upon the request of an eligible employee, for 13 consecutive weeks in any two calendar years, under cer tain conditions. Employees are Eligible to apply for leave if they work full-time, an average of 30 hours or more per week and have been employed continuously for at least 12 months. Purpose of Leave - Under the Act, the leave must be for one or more of the following reasons: 1. Bir th of a child of an employee. 2. Placement of a child 16 years of age or less with an employee in connection with the adoption of such child by the employee. 3. “Serious illness” of the employee or the employee’s parent, spouse, child, mother-in-law, or father-in-law.(Serious Illness is defined to mean a disabling physical or mental illness, injury, impairment or condition that involves in-patient care in a hospital, nursing home, hospice or out-patient care requiring continuing treatment or super vision by a health care provider). Requests for Leave - To be entitled to the leave, the employee must give at least 30 days notice of the intended date upon which the requested leave is to begin and end, unless prevented by medical emergency from doing so. Employees may be requested to provide written cer tification from the physician of the person who is the reason for the leave request, which cer tification shall specify the probable duration of the requested leave. School Involvement Leave - An employee who has been employed for 12 consecutive months is entitled to 10 hours of leave during any 12-month period to attend school conferences or other school-related activities for a child of whom the employee is the parent, foster parent, or guardian. A notice of 24 hours prior to the leave must be given to the employer by the employee. The leave is not required to be paid; however, an employee may substitute any accrued paid vacation leave or other appropriate paid leave. Use of Sick Leave by Adoptive Parent - Any employer who allows sick time or sick leave of an employee to be used after the bir th of a child shall allow the same time to be used for the placement of a child 16 years of age or less with an employee in connection with the adoption of the child by the employee. Continuation of Health Benefits - Prior to the commencement of leave, the employee must pay his employer a sum equal to the premium required to maintain the employee’s health benefits in force during the period of leave, which sum is required to be returned to the employee within 10 days following return to work. Return from Leave - Employees who are granted leave under the Act are entitled to be restored to the position held when the leave commenced, or to a position with equivalent seniority, status, employment benefits, pay and other terms and conditions of employment, including all fringe benefits and ser vice credits that the employee had been entitled to at the commencement of the leave. Prohibited Acts - It is unlawful for any employer to interface with, restrain or deny employees the rights provided under the Act. Any discrimination or disciplinary action taken against an employee for exercising these rights under the Act, or for opposing any practice made unlawful by the Act, is also prohibited. Enforcement - Alleged violations of the Act may be complained of (1) in a civil action brought by an employee, (2) by a complaint filed with the DLT Director. Civil penalties are provided for violations of the Act or any order issued by the Director of Labor and Training. (Rev. 01/2018) Prevailing Wage for work on State/Municipal Financed Construction Project Prevailing Wage - Workers must not be paid less than the Davis Bacon wage rate for each trade listed on the Wage Determination schedule posted with this notice. Overtime rate applies when working over 8 hours a day or 40 hours a week. Apprentice rates apply only to properly registered apprentices in approved state apprenticeship programs. Workers who do not receive Proper Pay may file a complaint with the DLT; claims will be investigated. Contact the Prevailing Wage Unit at (401) 462-8580, option #7 for more information. RI General Law §37-13-17 also provides for a private right of action to collect wages and benefits. DLT-L-39 (Rev. 1/2018) Effective JANUARY 1, 202 3 - THIS LAW PROVIDES HOURLY MINIMUM WAGE FOR ALL EMPL O YEES $ 13.00 EXCEPT: Full-time students under 19 years of age working in a non-profit $ 11. 70 religious, educational, librarial or community ser vices organization. (90% of Minimum Wage) Minor s 14 and 15 years of age working not more than 24 hours in a week. $9.75 (75% of Minimum Wage) Employees receiving gratuities (as of Jan. 1, 2017): $3.89 Notice to All Employees - Information Employers Must Post Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training (DLT) Pursuant to RI General Law §28-57, you are entitled to sick and safe leave to address your own health and safety needs as well as those of your family. This leave may or may not be paid depending on the size of your employer and other factors as detailed in the law. Visit www.dlt.ri.gov/wrs or call (401) 462-WAGE (9243) for more information. (Rev. 1/2018) HEALTHY AND SAFE FAMILIES and WORKPLACES ACT RHODE ISLAND RIGHT-TO-KNOW Ignoring This Poster Can Be Hazardous To Your Health You Are Protected under Provisions of the RI EMPLOYMENT SECURITY ACT and the TEMPORARY DISABILITY INSURANCE ACT UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFITS If you become totally/par tially unemployed: 1. File your claim for benefits with the DLT the same week you are unemployed or working reduced hours. 2.File your claim online at www.dlt.ri.gov/ui or by telephone at (401) 243-9100. Visit www.dlt.ri.gov/ui for hours of operation. For more information, visit www.dlt.ri.gov/ui or call (401) 243-9100. 3. Monday is a high-volume telephone day; you may prefer to file your claim later in the week. You will need your Social Security number and name, address and telephone numbers of your employers for the last two years. If you are not a U.S. citizen, your alien registration number is required. 4. To collect unemployment benefits, the law requires that you must: a. Be unemployed through no fault of your own, b. Have earned minimum qualifying wages while you were working, c. Be physically able to work, available for work, and actively seeking work, and d. Register for work with DLT. TEMPORARY DISABILITY INSURANCE BENEFITS Eligible for TDI Benefits - If you have become ill or injured and meet all of the requirements, you may be entitled to receive benefits: 1. You are unemployed due to illness, surgery, or injury for a minimum of seven consecutive days or more, and 2. You are under the care of an approved Qualified Health Care Provider and 3. You have a timely exam: an in-office physical exam the week within the calendar week in which the first day of unemployment due to sickness occurs or within the calendar week prior or subsequent thereto. 4. You earned enough qualifying wages during the base period to be monetarily eligible. Eligible for Temporary Caregiver Insurance Benefits - If you are caring for a seriously ill: child, spouse, parent, parent in-law, grandparent, domestic par tner or you are bonding with a newborn child, adopted child or foster child within the first 12 months of parenting; you may be eligible to receive benefits if you meet the following requirements: 1. You are unemployed because you are caring for a seriously ill family member or bonding with a child and 2. You provide the depar tment with the required medical evidence of the seriously ill family member and your need to care for him/her or the required proof of parent child relationship for bonding claims and 3. You earned enough in qualifying wages to be monetarily eligible. To Apply - Complete a TDI/TCI application. TDI claims must be filed within 90 days of the first week out of work due to illness. The DLT Director may extend this period up to 26 weeks if the individual can show a good medical reason for the delay in filing. TCI claims must be filed within 30 days after the first day of leave is taken for reasons of bonding or caregiving. TDI/TCI application may be obtained online at www. dlt.ri.gov/tdi. or call (401) 462-8420, Option #1 to request an application be mailed to you. For more information, visit www.dlt.ri.gov/tdi or call (401) 462-8420. NOTE: You may be entitled to a refund of a por tion of your contributions if during the calendar year TDI contributions were deducted from your pay by more than one employer. Information may be obtained regarding a refund by calling (401) 574- 8700 or writing to the RI Division of Taxation, Employer Tax Section, One Capitol Hill, Suite 36, Providence, RI 02908-5829. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING SERVICES If you need help finding a job, DLT offers free employment and training related ser vices including: 1. Job referral and placement ser vices. 2. Resource rooms with a wide range of employment and training resources. 3. Career counseling and testing to help assess aptitudes and interests. 4. Internet access for employment and training information. 5. Job Search workshops to help you develop inter viewing skills. 6. Résumé writing seminars to help you create an effective résumé and cover letter. Visit dlt.ri.gov for a location near you. You can access many services online at www.employri.org . DLT-TX-6 (Rev. 1/2019) WORKERS’ COMPENSATION ACT of the State of Rhode Island In accordance with RI General Law §28-32-1, employers must repor t to the DLT Director every personal injury sustained by an employee if the injury incapacitates the employee from earning full wages for at least 3 days or requires medical treatment, regardless of the period of incapacity. If the injury proves fatal, the repor t must be filed within 48 hours. If not fatal, the repor t shall be made within 10 days of the injury. An injured employee shall have freedom to choose medical treatment initially. The employee’s first visit to any facility under contract or agreement with the employer or insurer to provide priority care shall not be considered the employee’s initial choice. For more information, call the Education Unit at (401) 462-8100, press #1. If you suspect fraud, contact the Fraud Prevention Unit at (401) 462-8100, press #7. DWC-8 (Rev. 1/2013) Workers’ Compensation Insurance Company: Adjusting Company: Telephone: Policy Effective Date: BAN-THE-BOX Pursuant to RI General Law §28-6.14-1, it is unlawful for an employer to include on a job application any questions regarding whether an applicant has ever been arrested, charged with or convicted of any crime. Limited exceptions exist for law enforcement agencies and related positions. Employers in violation of this law may be fined between $100-$500 per offense. Visit www.dlt.ri.gov/ls or call (401) 462-WAGE (9243) for more information. (Rev. 1/2018) Under the RI Right-To-Know Law, your employer must tell you about the dangers of any hazardous substances in your workplace. You have a right to know: • the common name or trade names of the substance, including the chemical name; • the level at w hich exposure to the substance is hazardous, if known; • the effects and symptoms of exposure at hazardous levels; • the potential for f lammability, explosion and reactivity of the substance; • appropriate emergency treatment; • proper pr ocedures for the safe use of and exposure to the substance; • proper pr otective equipment for safe use; and • procedur es for clean-up of leaks and spills. Your employer must provide you with the above information. If he or she has not, make sure you ask about it. Your company representative is: ________________________________________ The Right-To-Know Law was created to protect you. Visit http://www.dlt.ri.gov/ occusafe or call (401)462-8570, option #4 for more information. “Because not knowing about the hazardous substances you work with is the greatest hazard of all.” DLT-L-47 The RI Right-To-Know Law (Rev. 1/2018 RI General Laws §28-29-13, §28-44-38 and §28-41-15 state that these notices must be posted and maintained in conspicuous places where workers are employed . Fines may be imposed for noncompliance. DLT is an equal oppor tunity employer/program, auxiliary aids and ser vices are available on request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay 711 1/2019 MDF
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More Rhode Island Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional 22 required and optional Rhode Island labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Rhode Island Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Pregnancy Discrimination Notice | Workers Rights Law |
Required Workers' Compensation Act | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Rhode Island Unemployment Insurance and Temporary Disability Insurance Law | Unemployment Law |
Required Sexual Harassment Poster | Miscellaneous Law |
Required Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Law |
List of all 23 Rhode Island labor law posters
Rhode Island Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://dlt.ri.gov/media/15606/download?language=en
, last updated May 2020
- Rhode Island Labor Law Poster Page at http://www.dlt.ri.gov/lmi/business/post.htm
- Rhode Island Department Of Labor and Training at http://www.dlt.ri.gov/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Rhode Island labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.