Rhode Island:

Rhode Island Printable Free Food Service Posters Rhode Island Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures Poster

The Minimum Internal Cooking Temperatures is a Rhode Island food service poster provided for businesses by the Rhode Island Department Of Labor and Training. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor and Training.

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Minimum Internal 
 Cooking  Temperatures
Food  Temperature 
Fruits and vegetables for hot holding  135°F Minimum 
holding time 
Ready-to-eat, commercially 
processed foods for hot holding  135°F 
Eggs for immediate consumption  145°F 	
15 seconds	
Fish, �llets 145°F 	15 seconds	 	
Game animals, commercially raised 145°F 	15 seconds	
Lamb chops 145°F 	15 seconds	
Meat roasts: Whole meat roasts may be cooked to less than 145°F (4 minutes). 

chart in FDA Model Food Code (3-401.11(B)(2)) 
Beef roasts  145°F 
Cured pork roast (ham)  145°F 
Lamb roasts  145°F 
Pork roasts  145°F 
Veal roasts  145°F 4 minutes 
4 minutes 
4 minutes 
4 minutes 
4 minutes 
Pork chops and cutlets  145°F 	
15 seconds	
Seafood 145°F 	15 seconds 	
Veal chops and cutlets 145°F 	15 seconds	
Eggs, hot held 155°F 	17	 seconds 	
Fish, �aked 155°F 	17	 seconds 	
Hamburgers 155°F 	17	 seconds 	
Injected meats 155°F 	17 seconds	 	
Sausage 155°F 	17	 seconds 	
Poultry (chicken, duck, and turkey) 165°F 	<1 second	
Reheated foods for hot holding 165°F 	15 seconds 	
Stuffed meats, &#6684777;sh, poultry

, and pasta  165°F 	
<1 second	
Stuf&#6684777;ng made with meat, &#6684777;sh, or poultry  165°F 	<1 second	
Any potentially hazardous food cooked in a microwave 
Allow item to stand covered for 2 minutes after cooking. 165°F 	
Rhode Island Department of Health, Center for Food Protection 
For more information call (401) 222-2750  ADAPTED FROM 

Get a Rhode Island all-in-one labor law poster

Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Rhode Island and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Rhode Island and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!

Get All-In-One Poster Now

More Rhode Island Labor Law Posters 23 PDFS

Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional 22 required and optional Rhode Island labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.

Rhode Island Poster Name Poster Type
Required Pregnancy Discrimination Notice Workers Rights Law
Required Workers' Compensation Act Workers Compensation Law
Required Rhode Island Unemployment Insurance and Temporary Disability Insurance Law Unemployment Law
Required Sexual Harassment Poster Miscellaneous Law
Required Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Law

List of all 23 Rhode Island labor law posters

Rhode Island Labor Law Poster Sources:

Labor Poster Disclaimer:

While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Rhode Island labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.

** This Document Provided By Minimum-Wage.org **
Source: http://www.minimum-wage.org/rhode-island/labor-law-posters/2702-minimum-internal-cooking-temperatures