Rhode Island
What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Fact Sheet Poster
The What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Fact Sheet is a Rhode Island coronavirus notice poster provided for businesses by the Rhode Island Department Of Labor and Training. This is an optional notification, so while it is recommended that businesses hang this poster if relevant to their employees, it is not required by the Department Of Labor and Training.
CS 314937-A 03/03/2020 Wha t is c orona virus disease 2019 ( CO VID -19)? Cor onav ir us dis eas e 2019 (C OVID-19) is a r espir ator y illn ess an in vestig ation int o an outbreak in W uhan, China. Can people in the U .S. get COVID -19? Yes . CO VID-19 is s prea ding fr om person t o person in par ts o f the Uni te d S tates . R isk o f infection w ith C OVID-19 is hi gher f or people who ar e clo se c onta cts o f some one k now n to ha ve C O VID-19, f or example heal thc are w ork ers, or ho usehold memb ers. O ther peopl e at hi gh er r isk f or inf ection ar e those who liv e in or h av e r ecen tly been in an ar ea w ith ong oing sprea d o f C OVID-19. L ear n m ore a bout pl aces w ith ong oing sprea d a t h tt ps ://www .cdc .gov/c oron av ir us/2019-n co v/a bout/ tr ansmission.h tml#geogra phic . Have ther e been c ases of C OVID -19 in the U .S.? CO VID-19 in the Uni te d S tates is a vail able on C DC’s w ebpa ge at h tt ps ://www .cdc .gov/c oron av ir us/2019-n co v/ca ses -in-u s.h tml . How does C OVID -19 spr ead? animal s our ce , b ut is n ow sprea ding fr om person t o person. ar e in c lose conta ct w ith on e anoth er (w ithin a bout 6 f ee t) thr ou gh r espir ator y dr oplets pr odu ce d w hen an inf ecte d p er son c oughs or sn eez es. It als o ma y be possibl e tha t a person can ge t COVID-19 by t ou ching a s urfa ce or ob je ct th at h as the v irus on i t and th en tou ching th eir ow n mouth, n ose , or p ossibly the ir eyes , b ut this is n ot th ough t t o b e th e main w ay the v irus s prea d s. L ear n wh at is k now n a bout th e sprea d o f n ew ly emer ged c orona vir uses a t htt ps ://www .cdc .gov/ c or on av ir us/2019-n co v/a bout/tr ansmission.h tml. Wha t ar e the sympt oms of COVID -19? Patien ts w ith C OVID-19 ha ve h ad mil d to s evere r espir ator y illn ess w ith sy mptoms o f • fe v er • co u gh • sh ortn ess o f brea th W ha t ar e se ver e c omplic a tions fr om this virus? Some p atien ts ha ve p neumoni a in both lungs , multi-organ f ailur e and in s ome c ases de ath. H ow c an I help pr otec t m yself? People c an help pr ote ct th ems elves fr om r espir ator y illn ess w ith • Avoid c lose c ontact w ith people who ar e sick. • Avoid t ou ching y our e yes , n ose , an d mo uth w ith un wash ed han ds. • Wash y our han ds o ft en w ith s oap an d water f or a t least 20 s e con ds. Us e an al cohol-bas ed han d sanitiz er that c ontains a t l east 60% alc ohol if s oap an d water ar e not a vail abl e. If y ou ar e sick , to k eep fr om spr eading r espirator y illness t o others , you should • Sta y hom e when you ar e sick . • Co ver y our c ou gh or sn eez e w ith a t issue, then thr ow the t iss ue in the tr ash. • Cle an an d disinf ect fr equ ently t ou ch ed ob je cts an d s urfa ces . Wha t should I do if I r ecen tly tra veled fr om an ar ea with ongoing spr ead of COVID -19? r estr ictions on y our mov ements f or u p to 2 w eek s. I f y ou de velop sy mptoms dur ing that p eriod (f ever, c ou gh, tr ouble car e pr ovider b efor e y ou g o, an d tell th em about y our tr av el an d car e w itho ut ex posing o ther p eople t o your illn ess. W hile sick , a v oid c ontact w ith peop le, don ’t g o out an d delay an y trav el t o r e du ce th e possibili ty o f sprea ding illn ess to others. Is ther e a vaccine? best w ay t o pr ev en t inf ection is t o take everyd ay pr ev en tiv e a ctions , like avoiding c lose conta ct w ith peopl e who are sick an d w ashing y our han ds o ft en. Is ther e a treatmen t? P eople w ith C OVID-19 c an seek medical c are t o h elp r elie ve sy mpt oms . For more information: health.ri.gov/covid What you need t o kn ow about c o ro n avirus disease 2019 ( COVID -19)
Get a Rhode Island all-in-one labor law poster
Instead of printing out pages of mandatory Rhode Island and Federal labor law posters, you can purchase a professional, laminated all-in-one labor law poster that guarantees compliance with all Rhode Island and federal posting requirements. Fully updated for March 2017!
Get All-In-One Poster Now
More Rhode Island Labor Law Posters
Minimum-Wage.org provides an additional 22 required and optional Rhode Island labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Rhode Island Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Pregnancy Discrimination Notice | Workers Rights Law |
Required Workers' Compensation Act | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Rhode Island Unemployment Insurance and Temporary Disability Insurance Law | Unemployment Law |
Required Sexual Harassment Poster | Miscellaneous Law |
Required Minimum Wage | Minimum Wage Law |
List of all 23 Rhode Island labor law posters
Rhode Island Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL: https://health.ri.gov/publications/factsheets/novel-coronavirus.pdf
, last updated May 2020
- Rhode Island Labor Law Poster Page at http://www.dlt.ri.gov/lmi/business/post.htm
- Rhode Island Department Of Labor and Training at http://www.dlt.ri.gov/
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While Minimum-Wage.org does our best to keep our list of Rhode Island labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.