
Vermont Waitress Minimum Wage Laws Vermont Payday Frequency Laws 2025

Weekly Payday


Biweekly Payday


Semimonthly Payday


Monthly Payday

Not Permitted

How Frequently Must Vermont Employers Pay Employees?

Like Vermont, the majority of states have labor law regulations that require employers to pay employees on regularly scheduled paydays with a certain minimum frequency.

Vermont employers are required to pay most hourly employees via a regular payday at least weekly, biweekly or semimonthly.

In Vermont, employers may implement a bi-weekly or semi-monthly payday with written notice.

Exemptions from Payday Laws

Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), payday laws (and many other labor laws) were designed especially to protect hourly employees, rather than highly-compensated salaried employees. Therefore, payday laws often exempt or have looser requirements for employees considered to be "executives, professionals, or administrative employees". Outside salespeople, who are often paid on commission, are also often exempt from payday laws.

Other Payday Laws

In addition to regulating payday frequency, Vermont has other labor laws regulating things such as payroll wage garnishment, payment methods (suh as check and direct deposit), vacation pay, and final payroll following termination.

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