Family Leave Poster
The Family Leave Poster is a Vermont general labor law poster poster provided for businesses by the Vermont Department Of Labor. This notification is required for some employers, such as all employers.
Vermont’s Parental Leave Law covers employers with 10 or more workers who work an average of 30 \ hours per week over the course of a year. Vermont’s Family Leave Law, which includes Short-Term Family Leave, covers employers with 15 or more workers who work an average of 30 hours per week over the course of a year. A worker who has worked for a covered employer for an average of 30 hours\ a week for a year is entitled to leave under these laws. During any 12 month period, the worker is entitled to \ up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave: •Parental Leave : during the pregnancy and/or after childbirth; or, within a year following the initial placement of a child 16 years of age or younger with the worker for the purpose of adop\ tion; •Family Leave: for the serious illness of the worker, worker’s child, stepchild, ward, foster child, party to a civil union, parent, spouse, or parent of the worker’s spouse; and, in addition to the leave provided in 21 V.S.A. Sec. 472, a worker is entitled to short-term family leave of up to 4 hours in any 30 day period (but not more than 24 hours in any 12 mont\ h period) of unpaid leave: Short-Term Family Leave : to participate in preschool or school activities directly related to the academic advancement of the worker’s child, stepchild, foster child or ward who lives with the worker; to a\ ttend or to accompany the worker’s child, stepchild, foster child or ward who lives with the worker or th\ e worker’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law to routine medical or dental appointments ; to accompany the worker’s parent, spouse, or parent-in-law to other appointments for professional services related to their care and well-being; to respond to a medical emergency involving the employee’s child, stepchild, foster child or ward who lives with the worker or th\ e employee’s parent, spouse or parent-in-law. The worker must give reasonable written notice of intent to take family or parental leave, including the anticipated dates the leave will start and end. The employer may not require notice more than 6 weeks prior to birth or \ adoption. If serious illness is claimed, the employer may require certification from a physician. For short-term family leave , a worker must give notice as early as possible, at least seven days before the le\ ave is to be taken unless waiting seven days could have a significant adverse impact on the employee’s family member. A worker may choose to use sick leave, or vacation leave, or any other ac\ crued paid leave time during the leave, up to six weeks. The employer may not require the worker to do so. Use of paid leave does\ not extend the overall leave time to which the worker is entitled. The employer must continue to provide all worker benefits unchanged during the leave period, but may require the worker to contribute to the cost at the existing rate of worker contribu\ tion. Upon return from leave, a worker must be offered the job held previously or a comparable one at equal pay, benefits, seniority, and other terms and conditions. Exceptions: A worker is not entitled to leave under the Parental and Family Leave Act if the employer can prove by clear and convincing evidence that: •Layoff: during the period of leave the employee’s job would have been terminated or the worker would have been laid off for reasons unrelated to the leave; or •Unique Services: the worker performed unique services and hiring a permanent replacemen\ t during the leave, after giving the worker notice of intent to do so, was the employer’s only available alternative to prevent substantial and grievous economic injury. This law sets a minimum standard for parental and family leave rights. I\ t does not prevent an employer from offering a more generous leave policy and does not reduce an employer’s obligation under a collective bargaining agreement or existing program that provides greater leave rig\ hts than the law requires. EMPLOYEES ARE PROTECTED FROM RETALIATION OF ANY KIND IN CONNECTION WITH THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS LAW. A worker aggrieved by a violation of this law may: • bring a private lawsuit for injunctive relief, economic damages including prospective lost wages for a period not to exceed one year, attorney fees and court costs; • (if you are not a state worker) lodge a complaint with the Office of the Attorney General at 828-3657 , or (if you are a state worker) lodge a complaint with the Vermont Human Rights Commission at 828-2480. These agencies may investigate your complaint and bring action in court to enf\ orce this law. To obtain copies of this poster, call the Vermont Department of Labor at 828-0267 or visit our website at: / WH-14 (03/14) Equal Opportunity is the LawThe State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women, individuals with disabilities, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals wi\ th disabilities. 711 (TTY/Relay Service) or 802-828-4203 TDD (Vermont Department of Labor). Parental Leave, Family Leave, and Short-Term Family Leave
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More Vermont Labor Law Posters
17 PDFS provides an additional sixteen required and optional Vermont labor law posters that may be relevant to your business. Be sure to also print and post all required state labor law posters, as well as all of the mandatory federal labor law posters.
Vermont Poster Name | Poster Type |
Required Vermont Employer's Liability and Workers' Compensation | Workers Compensation Law |
Required Unemployment Insurance Information for the State of Vermont | Unemployment Law |
Required Minimum Wage in the State of Vermont | Minimum Wage Law |
Required Posting of Safety Records Notice to Employees | Job Safety Law |
Required Safety and Health Protection on the Job in Vermont | Job Safety Law |
List of all 17 Vermont labor law posters
Vermont Labor Law Poster Sources:
- Original poster PDF URL:
, last updated January 2025
- Vermont Labor Law Poster Page at
- Vermont Department Of Labor at
Labor Poster Disclaimer:
While does our best to keep our list of Vermont labor law posters updated and complete, we provide this free resource as-is and cannot be held liable for errors or omissions. If the poster on this page is out-of-date or not working, please send us a message and we will fix it ASAP.