
Vermont Work Smoke Break & Rest Period Laws Vermont Required Workday Break & Meal Periods 2025

Workday Meal Periods:


By 21V.S.A. Section 304

Workday Rest Periods:


By Statute

Vermont has extensive regulations providing for mandatory break periods during the workday, including both mandatory meal / lunch periods and one or more shorter rest periods. This page provides details about Vermont's meal and rest period requirements.

Mandatory Workday Lunch / Meal Breaks in Vermont

Vermont mandates that employees are to be given "reasonable opportunities" during work periods to eat and use toilet facilities in order to protect the health and hygiene of the employee.

Which employees are covered by Vermont's meal period regulations?

Vermont's rest period regulations apply universally to all employers within the state.

Note: Vermont Has Special Regulations for Minor Employees

In addition to a general regulation requiring meal periods for employees, Vermont has special regulations that require meal periods for minors under age 18. These regulations, which require more frequent and / or longer meal / break periods, take precedence over the general regulations for minor employees. Learn more about Vermont's child labor regulations here.

Mandatory Workday Rest Periods in Vermont

Vermont requires that employees are to be given "reasonable opportunities" during work periods to eat and use toilet facilities in order to protect the health and hygiene of the employee.

Which employees are covered by Vermont's rest period regulations?

These rules are applicable to all employers of one or more employees within the state.

Additional Rest Period Information

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